Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Well, I do think it’s a target on paper, but we are just prepping ourselves for the unexpected twists and turns we’ve seen this year. Case Western should be a target too but I know someone with a 1540 SAT and 4.0 GPA, all AP’s, terrific leadership, etc. who was waitlisted and one with similar stats who was rejected last year (this particular student showed a ton of demonstrated interest too, it was truly her # 1 choice.) I will say that Rollins and Case Western are financial reaches for sure, but both have really great competitive scholarships that I hope my son qualifies for. So a few hurdles (acceptance and $) to make those realities I guess. He really loved Rollins when we visited last summer and I could totally see him being happy there. We are from Buffalo but my sister lives about 10 minutes from Rollins, so that’s a nice perk.


I used to live about 10 minutes from Rollins, myself! Beautiful little campus—started life as a resort hotel (as is the case with a number of Florida’s LACs).


My daughter attends Loyola New Orleans. She is a popular/commercial music major with a Voice focus. Great school and city for music! They were very generous with merit too. Good luck!


My DD also loved Rollins when we visited. I think it may be her first choice, but she has lower stats than your DS, so it worried me when you listed it as a reach. It’s hard that things seem so unpredictable.

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This reinforces the fact that a school isn’t a safety if the student isn’t willing to attend. Why apply in the first place if she didn’t have a desire to attend?


I feel the same way. In this case, her daughter had the stats for at least 8 she was waitlisted or rejected from, according to the formula of being in the top 25%. Yes, there were some reach schools in the mix she had little chance at, but it really wasn’t a “fantasy” list. I think she was overconfident and only applied to those safeties at her mom’s urging, but good thing she did! Two on the safety list are excellent state options so I think she will grudgingly accept to one of those and warm up over time. Just a crazy, unpredictable college application season and this is why we’ve moved my son’s target schools into the category of “reach.” He wants to go in with realistic expectations.

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UT Austin & Texas A&M are FINALLY joining Common App! :tada:


CWRU is all about showing interest. Visit several times and make sure he interviews. If he has the stats he will get in. CWRU is all about yield protection. They did meet our need, when DD applied.


Did anyone here have a child take the March 12 SAT? If so, when did they get their score back?

D23 was supposed to take it March 12th but it was rescheduled due to weather and she took it March 26. She got an email today saying her score was available but when she logged in, there was no score. She was told scores would be a available in two weeks, which is tomorrow.

So just wondering if those who took it 3/12 did get their scores back in two weeks and did anyone else get an email saying their score was available but was not posted when they logged in?

Did anyone else take the rescheduled 3/26 test and get scores today?

Tell them exactly that: they’re just marketing emails; they go to anyone and everyone.


Our son took it March 12 and his scores came through early evening 2 weeks later.

In fairness, they’re occasionally useful. F’rex, some of them announce new majors, and if it’s in a field your student is interested in, that can be good to know.

I mean, it’s still marketing, but they can be worth a half-second scan before hitting delete.

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@MH95 thanks - not sure why hers are not showing up. She followed the instructions in the email but no score. There were also directions to follow if scores were not there upon logging in. Directions said to log in, click on Get Score and enter a number from the email she got, but we have searched everywhere and cannot find a place that says “Get Score” after logging in. :woman_shrugging:t2:

My twins took it March 12 and got their scores the afternoon of 3/25

March 8th ACT. Results 3/31.

My kid took it in school on March 23; we were informed that results would be available on April 15th.

I think many kids would be unhappy if they only got into their safeties. It doesn’t mean they won’t attend or end up happy eventually, but it’s unrealistic to expect every kid to temper their expectations (or every parent to succeed in making their kids do so) enough to be enthusiastic for their safeties when they still held out hope for their reaches. You can try to prep them all they want and encourage them to try and love their safeties when making decisions on where to apply. But there’s plenty of kids who will be disappointed with any outcome that isn’t top 100, top 50, top 20, etc.

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Only if they care more about rankings and/or appearances than education.

And that’s a cultural issue, and I would suggest that it’s a task we as parents should take upon ourselves to work on countering, and enlist others to do so as well.


You’re talking perfect worlds. There are plenty of kids who would rather go to an attainable state school than anywhere else. And there are hundreds of thousands of kids who do care about rankings and reputations and the shiny resources of schools with massive endowments and convinced themselves from all the marketing materials these top schools shamelessly send them that seem personalized to them that they have a shot. And they probably know of people from their school who didn’t seem to have stats better than them but got into one of these schools. Parents can be responsible and say whatever they want but they can’t magically make these kids not covet those outcomes. There wouldn’t be an explosion of kids applying to tons of schools if they had already rationally decided that that they were just as happy with their safeties as their reaches. They could have just applied early and been done.

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My kid would love to go to a state school, and who knows if that will be attainable. All of the UCs that have reported this year are reporting significantly more applications and lower acceptance rates, like sub 30%.

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