Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Not for WUE… but in the 21 cycle, WUE angered a lot of parents because is was less money than if they were to get a scholarship for their stats. My 21 was accepted there and it was a contender based on past scholarships, but they were so late, we all had to pay the housing deposit before they would release the scholarship amounts. Every information session we attended they stressed how easy it is to get in-state rates, how Utah is the most lenient of all states and summer classes are at a flat in-state rate.

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wow. our state is getting aggressive with keeping its kids here! just read about a new scholarship the state is offering for engineering & math majors. 8$K a year - in addition to other merit scholarships - and my kid qualifies for full tuition at this point. Yeah, the midwest isn’t too exciting geographically; but I am intrigued! hoping she will be!


Hi @secretslytherin,
Sent you a PM, check your inbox. Thanks!

What’s also notable here is what’s mostly missing from the top 100 list: large public institutions. On a quick scan, the only one I saw was Penn St. in the bottom 100 of the top 500.

The “per student” nature of this metric breaks down when a university has 25K, 30K, or more students. These institutions, for better (or sometimes for worse), have the backing of their state government and while some are grossly underfunded, are unlikely to fail in the traditional, “close the doors and sell the buildings” sense.

My older Ds large public institution has a seemingly pretty healthy endowment approaching $1B, but on a per-student basis, that 30K student population makes the per student number make their institution just miss the bottom of the list on this website.


Thank you for this! This was a great review of UIC.

Thing 2 just scheduled a Summer Interview with an Admissions Rep for Trinity University…eep! It’s getting real folks!


My kiddo got the post card to schedule too - he’s not interested in Trinity though (I wish he were…I personally love SA and Trinity’s nestled campus. Good luck to Thing 2! :slight_smile:

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Most grades slowly coming up (there was a F at one point for missing a test). Division champs in rugby, playoffs next week. He auditioned and got a part in a summer musical being run by his voice coach. He has some active emails with a couple college admissions departments, music departments, and a couple of coaches. He sat in on a few more virtual sessions and he liked hearing the one school has an optional interview in lieu of an essay. He didn’t take the AP Music exam (teacher said it wouldn’t help really in college if he decides on a music major as he will need to take all their courses anyways). Getting top rating at the school music solo and ensemble for his vocal solo will hopefully help. He has a social media page started with highlights to share with colleges. Hes had a couple of invites to special application or VIP status (and reduced or free app) thanks to me monitoring and getting on him to reply to emails.

The poor decision making that resulted in his suspension has been cleared from his legal record yet still on his school record of course. His counselor is leaving this year so he will have someone new next year. His dad half kicked him out not long ago (asked him to leave) and he’s been staying with me fulltime. He is going to take a traffic/driving safety course as well to reduce points off his license for speeding.

He needs to start working again. This summer is now even more crazy with his musical rehearsal schedule and football practices. Im exhausted already just looking at the calendar.


Seems like he is on the right track and trying hard to make things right. Your support and guidance will go along way to helping him. All the best


The semester is over for my child and she is just chilling for now. She took DE calc 2 and it had us on pins and needles through most of the semester. The course was though- had much more physics than I thought for a student who is not interested in STEM but she did her best and showed up for every office hour, extra credit option etc. she also sought out extra tutoring with the school. Her scores on the quizzes and homework were high but the exams were 80’s etc. it seems to be the same for the few students she knew in the class. I was resigned to her marking a B but she eked out an A. She was shocked but I told her it might be the teacher curved the grade. Anyway, we are all thankful. I told her putting in the effort to be the one showing up for all the office hour did pay dividend. Hopefully, she carries it on in college.


Semester is pretty much over for S23. After AP exams those classes go light. Think he will have only two final exams.

Summer will bring some critical thinking about paring down the college list.


i’ve been thinking about this. I think my D23 is good at math. she’s always done well, likes it, was one of the top kids in the state in 8th grade when she did the amc 8 test thing.

She took APcalc AB this year. Teacher is the computer teacher, not a math teacher. If she doesn’t get a passing score on the test - I’ll be confused if it is the teacher, or maybe it’s just that she didnt understand it. I’ve been wondering how often that happens on those AP tests now. I’m kind of thinking she might just retake it with a new math teacher coming in, although it might be embarrassing to her. would just like to hear others’ experiences with AP test results without super strong teachers i guess. :slight_smile:

@bgbg4us - My D23 took AP Calc BC this year and she struggled in class. She has all As in Math so far and this class made her cry. Our school does the block schedule so basically the kids are learning year worth of course study in 4 months and on top of that the teacher was not that great either. She got a B but then was just not ready to take the AP exam. She had just lost confidence. We decided not taking the AP exam was in her best interest and not worth the mental stress. She will repeat the course in college if required.


I will say let her take it. You never know what will happen the AP might have sections that she knows more of and she can do well. If not, you can always cancel the result. I only know of one college- Georgetown that asks for all exam results. Most others don’t so she doesn’t have to declare it

Curious how she did in pre-calc? My daughter feels pre-calc is super easy and breezed through it. But she’s concerned because so many stories like this about how hard calc is.

@SoCalDriver - So her track was Hons Algebra(9th) → Hon Pre-Cal(10th) → AP Calc BC (11th)
She found hons pre-calc easy. I think the problem was she took Calc BC directly. Our school offers either AB or BC in 11th grade and then either Calc 2 or Calc 3 in 12th grade.
Choosing the right AP Calc per your child’s aptitude is the key. The teachers in our school recommended she take BC based on her previous Math scores but probably that was a wrong decision on our part (owing to bad teacher + speed & rigor).


Ok, thanks for the info. I’d bet your theory is right.

If her AP score comes in passing, dont make her repeat it. Did she have any practice tests? How were those? Mine are in a school with mandatory practice tests and the scores align well with the eventual score . We have been lucky and have never had “bad “ AP teachers so can’t comment on that. My math kid has always found every level completely easy A+ but my less-mathy but still highest math “track “ kid found AB hard near the end (it was 2020 spring though) and though got the A and passed the AP , started BC feeling quite behind and did a lot of extra problems with the teacher and ended up getting a 5 no problem (and the A) . This school mandates AB then BC as separate years which turned out to be a blessing with covid.
Unless she gets a 1 or 2, I would suggest go forward into BC and have her meet with the teacher early and often to figure out where her weaknesses are.


I would not re-take the class unless her grade was a C or below. You need a 4 or 5 on that exam to get credit, and depending on the major, it may not even matter. Trust me there is a huge difference between college calculus and AP. The college course is usually 5 credits. My 21 ended with an A in the class and only a 2 on the exam. She is acing her college math courses and was invited to be a TA in the math department this upcoming year.


or go to AP Stat depending on the intended major.