Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Yes how the environment smells. Places smell different. Some areas of big cities do smell dirty. Some rural towns do get the smell of cow manure if the wind blows the right way. Some campuses have lots of flowering greenery which affects the smell and air quality.


Sorry for the setbacks but as you said, her college choices aren’t ruined. She seems to have quite a few solid options!

Good luck.


The plan is for her to graduate with her original cohort/class which is 2023. She is still compromised healthwise and so her senior year schedule is accordingly easy and light to help ensure this happens. She has a disability right now which is severe enough that her graduation requirements are different. Also the level of coursework she had completed beforehand was way beyond what many students accomplish/learn in all of high school from and education / learned information standpoint.

It has been really hard for her to go from “how to I get into a challenging/amazing university” to “what do I need to do to graduate HS?”

Finally there is definite hope that she will one day regain her full cognitive abilities but the simple fact is that she will not be that prepared for college. So we need to find a more flexible and laid back environment that meets where she is today academically and stamina wise.


Not sure what you mean by worried about Ohio politics. Miami of Ohio has about 18K students of all political beliefs. My daughter is a liberal democrat and is doing just fine. Her older sister went to Clemson in a much more conservative state. Again another very liberal democrat but found her people among the 18K students. Joined the college democrats club etc

Yes, we just finished this list and her plan is to start reaching out to AO’s. About EA and RD I had the same question but am worried about her being shut out of some schools in these times. Plus her schedule is so light this year it’s not like her rigor is going to increase much in their eyes. I wonder if the more competitive schools on her list might defer her and then see how she does first semester?

Mainly we want to do EA to get things out of the way and show interest.

Plus quite a few schools should (?) be safeties I hope? And so she maybe would get accepted right off the bat?

Perhaps a separate “chance me” thread will be helpful in getting a wider range of inputs.

Best wishes to your daughter.


Thank you! This is my wish and hope as well. Miami seems like such an awesome school that ticks her boxes. Plus her grandparents and and extended families are from Ohio. They are proud graduates of The Ohio State University.

It’s mainly the recent Supreme Court rulings and publicity that has her concerned. She’s a passionate young women who has very strong feelings about those issues.


Yes I have been trying to search out private school possibilities and for some reason it’s been hard to find the right fit! I will look into your suggestions!

CU Boulder would be an awesome fit but I can’t see how it could brought down to anywhere near our OOS budget of 45k. They do basically no merit aid from what I understand (not that she would likely qualify with her new stats).

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Also I agree with @relaxmon that you should look into Delaware and PItt. Both of my daughters applied to Delaware and got good merit money. Beautiful campus, great location about 45 minutes from Philly and also close to DC.

I live in Pittsburgh and if you daughter wants an urban campus and/or is interested in something health care related Pitt is outstanding. Merit money is a little tougher to come by at Pitt than Udel and Miami.

Another state school option that gives lots of merit money is Bama. It is much Bigger than Pitt, Miami and UDel.

As I’m sure you know you need to pin down what type of campus, urban, suburban or rural. BTW Miami is in a rural setting but Dayton and Cincinnati are both about 45 minutes away. What types of majors is she interested in and what size of school is she interested in? Also being from Washington state multiple trips to schools in Midwest and east will add a significant amount to the budget. Good luck


Have you looked at WUE schools?


Thank you! I have briefly looked at PItt and UDel and was thinking they would be too costly. But I will dig deeper and it might not hurt for her to reply. They both sound awesome.

The setting of the school is something she has decided she might need to be flexible on. Mainly she doesn’t want to be completely isolated - like here in WA Pullman and Walla Walla (WSU and Whitman) are unappealing. It’s like a 2+ hour drive to the nearest isolated small city. And a six hour drive to Seattle. I’ve reminded her that things on the East Coast are much closer together than out here. And that small college towns have their own charm and advantages.

Basically she realizes she’s not in a position to be too picky and a lot of great schools are in small towns.


Very thorougly yes! WUE would be ideal - there are not a ton of WUE schools that meet her wants and needs but we do have a couple on the list: CSU, UNR both of which I feel are strong candidates (and closer to home!)

Utah seems like it should be perfect for. But we spent 2 weeks there last summer while she did some special training for her sport and she didn’t feel comfortable in SLC at all. SLC is a very unique city and culture. The few square blocks around U of U were different but it wasn’t enough for her.


Thank you, I will look into doing that! Thanks to everyone who has given ideas and feed back so far it’s much appreciated!

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I totally get this! My daughter is wishing so hard for that greenery smell at her future campus!

We are going on a tour in early November and but need to pick the region still haha: Colorado/Nevada, Michigan/Ohio or New England. We will pick one and then only do more visits if DD gets into a school she hasn’t visited yet and is likely to attend.

On the Udel website the cost for out of state is listed at 54K. However the top merit scholarship is listed at between 15-17K and second is listed as between 12-15 and the third is 10K so any of those would get you within your 45K budget.

Also UDEL, Miami, Clemson Bama and many other public universities have great honors colleges which puts the students in with like minded more serious students like your daughter. They can also give a student the best of both worlds. A larger school, with sports, concerts, a huge selection of majors and then the smaller honors college with specific smaller honors classes.


Maybe not cold enough climate for your D (and I don’t know if they have her club sport), but we just had a great time visiting Oregon State. They are now participating in WUE. Seemed like a friendly and collaborative place with good advising and student support, judging from the stories we heard from students.


Thank you this is fantastic information and advice!

Don’t see sending a progressive young woman to Alabama, even if possible in past with current denial of health care (abortion, etc) and threats to even getting your kid out of state for health care, I just don’t see it. I wouldn’t make this point as I don’t want to start off topic debate but the poster specifically said this was important to their kid (as it is to mine). Sadly with this decision a huge number of schools/states are off the list.


Yes - I will take another look thank you! When I first checked into Oregon State it looked like they are highly selective with WUE and she would not qualify. So it was pretty pricey OOS. I have heard good things about the school!