Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Gal at my sons school just signed d1 soccer with Northern Iowa.

Recruiting is tough. My son still isn’t sure he wants to play in college and has limited film this year. I can’t see him doing football and music ed at the same time.

Good luck to your d!

SAT scores are in for the 11/6 test - anyone’s D or S take it then? S got a 1390 - 640 R/750 M. He definitely will be taking again - needs to focus on improving his reading. Guess we will aim for March test and find tutoring for that test.


Nice math score, though.

All of my kids—even the one doing very well in industrial engineering, which sometimes feels like more math than a math major, and who took math DE because her (small) high school ran out of math courses for her—have done noticeably better on the verbal than the math on both the ACT and the SAT. Not certain of the reason, honestly, it just means I’m always a little surprised when I’m reminded that it’s actually possible to have a skew the other direction.

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I’d also be thrilled with that math score.

I’ve not been keeping up with this, but I know I read that for the ACT at least, you’ll be able to retake just specific sections. Pretty sure that’s not available yet (maybe it is?) – but something I’m definitely happy about. Both my kids are lopsided toward verbal strengths, so I’m sure we’ll be taking advantage of that option.

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Ok, I give my kid a bit of a hard time as he drives me crazy with his stubbornness most of the time. But I have to give him some credit. He’s genuinely upset and worried that some really talented kids aren’t going to be cast in the musical this year. The musical they chose this year has a smaller cast it seems than past shows and there are several really talented lower-classmen he said. I know that is how it goes with musical theater. My son will likely luck out because hes a junior but fingers still crossed here.

My son was recently invited to audition for state honors choir and also was invited to a vocal arts festival as well. Both would look good on college apps if he continues to lean towards music ed as a major. (Now if only he could turn in assignments!)


Congrats to your S on getting a score on the books that he can use and build on (and knowing where to focus is great). It will be really nice to be able to put all the focus on the verbal section for prep. Was his verbal score skewed one way or another between the Reading vs. the Writing/Grammar? If so, that could help tailor the prep even more. Too bad the November test doesn’t provide QAS to allow for more targeted prep.

My D took it in November as well. She prepped some math (her weaker section) in Sept/Oct. Happily yesterday she found that her math score hit a target we’d set with her so she has a solid score for many of the schools on her list, but as it’s early junior year, she feels sure she can bump it up a bit more so that the score is reasonable even for some of her reachier schools. We’ll see - timed math tests are not her thing!

She’s decided to try the ACT in December as she’s already a little bit prepped from this fall and figures she can look over some ACT specific materials over Thanksgiving break…plus the December test provides TIR.

Too we didn’t decide she’d try the December ACT until 2 days after the regular registration deadline, so we paid a late fee and ended up with a further away testing location. I thought she was going to want to take a break and wait until 2022, but she just wants to build on her current prep and then be able to forget about it for all of second semester, and I can understand that!


Good question - he only sent me a snapshot of his scores. I will have to ask him. What I forgot about was his school actually offers SAT tests courtesy of the school district. They usually take this in March/April so that will be great giving him ample time to prepare for that one. Just wondering if he should go ahead and send his scores to the schools he’s interested in at that time? We are not going on our college tour road trip until the week after Easter so he won’t have a concrete list yet.

Do you mean whether to send the scores on the day he tests in March/April? Sending the scores on test day does save a little money, but I’d prefer to see the scores before choosing what to send and where.


Yeah I would too. I think we will go that route.

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D23 registered for her spring semester schedule this morning. She’ll be taking:

  • Physics I (DE 3 college credits/1 HS science credit): Delivered via Zoom. She’ll take the associated lab in the fall, which is apparently the norm for the college here, rather than taking them the same semester. This completes her HS science requirements.
  • American Government (DE 3 college credits/1 HS social studies credit): She’ll need to take econ next year to complete her HS social science requirements, probably in the spring.
  • Oral Communication (DE 3 college credits/1 HS elective credit): The equivalent of a required (or effectively so) gen-ed course most of the places she’s looking at applying to. This will be her first ever fully-online asynchronous (i.e., doesn’t even have Zoom meetings, it’s fully via Blackboard, which yes, struck me as weird for a speech class) class, and she’s a bit nervous about that, but it was the only section of that course available when it came time for her to register, and I suspect it’ll be useful to get experience in that modality, so there’s that, too.
  • Precalc (DE 4 college credits/1 HS math credit): Delivered via Zoom. This completes her HS math requirements. Of the places she’s likely to apply to, precalc is the highest math required for her preferred program for all but three of the least likely she’ll go to. (Those require Calc I; one other—higher on her list—requires precalc plus a stats course.) So this may be her last math course in HS, if not forever.
  • Math Advisory (½ HS elective credit): Weekly support sessions for her DE math class.
  • Junior Seminar (½ HS elective credit): Weekly college-prep sessions, including things like crafting Common App and other essays, being ready to operate independently as a college student, financial literacy, and so on.

