Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

They sell based on exclusivity, which provides a basis for their enormous tuition bills (which they don’t need to charge due to billion-dollar endowments).

It’s an exclusivity move. But funny they represent the stats that way if they mail them to smart people who will know TO can cause an “increase” in scores and a better middle 50. :rofl:


Have LORs become less of a requirement in the last 4 years? That’s when I last went through the app cycle, and I think all of my S19’s schools required them. My S23 is a whole different case, and will have much less selective schools on his list, but I’ve been thinking of LORs for him…last year was kind of a disaster with physical and mental health and grades. And the college counselor doesn’t know him at all, and in my experience with her, this won’t change this fall. But she does have students and parents fill out detailed info sheets so she can write the letters.


Not only that, they are telling kids to not send in scores if it is below their TO median. Which means, if only 40% send in scores, the other 60% are likely below their reported median, which could have been just swell two years ago but apparently not now.


It was from a member of the admissions team who spoke at the large group opening presentation. I believe she said she was one of the people who read the applications. She also stressed to apply early, was pushing students to apply in August.

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In addition to letters of recommendations, I believe Clark University asks a parent to write a letter telling what is unique about their kid. It’s optional but allows for a “brag letter” which can offer some inside perspective, maybe highlight their personality, good deeds or an obstacle they overcame . Do any other colleges do this?

I forget which it was, but when my D17 was applying either Smith or Mt Holyoke had the option.

Given how directly they compete in pretty much everything, I just remember being surprised it wasn’t both.

Dartmouth has a friend rec (or did fairly recently).


So does Davidson

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i’m going over application info with my D23 for a few public schools. Anyone else having weird issues about things related to covid year and trying to explain things?

it’s so confusing going from a large public HS to a small private school.

This year - one of her AP classes can’t be called AP as college board is making it harder for teachers who arent officially certified; but she’ll take the AP test; but same exact curriculum. Her foreign language is a mess as the small school doesnt offer what she had in 8th and 9th; and the plan was to go back to the big school, but that didnt happen so she ended up with just two years of FL.

Calc: she’s basically sitting in on the calc AB class as a repeat as nothing else is offered; but at this point probably wont get any credit for it. But wants to be ready to go into calc 2 in college.

i assume college all over have had lots of these issues the last few years! anyone else have issues? what will colleges say about these things?


I would talk with the guidance office about it; hopefully the counselor report can delve into these issues? I know a lot of public colleges don’t ask for a school report, but I’m sure they’d take the additional info if they were emailed by the high school counselor directly.


Some public schools (ex. UCs) have a space for an applicant to add an explanation about their academic history.

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Can she pick up a third year of her FL and a different math this year via online courses? S23 also switched schools between 9th and 10th with totally different FL offerings. He will have 3 years of the FL at his current school. S23 is also taking an online Linear Algebra course since he’s run out of math at his current school.

Wow. The middle 50 will just keep increasing then, right?


My son did not get a spot on wise and waiting to hear from caltech up-close. His gpa and scores are very competitive, he has great ecs, so I’m thinking the essays need some work. Did your D23 reach out to schools or do anything extra to grab their attention (besides obviously having a great application)? We are considering finding a professional to help put his college applications together but really hope it’s not necessary.


It’s tough out there. Way more amazing applicants than there are available spots in the top programs. I am not an expert though and so will let other chime in. My gut says you would be wise to make sure he stands out as a unique individual in his apps. You never know what the programs are looking for to round out their freshman classes.

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After a crazy summer of touring colleges, working on applications, working full time, practicing her sport for 2 hours daily, D23 just bailed on the August SAT. She only took it once (in June), but got a 1530. She was SO stressed about having to cram in another round of studying that we all just made the executive decision to bag it. She will only take it once. Some crazy helicopter moms we know are telling us we are crazy for her to bag it, but 1530 is GREAT and just enough already. :slight_smile:

Now she makes the decision on whether to go ED to her top choice. Praying that if she does, the money comes through. We will make it work either way, but some merit aid would be nice!!


1530 is really good. GL!


One of the twins got a 1530 and it wasn’t the crazy helicopter moms who were telling him he “needed” to re-test, it was his peers. He re-counted with a friend from middle school last night, the young man had a 1560 on his SAT but was re-taking it because “all” his friends had 1590s. This friend also dropped any academic ECs in HS because, “he wasn’t good enough”. There is an insane amount of pressure in some schools (the friend went to a different HS with more pressure).

Your daughter and my son will be fine. The 1530 will not keep them from being accepted or denied, it’s just a piece of the application and the 1530 is fantastic.


Probably time to put some distance between you and the “crazy helicopter moms”.


1530 is an amazing score. Congratulations!
Anyone’s kid has taken online Foreign language AP? Specifically looking for AP Spanish online. Any recommendations?

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