Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

June tests are late because AP tests are also being processed and because College Board shuts down for a couple weeks (per our SAT Tutor). She tells us scores will be out Mid July.

Dang. Okay, thanks for the info!

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Then should come out on July 13th, to be exact

S23 doesn’t have any dream colleges. He is very financially conscious and I don’t think he wants to fall in love with a school, state, or region if we can’t afford it.

The current “Mom list” is at 20. He is feeling down and doesn’t think he will get into many of them and doesn’t think any of them will be affordable so it makes it hard for him to get motivated to do anything college related. I think the fact that I know he would likely get into Lawrence (and get free/reduced tuition benefit there) has him feeling defeated as its not the location he wants to be in.


I wouldn’t say my S20 felt down about the process, but his enthusiasm certainly waxed and waned periodically. The unknowning of it all made it difficult for S20 to get very excited about any of the options he hadn’t known about prior to the process beginning.

S20 was very enthusiastic to somewhat enthusiastic about a couple of the in-state publics and three or four privates because he was familiar with them. But in his mind, he couldn’t muster true enthusiasm for OOS privates that were unknown entities to him, especially when the chances were low that any one school would both admit him and offer the required aid. So, while S20 was relatively enthusiastic about the process, he was rarely very excited about any specific OOS school.

That changed once specific schools offered admission. And his interest in specific schools increased even more once FinAid packages came in and he knew which were affordable. At that point, it became more real to him. And it was then his interested crescendoed.

Just keep doing what you’re doing and I bet he’ll rise when the time comes.


Reaches would be too expensive so those won’t be on the list unless they want to apply to one for fun.

Just got an email from School that my S23 qualified for ELC program. He needs to apply wisely to all the UC colleges.


What is the ELC program?

He sounds wise.

My kids are focused on where the money is as well. I wouldn’t call them excited, but we have done day long visits and they have found things to like about each. They are looking forward to college; the process just isn’t their kind of enjoyment. They’ll apply to four. All ‘should be’ safeties.

I don’t think the process needs to be exciting. The objective is an affordable education at a place that has your major. Anything else is a bonus. So being practical is more important and serves kids better imo. Also, not having super high expectations can often lead to something being better in real life. Dream schools don’t always live up to the dream and hype.


I think this differs greatly regionally and by school. The admissions hysteria is in full swing here and my s is pretty excited by the schools he visited and very stressed about it (same for all his friends). Their private well known school asks each kid to have a list of 20-25 to discuss with the college counselor in September in order to further winnow to the actual schools to apply to and to determine the ED strategy. S23’s list is about 20 schools, most of which we visited (some will visit in early fall) and he has his ED and EAs set. Having said that he and his friends aren’t financially constrained which always makes things easier!

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The UC ELC program guarantees a CA HS student that is in the top 9% of their HS, a spot at a UC school if they are not admitted into their choice UC’s. The default campus has been UC Merced and only if space is available.


From a similar high-stakes hysteria-ridden area here too! Most of the kids went over the preliminary list of schools in the spring and now are to narrow the list (our DD) or expand the list(some friends with less than 6 schools who need more safeties) by the start of term. It is stressful, no matter how much one tries to convince oneself it is not. No ED plan here, so far
but I suppose that could change as we have several more tours this summer.

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We are taking it low/slow. DS doesn’t want to visit any college now. He will be mostly applying to UCs/Cal Poly SLO & Pomona/ SJSU. Also, will be applying to Stanford and Cal Tech(all in CA).

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I agree; I think it’s easy to get caught up in spiraling aspirations of “prestige” or shotgunning applications, and it’s quite sad to me to watch kids seemingly feel like acceptance at a particular school is going to be their make or break in life. S23 wants to graduate from a SLAC with little or no debt, that’s his goal. Prestige doesn’t register for him, and I’m very glad for that.

Stepping back to focus on fit (financial, academic, type and size of school
) would help kids make pragmatic long term choices.

We had great time visiting colleges at spring break! But we also knew in advance that one school we visited wasn’t a financial fit, so it was already mentally off the board. Getting excited about a few colleges that were financial fits was fun and really enjoyable. And they were also all “likely” admits. We also decided to step off the stress ladder of reaches, and it feels great.


With an 84% acceptance rate for Merced, wouldn’t someone in the top 9% of their class likely earn admission regardless of whether the program existed, especially since “if space permits” sounds like it’s kind of toothless anyway? Perhaps I’m missing a nuance.

The UCM admit rate for CA residents in 2021 was 63%. Yes, with that admit rate, many students would gain admission if they applied but for some students, UCM is not a desirable campus so they are given a 2nd chance if their original college application list does not work out. Also not all ELC referrals are accepted based on their historical referral data.

Wanted to ask this question for some time: When we calculate GPA(a-g courses) for UCs(Roger Hub), is it only 10 & 11 grades?

And also, for CSU GPA calculator what grades are considered.

For the UC’s, the GPA calculation is only for a-g courses taken the summer after 9th grade to the summer prior to 12th grade. The CSU GPA calculation is the same time frame for all but Cal Poly SLO. Cal Poly SLO uses 9-11th grades for the a-g courses but caps the UC approved Honors class points at 8 semesters like all the other CSU’s.

UC’s consider the Unweighted, Capped Weighted and Fully weighted UC GPA as calculated by the Rogerhub calculator.

The CSU’s only consider the Capped Weighted CSU GPA with the exception of SLO.

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Baby steps. Made the kid sit through a virtual tour led by an admissions advisor. Kid told me days later he liked the school. Its a school that might be affordable. I am taking this as a huge win!


well, i’ve started looking at for updated merit for 23/24 at colleges known for high merit. I’ve seen nothing yet, although i think a few U’s are opening soon for applications. If any of you see any colleges’ scholarship auto matrices updated this summer, please do share!