Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

I’ll add a couple industry-insider sources to the list: The Chronicle of Higher Education and Inside Higher Education. Most of the Chronicle’s stuff is behind a paywall, but not everything, and they’re the go-to for solid news and analysis about higher education. IHE is free (with registration) for nearly all of their content, but they also have a slight tendency to be a little more clickbaity and even at times sensationalistic—they do good journalism, but you have to remember to double check any shocking stuff you find there.


@dfbdfb thanks for leading me down another black hole!

I exist only to serve.:rofl:

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Some kids prefer their LACs removed from town; fewer noise complaints from neighbors; bigger campus bubble, etc…

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You should add to follow student life, admissions, individual colleges/majors, etc… on Instagram and FB. I follow for at least a full year to get a good feel of what college life is like at the school, the admissions cycle, etc… (this is my 4th going to college) Another source is local news stations’ FB pages, especially if concerned about crime or even weather. You can also join some college’s parent pages on FB, to get the good bad, and ugly.

You are fine, and that is completely normal. You just don’t want to replace APs with study halls

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Interesting, my 21 had the same feelings and disappointment in her Princeton tour. Her comments echos yours. Everyone told us we were nuts. Thank you for the confirmation 4 years later.

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I have a freshman (21) at the University of Arizona and she is having an amazing experience and is in Honors college. She received a full OOS tuition scholarship, some smaller school-based scholarships, and a partial Pell. Our full out-of-pocket cost without a loan was $8000 this year. She plans on Graduate school and is double majoring in Psychological sciences, Neuro/Cognitive Science with a focus in linguistics. She is already a junior. She was accepted to some amazing schools but UofA gave her a deal that could not be passed up. If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer.


We had a very good scholarship and FA offer from SMU. I wouldn’t rule them out. Apply telling your child it is a financial long shot and we will see what happens.

@sllemon - LOL, Thanks, this is only my second but I already do a lot of social media “stalking” as well :slight_smile: Glad to know I’m not the only crazy one!!!

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we are visiting U of AZ next month. looking forward to the sun and seeing the school. glad your kid likes it!

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I posted this in the Class of 2024 thread as well.

Anyone in the LA area with a student who is interested in engineering and research? If so, the deadline to apply for the USC SHINE program is March 1.

Talked with some teachers/mentors of my S23 who said his attitude seems to be improving. They could tell he had “been through some stuff” and was not acting himself. Missing out on 2 performances was emotionally harder on my son than he thought. While the natural consequences aren’t easy, they do seem to have a solid effect.

Now hoping grades slowly improve! The musical has now ended and it was a great show. Really impressed as always!


@2plustrio glad to see the attitude improving, I’m sure the grades will follow!

D23 was accepted to Cornell PreCollege w/Dean’s scholarship (full tuition) and found out today she was also accepted to RISD PreCollege w/Balfour scholarship (full COA). Both are for fashion design, her intended major is fashion design mgmt/business.

Since PreCollege doesn’t help for admission she’s leaning toward RISD, but Cornell is her top choice next year.


i guess i could google those preCollege programs - but i have no idea what they are! sounds impressive. any quick synopsis? (have a kid at RISD) but hadnt heard of precollege.

The RISD PreCollege is a residential program (campus housing, food, etc) that is taught by dept faculty. From their site “college-level curriculum with day-long studio classes, critiques and final projects.”

She’s accepted into the fashion program, but the online info seems more well-rounded across multiple mediums. My D emailed with specific questions, so we’ll see what they say.

She also contacted the dept chair at Cornell’s Fiber Science and Design program about the course she was accepted to, and the chair said doing well would definitely help her application.

edit: I looked into RISD PC a bit more. Accepted students take foundational courses in drawing, design, and critical studies (art history) in addition to the major courses. Multiple hrs of homework expected daily. Culminates with a major-related exhibition.


Recent events may have even fewer colleges on the list. Politics may really reduce college options.


Agree. Here is an email I sent to Rice admissions office and also to undergraduate dean:

Regards, apologies for bothering you, but my son who is a junior and who is trans has Rice high on his list of schools to apply and indeed we had scheduled a visit for spring break.
In light of the horrifying news from Texas about treatment of trans kids and adults, I am extremely concerned about his safety and acceptance on campus and even more so in the surrounding community. Has Rice taken any actions or issued any statements on the comfort and safety of trans students? Would you even advise a proud and out trans student to apply at this point? Would he be viewed as a freak or even be in legal or physical danger? Thank you!


Indiana and Texas were already off the list. Likely adding Florida as well.

My s23 is white cisgender but is an ally.


FWIW, the LGBTQ+ community at Purdue, and the surrounding areas, is very strong and supportive.