Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Miami is on my S23 list. Miami checks many boxes for him.
However, if your son is looking for city life, I don’t know that Miami will be a great fit. Unfortunately, neither school is diverse.

This is data from the Common Data Set for both schools. You can look this data up for almost every college. This is info for the year 2021 with language pulled from page B of each report. If you are searching for the exact number of other ethnic groups, it’s available on the Common Data Set. There are 8 categories other than white. Based on this data, you can understand why Miami has a diversity push but also why a non-white student with other options (such as your child) may be hesitant to attend. These numbers do reflect Ohio, which was 77% white according to the 2020 census.

Miami 78.5% white
16,977 undergraduates
13,332 White, non-Hisapanic

Xavier 74.7% white
5,129 Undergraduates
3.834 White, non-Hisapanic

This is a thread I posted recently about Miami. Responses were overwhelmingly positive with the cons being lack of diversity and small town.

Good luck to your son on his college journey.

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