Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Thanks all- I did it on my phone. Will search again from a computer.

Well this is annoying- three colleges I found and added to the list two weeks ago from the CIC list are no longer on their list!

First ā€œrealā€ admission is in. University of New Mexico sent him a lovely big ā€œCongratulationsā€ envelope today.

He applied via their website on August 4. This is an academic and financial safety, based on auto-merit from their chart, so the parents are relieved, and heā€™s willing to give it a hard look now that itā€™s in writing, haha.


Wow amazing that ā€œourā€ kids are starting to get admittedā€¦ At least 3-4 months for us before hearing anything. And ED date is Dec 15.


S23 has his first admission as well. Its a bit of a financial stretch but might be doable.


Congrats!!! Can you share the school? Iā€™m so happy for your son!

Congrats to both of you and your kids!!! This is so exciting!!!


Just NAU (he has been to AZ and likes that area).

He has yet to finalize a true list. Has yet to be willing to even talk about senior photos (which are due by October). I get that his adhd and his age lead to decision paralysis but Iā€™m not asking him to totally make a choice about anything right now. But conversations need to be had.


Have you tried setting a specific time each week to sit down and talk about stuff? My D19 was also not interested in all this stuff for the longest time, but she agreed to set a brunch meeting once a week where we talked college. And I tried mightily not to mention it the rest of the week.


Ive been doing the once a week thing. Hoping now that his first scrimmage is done and things with football are more settled he will be open to a once a week meeting.

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What a great idea!

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Resistant kid update.

It seems paper and stickers did the trick. While NAU emails, they also sent the official letter along with some decals.

Son opened them today. I think it was something about actually reading a real letter. His eyes widened. He actually smiled a little. He actually looked excited!

And he agreed to talk colleges after work today. :wink:

So having him do a super simple free app at a sure thing in an area I know he wouldnt mind living for a few years was a great idea!


His interests are probably where these two schools share some similarities. He hasnā€™t zeroed in on one particular interest (and would like a college that has some flexibility to figure that out), but his interests lie in the fields of Economics, Math and Data Science. He doesnā€™t want a big school but is hoping for a place with D1 sports. And originally he said he didnā€™t want anywhere coldā€¦but conceded that he would make exceptions for really good schools (think only to, maybe three schools will be in ā€œcoldā€ places).

We have close relatives who have gone to both schoolsā€¦and as luck would have it we have a neighbor who has a daughter who graduated from Duke last year and another daughter who is a second year at Princeton. He has been to Duke several times and visited Princeton in the spring, so heā€™s got a pretty decent feel for both schools.

Funny thing is that this kid can be indecisive, but with they college process heā€™s been pretty good about knowing what he wants and doesnā€™t want, in contrast with our S21 who was all over the place. School starts this week and I believe he has pretty much finalized his list to 6-8 schools.


Sorry what is that?

Northern Arizona U.

So. My DD hates hot weather and loves mountains and snow. So the notion of going to AZ is horrifying to her. I need to do more research on NAU since I do hear so many good things about it and it is a WUE school.

NAU is in the mountains and itā€™s snowy. My son went there, itā€™s more of a Colorado type climate than what you envision as Arizona desert climate.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking . . .

Iā€™m definitely inspired to dig deeper - thank you!

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Yeah, the desirability of stickers for my D23 as well (even from places she has no or negative interest in) is kind of fascinating.

Well Princeton is going to be much more of a pressure cooker than Duke. If he decides to do the ORFE (sounds like he may like that) program then heā€™ll have to do the Engineering requirements which will leave less time for outside activities. Nothing at Princeton will be like Duke Menā€™s basketball though 1/6th of the students are Athletes though if he isnā€™t on a team they may not make the majority of his friend group (though he could be rooming with 1 as a Frosh).

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500 for an essay? Pretty good money for a High Schooler. My daughter got several. Paid for books and other costs. She saw it as one thing she had the ability to contributeā€¦