Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Ack. Common App site is closed for the rollover.
Getting real now.


Does anyone know about what time the Common App will reopen? I have a kid anxious to get some applications submitted, but has to plan around her work schedule on Monday. Thanks!

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Out of curiosity is it because they are applications to schools with super early rolling admissions or just the psychology of getting them submitted early?


Iā€™m not Hlauburn but my kid has several super-early rolling admissions that are also super-easy, so he wants to get them out of the way to focus on the ones with more complicated requirements.

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Because I am a nerd, I checked Twitter and last year the Common App account posted at 12:02 am on August 1, 2021, that the app was live.


Probably a little of both, to be honest. I think my daughter will end up using the universityā€™s website to apply rather than Common App, but the application should be very straight forward, so I think she just wants to get it submitted and done. The school has her test scores and transcript already, so itā€™s just a matter of paying the fee and filling out the information (no essay).
There really is no big hurry for her as long as itā€™s done within the next month or so, but she is anxious to check it off her ā€œto doā€ list, especially before school starts.

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Thatā€™s great that they sent her transcript already. Our school will not send them until sometime in the fall.


And some places (e.g., Seton Hall) hand them out to anyone who tours.


Is there an advantage/disadvantage to applying directly thru a collegeā€™s site vs. the Common App? Our D23 is interested in a college that will take it either way.


Pretty much all those colleges state they have no preference, and I suspect that is true. Wouldnā€™t be right or useful to lie about that.


As long as the particular college doesnā€™t have a preference, I donā€™t really think it matters. I could be totally wrong, but I think Common App requires an essay even if the schools you are applying to donā€™t. But I could be wrong, so donā€™t quote me on that!


We just realized that due to his class rank and test scores, 4 out of the 5 schools Thing 1 is applying to will not require any Essay at all for freshman admissionsā€¦heā€™s auto admit. His life is about to become a whole lot easier lol. Thatā€™s the perk of applying only to safeties I suppose. Now heā€™ll have more time to concentrate on his Texas A&M appā€¦heā€™s still an auto admit, but they have holistic review for all Engineering major applicants.


This is an email my son received from Pitt FYI. Students who attend the virtual session get a free application waiver:

The University of Pittsburghā€™s application for admission opens on August 1!

As you are preparing to apply this fall we understand that you may have some questions or want tips on what to include when you submit your application for admission. To help you get a jump start we are holding a virtual workshop on August 3 from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. to answer any questions you might have.

This live session led by Pitt admissions counselors gives you a brief overview of the application with additional time spent answering questions that you and other students might have. This is a drop-in session, so please stay as long as you wantā€”you do not need to attend the full hour!

Receive a fee waiver to apply this fall when you attend.


Not sure if itā€™s fully up to date but hereā€™s a list of colleges with no application fees:


This thread gives me anxiety :joy:. My kiddo has not started essays, and doesnā€™t even have a final list. We have visited 2 schools, and will do a self tour of Villanova and a guided tour of Pitt in August. She has an EA school picked out. Villanova would only be affordable if she got a tuition exchange scholarship, and Pitt may be too close to home. Will probably make her apply to Alabama because of their merit. Probably applying to Syracuse (also TE scholarship). Not sure where else. I am glad she will be away at school this fall so I donā€™t stress too much!

We were hoping Villanova would be affordable to my S21. He got into the Honors College there and received an excellent amount but it still came in over 40+k per year for us. Beautiful school and programs seem to be wonderful.

Also, donā€™t be so stressed both D18 and S21 wound up at schools they didnā€™t have on their radar until right before they applied and neither visited before applying. Watch videos and if you need merit shoot for her to be in their upper 25% test scores.

This site really helped navigate S21ā€™s journey and validated a lot that I had done with D18.

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Villanova would only be affordable if she can get the TE scholarship. In fact, most LACā€™s will only be affordable with TE. I think she is competitive, high class rank, gpa, focused EC she wants to continue and 36 ACT. The TE scholarships are so competitive though.

This forum gives many people anxiety because it is not representative of the average student or parent. Everything you described still puts your student ahead of the vast majority of applicants in the process.


There is so much pressure from her school to end up at a top school. The average # of acceptances to top schools : 6-10 to Princeton, 4-Harvard, 5 Columbia, 11 UVA, etc etcā€¦. Out of a class of 150.

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Might consider Miami of Ohio. Beautiful campus, lots of merit money for OOS students and costs remain the same for all four years.