No fine arts courses this spring (though as part of her course audit she learned she already has ½ HS fine arts credit from a 9th-grade elective), but she’ll be taking Music Theory I and Ear Training I in the fall (they’re co-requisites, 5 college credits total), since the level I courses for those are only offered by the Department of Music fall semesters here.


@dfbdfb - my D16 took an asynchronous speech class after her senior year. She had to videotape her speeches to an audience; so late one night before one was due she stood in the corner and we all gathered around her for the video. And another kid walked in . . . and thought we were having an intervention. :rofl: smiling here thinking of that. Hope her classes go well!


S23 got his 1st Quarter Report Card and got A’s and a B in Calc. He also got his SAT score and got a 1420 (720V 700M). He’s done with testing except they may give it to all Seniors next year but he won’t prepare. There are lots of other things he could do such as take classes at UPenn or Drexel or summer programs but he has no interest. I’m just hoping to get him through HS with mainly A’s and the occasional B.


Done after visiting both lol- you really called it Dolemite.

Revised (still too reach-y) list: : High Reach - Amherst, Harvard, UPenn, Yale; Reach/Target - Rice, Tufts, Wesleyan, UMichigan, Vassar; Target/Safety - Boston University, UC Boulder, UMd [College Park]

Ignoring the large public schools I’d also make the differentiation of that UPenn, Tufts, and BU are more pre-professional than the LACs, Yale and probably Harvard. So that may be a way to either eliminate or at least lean one way or the other.

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Hello all, hope Txgiving was a happy & healthy time for everyone!

Grades for 1st term were not good for S19 - a bunch of Bs and even a C+ in pre-calc honors, which he is trying so hard in.

Now he’s grumping about the time commitments of the musical. I have no idea why it’s so long, but auditions were something like the beginning of October and the performance isn’t until the last weekend of February. He has a named role - villain, but not really a lead – it’s only one song and not much in the way of dialogue, and so he finds himself sitting around a lot

He will miss mock trial b/c the musical director refuses to let anyone have any conflicts of any kind.

He knew this going in, but it’s really bothering him, now that he sees how little his part entails in the way of rehearsal.

Sigh, it’s always the problem with theater - I dealt with it with Thing 1, who had to give up being the varsity lacrosse goalie to fully commit to her theater tech role. It was the right choice for her, but not sure it’s the right choice for Thing 2. This will not be a focus, in any way, in college.

And the Italy trip - oy, I am getting way worried about the omicron variant and what it might do to that trip even happening. There’s nothing to do about it now, except kick myself for not signing up for “deluxe” trip insurance.


I feel his pain. Football starts with lifting 4-5 days a week in June with games starting end of Aug thru early November. It was real rough this year with him on the sidelines most of the time.

Our musical is in February as well. We have auditions the week before Thanksgiving with cast announced last day before holiday break. Rehearsals start Dec 1. My s23 doesn’t have a named role this year. But they do group ensemble work quite a bit which keeps his interest.

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Home stretch of 1st semester here and so far it is going well and on track, just lots for her to get through with exams and dance performances, but she is having a great year so far! For my part, I am on the hunt for possible in-person tours we can cross off this spring, based on the “short” list of roughly 18-20 schools which needs to be cut eventually to at least 15 for sanity.


S23 just visited big brother who lives 3 plus hours from home (S19/brother started at a tech school). I guess S23 stayed the night in brother’s apartment and realized it was really nice. He came home more excited for college than he has been recently. Maybe we can have some more chats over winter break and start to narrow down the huge list.


My son does not have a list. He is taking the SAT this Sat. I asked him whether he was planning to release his score to colleges and he looked at me like I was speaking Swahili.

He is starting to get promotional materials from colleges – they are going very quickly to recycling unopened. I am going to see how SAT goes and then go from there. I think community college or a gap year is needed.