Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

That’s a very nice set of schools. I’m assuming G’town gives a legacy bump.

Some other target schools to consider:
-Vanderbilt (does very well in Pre-med circles)
-William & Mary

Some schools that may be easier to get into (not necessarily safeties)
-Wake Forest
-Boston College
-George Washington

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Already mentioned, but worth reiterating.

Northeastern has become increasingly selective (for a number of reasons) and probably isn’t a match/target for most high stat applicants (6% EA acceptance rate).

However, they have a much higher ED rate (33%) for those who have NEU as a top choice. If the housing issue remains unresolved, the trend will likely continue next year for our ‘23 applicants.


Had to laugh again. After school S23 is home and singing randomly throughout the house for a couple of hours. This isn’t unusual for him. He sings in 3 choirs.

Him: Comes to the room where I am and says “Mom, I think my meds wore off.” (He finally realized he’s been quite loud.)
Me: “Yes, they do wear off after so many hours. It’s meant to help you focus on days and times you need them.”
Him: “Was I always this annoying?”
Me: “Yes buddy. Yes.”

S23 heads back to gaming with his friends. Singing.


You are going to miss that so much when he’s off to college! It is going to be very quiet here without the constant tapping from the percussionist.


Since she already has Columbia College on the list, she could also apply to Barnard College at Columbia U. Their facilities, faculty, courses, etc. are shared - and students also graduate together with a Columbia U diploma.

However, both colleges have completely separate application processes and will select candidates based on their distinct criteria/needs. So yes, with Barnard College she’d get the benefits of a small LAC on one side, joined with the resources, opportunities and social aspects of the larger university - a frequently cited reason to choose BC.

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Wesleyan is another LAC that is more of a small university feel.


Did anyone elses student get email from College Board offering a free digital SAT in April. Email says the scores will be official and can be reported to colleges. You also have to take the May or March SATs and cost of that will be refunded.

I thought we were done, but twins are intrigued. One complication is you don’t find out until week prior to digital SAT if you’ve been selected.

Interesting. Haven’t heard of this, will check with kiddo.

The first email they got went to spam.

Yes, The twins got it. They’re going to go ahead and try it! They were given 3 dates/locations in April.

They want the $50 gift card lol


Promposals. Everything I suggest is “cringe.” Um, isnt the whole idea of promposals goofy? Everything sounds ridiculous.


Spring break ends today, and most of D23’s instructors have entered midterm grades. The exception is her intro to oral communications class, but all of the assignments to date have been full credit/no credit (you know, the sort of thing where you revise til you get it right), and she’s up to date on everything, so that’s an A. Precalc and US government are both As, as well. Her achilles heel this semester is physics, and she’s fought her way to a mid to high B in that one, which is honestly impressive given her level of struggle.

She’s also built her preliminary schedule for the fall, which will be music theory and ear training (they’re co-requisites for each other), intro to business (which satisfies the state’s ½ credit of econ graduation requirement), comp II, and the physics lab. That’s 13 college/4½ high school credits, and will completely finish off her high school graduation requirements.

(She’s also considering the possibility of taking a language class. Odds are she decides against it, but she can wait to decide til the summer, even.)


My son received that offer. He’s done taking SATs but a couple of his classmates accepted the offer.

My D is registered for the digital test. I didn’t see an email but there was an option to participate in the study when she logged into her CB account. After going through the process, it seems like a done deal. I’m familiar with the area where the test is because I have another D in college just blocks away, and one concern is parking. We’ll also need to download an app for the test. I don’t think she can download that app on her school iPad so she might have to use a laptop that she’s not super familiar with. But she could use the practice and she is definitely quicker with a computer than paper and pencil so it’s worth participating.

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Good luck to your D and anyone else choosing to take digital SATs.

Twins have decided that they are to busy with EC, so no more testing. Actually canceled driving test for one today, I don’t know what we were thinking scheduling it during robotics season.


My D is waiting for the results of her first SAT and did not seem to practice beforehand, at least she didn’t touch the book I gave her. I figure she could use any practice she could get. Based on experience with my other kids, she might benefit from being able to test three times. I’m not expecting super high scores but hoping for a score to compliment her gpa. She is better at testing than handing in assignments. :crazy_face:

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Isn’t the whole point of robotics, that the robots do all the work? :joy:


touring a midwest U that offers aerospace engineering soon. right now they have an auto-merit chart; it’s all GPA based; said they are revisiting that chart for the next year’s 2023 class. found that interesting and am wondering if it’s going back to gpa/act ?

at the last school we visited aerospace was 12% female; not sure if that’s what she wants. but - with DIE a top priority now at so many workplaces i think if she stays strong she will have lots of opportunities after college.

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Same here! We feel your pain. :wink:

Awaiting ACT results here. Upper midwest, dont typically do SAT around here.

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