Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

We toured the Claremont colleges over spring break. S23 thought they were too small. He wants more of a big research university vibe. I was impressed, but it was a no go for him.

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Same here. The list so far has few to no reaches, though College Vine calls a few “hard targets”

I agree it was fun to learn about the financial fits. We visited an unaffordable Ivy, and 23 didn’t even like it. Yay!


Our ‘22 daughter didn’t want to apply to schools within California. She didn’t even want to visit!

She got into several top East Coast schools but will be at Pomona in the fall. It is far more diverse than most and the financial aid support was stronger, too. The academic advising and mentoring is exceptional, too, especially compared to large research universities.


AP Scores are in!!

Calculus AB - 5
Computer Science - 5
Physics - 3 (he didn’t prepare for this at all)


Big sigh on AP scores here! She was most concerned about AP Art since she did a digital photo based portfolio focusing on surrealism:

Bio - 4
Calculus AB - 4
Language - 5
US History - 5
Euro History - 5
Studio Art 2D - 5

I left her alone the month of June in regards to colleges, so this month I get to guide her along to make some progress. School starts early August for us, so the more she can get done, the better off we will all be.


Congrats to your daughter - that is a lot of AP to begin with! Pretty sure my son would have jumped off a building if he took more than the 3 he had. I also know that our school district is limited in AP offerings compared to other districts in Texas and in US
I’m surprised at the various courses available by the college board. Our district doesn’t have anything higher than AP Computer Science. So dumb.

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5 x 5’s (Eng Lang/Comp, Calc BC, World Hist, Physics C Mech, Physics C Elect) and 1 x 4 (Comp Sci A, which he did without taking the class or much self-prep). Adding to last year’s 2 x 5’s (Music Theory and Chemistry-- which he did self-prep without the class) and 1 x 4 (APUSH). 5’s on all the subscores. So much better than I would have done


A very happy S23 this morning! Kept the college talk to a minimum through June, he’s been quietly working on his essay and common app. Although the summer college visits are tough to get a good pulse on the students we might take a couple of day trips to check a few more off the list. Then if there is interest head back if they do a " fall preview day"

Bio - 4
Calculus AB - 5
US History - 4

Hope everyone is enjoying the calm before the storm!!!


Where do you find sub scores on the AP exams? Thanks

DS23 was excited for his scores:

AP Language and Composition- 5
AP US History - 5
AP Psychology - 4

He had AP World History - 5 last year.

He’s taking 4 APs this year including Calculus AB, Statistics, AP English Literature and Composition and AP Microeconomics (His Public HS doesn’t offer many APs).

He is very happy that all his APs are recognized (given credit) by Cal Poly SLO


They only exist for certain AP’s. For example, Cal BC has a Calc AB subscore. And Music Theory has a couple subscores.

Can someone please educate me whether Calc BC counts as 2 APs or 1? My son did yearlong so AB and BC. But got one score overall and one subsection score for AB. I would think two but not sure.

Congratulations on all the great scores! S23 has always taken a mix of IB and AP classes. This year, he was enrolled in three AP classes:

Calculus BC - 4
Language - 5
Comp Sci A - 5

I suppose IB scores will be released at some point too. Honestly, neither AP/IB scores are likely to move the needle at his top colleges of interest. From what I understand, the exams are seen more as a confirmation of the grades earned in those classes.

Despite getting CV19, it sounds like your daughter had a fantastic camp experience, @dfbdfb! It’s too bad she missed the excursions; Denver Pride is a lot of fun. What were her overall impressions about CU-Denver? Is it a place where she could see herself?

ETA: Comp Sci exam score


5 in Bio
4 in Lang
3 in Latin

About as expected.


Agree we are told that with the high schools the colleges know, like ours, the grade for the course matters much more than the AP score which are optional and self reported (school doesn’t put the exam scores on transcript). Having said that, proud of S23’s 5s on 3 AP exams this year - in Calc AB and both Physics C tests. Hopefully trumps the 4s he got in Bio and Physics 1 last year. He took AP Chinese class but not the test. Anyway, done with standardized testing, a zillion applications next

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Calculus BC typically covers what is in both Calc 1 and 2 but like all things colleges, different colleges will give different credit. Most will give 2 calc credit but some - very few selective like Cal tech and Duke university- won’t give any but use it for placement.


And you should be careful using if for placement - if kid is a stem major, may make sense to take the college calculus class anyway.


Not necessarily. It depends on the student. My dd took Calc Bc and used it to place in to multivariable calculus for DE while in high school. She took about 3 or 4 more math after that. She did not need to take any more math when she matriculated to college and she is a CS major.


Thank you! I should have clarified my question a bit more. So, we are trying to figure out how many more APs my son will need to take and pass for AP scholar with distinction award. He will set his schedule for senior year accordingly. TIA.

It says they don’t count the Calc AB subscore as a separate score - was just looking. Weird, though I don’t really care, but wonder if they do count them separately if taken in two different years like my son is doing (AB this year and BC next)

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