Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Thanks! Will look into it.

Ive been focusing on Tuition Exchange schools or places that give nice merit for music skill.

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I have been following the Parents 2022 thread and keeping an ear out at our HS and other privates in the area: so far it seems to be another atypical, not-great year, similar large number of surprise WL and rejections as last year. It is hard to believe our 23 kids are about to start the process in a few short months.


Agreed on both counts! Coming up quickly and started the college tour process yesterday - snowy and cold at Case Western! East coast tour starts Monday.

To your initial point - according to college counselor at our school, this year (class of 22) is even more challenging than class of 21. Perhaps some schools over enrolled and are dialing back a little this year?


My son is looking at liberal arts schools so no tech schools for him! He is also going to register for an intro to business class as an elective for next year.

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Iā€™ve been following the 2022 thread also. I went through this process with my S21 last year and was hopeful that things would level back out this year. Instead, it seems like this application cycle was even more brutal. I really hope things are a little smoother for our '23 kids!


Also been following the Parents of 22 thread and it seems both brutal and unpredictable. In real life, I know two different families with full pay kids with stellar records who applied to schools their older siblings are currently attending (at least one ED, then deferred). And both have been rejected this week, luckly they have acceptances they are getting excited about and I guess that is the lesson from the past two years.

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So S23 decided on his own that he wants to retake the SAT but does not want me to pay for any more tutoring - he is going to retake on June 4th as he has AP test around the may 7th one and doesnā€™t want to have to worry about both at the same time. Are there any sites that offer free practice tests? He says he has enough but I donā€™t want not having enough to be an excuse after the fact, kwim? I think heā€™s pushing for 1500ā€¦60 pt increase - is that unreasonable?

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Yes that is reasonable. My kiddo went from a 1460 to a 1500 a year later. Didnā€™t study for either one. If only she would do some prep :joy:


I think Khan Academy offers free practice stuff.


One of the twins moved from 1460 to 1540 between June and October test. I think he focused only on math and used Khan academy (I think he got serious about 2-3 weeks before the test).

He got better, but I also think he got a generous curve, something beyond his control. I did discourage him from taking the August test because I heard a lot of seniors take it for a last time and the curve is harsher, donā€™t know if thatā€™s true.


Hopefully the August scenario doesnā€™t apply to the June one - my hope is not as many take that one with it being close to year end of school! :slight_smile:

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Just announced today: MIT reinstates ACT/SAT testing requirements for our kidsā€™ high school class and beyond: We are reinstating our SAT/ACT requirement for future admissions cycles | MIT Admissions


And to add to the MIT announcement, the California Cal State system has decided to follow the UCā€™s lead and become permanently test blind.


There is no ā€œcurveā€ where how other people do affects your score. And no bad time to take the test. SAT Curve: Is It Real?


well - feeling for the class of 2023 now. this is just one thing, but wondering if there are more to go?

D23 applied to Purdueā€™s STEP summer program for engineering. Got an email this week saying they are cancelling it. Again. 3rd year in a row; basically out of concern for potential covid situations in the dorms with minors. 2023ā€™s havenā€™t had a chance to attend this, and wonā€™t before graduation. fingers crossed other summer programs for us - and everyone else - will be on! :crossed_fingers:


Iā€™m so sorry, and frankly surprised, to hear that. Purdue lifted their mask mandate, even in instructional settings after the break. STEP is such a great program that itā€™s a shame that itā€™s been cancelled again. :frowning:


yes; trying to make sense of Purdue STEP; they are erring on the side of caution i guess. canā€™t fault them for that. But in our area (midwest) CV seems so over. (eg: Friendā€™s daughter nurses at a large area hospital; there were only 9 beds filled on the covid floor. and other friendā€™s daughter nurses at a small denver hospital said they only had 1 CV patient.) we are looking at two other engineering camps, and honestly seeing my D23s interests waning; so we will see what happens.

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S23 is looking to major in Pre-vet. Animal shelter closed to volunteers until fairly recently. Others have cancelled vet camps. Tufts is online the third year in a row. Huge loss. I donā€™t blame my S for declining to do it online.


I do not believe this article is correct. Looking back on all of my kidā€™s scores (4 in total), there are some tests, where they got more questions correct and received lower scores and vice versa. There are no consistent 30 questions correct = 600 every time. It could be a 620 or 540. I think the curve comes into comparison to other kids taking the test, keeping an even bell curve, not individual student scores.

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Feeling like the cancellation of summer opportunities are a little bit of a blessing. Takes some pressure off, and this class could use some time to just learn some social skills before heading off to college