Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

My kid is a theater kid and mercifully there were virtual/video pivots that he could still point to. I am baffled, though, as to what to do about sports ECs. Sorry! It’s a tough one!

My kid had no sports for a year due to the pandemic, and says so (ie JV team 9th grade, then Varsity for 11/12).

I don’t think it’s only housing. It’s also merit aid as most often it is first come first served, so if it’s a school she later apply to, the aid may not be there.

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I would say 4 years of tennis. She made the team.


We say 4 years. He was on the team. Obviously there were no games.

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This is a really great question! I’ll have to ask DD what she put for her sport. Though she only had to go about 3 months without until we drove crazy distances to more “lenient” states to get her some time. She also did what training she could at home and kept in touch with coaches etc.

Editing to add that our driving had everything to do with supporting her mental health by a thread and absolutely nothing to do with college apps. Hers is mainly an individual sport and so that helped during Covid.

I think 4 years is accurate despite the Covid interruption. She participated in everything offered (tryouts and practices), even though matches were cancelled. In our district, students received P.E. credit for team participation despite the shortened season.

Our school had a similar issue as sports with music. The normally extremely competitive band that often won national festivals was basically grounded for over two years, from March 2020 through April 2022. They went from doing three hour live shows about once a month, several festivals and state competitions and tours of Europe to absolutely nothing except a virtual submission to a virtual festivals. For practice the school required then to wear masks (including for wind and reed instruments)and “bell covers” over their instruments. They recorded their virtual submission outside in the rain to avoid the bell covers. Typically some student performers would be earning soloist awards at well known festivals or participating with the band at well known venues. None of that happened, and they lost two years of experience of live improvisational performance with the band. A shame. But so many stories like it all over.

Meanwhile in our case sports resumed fall of 2020 after only missing spring 2020. So indoor wrestling okay, playing instruments not.

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citivas - i had two band kids pre-covid and know the amount of work they do. You had really extreme measures and probably very unmotivating, disappointing seasons for your kids. I truly am sorry about that. :blossom: :blossom: :blossom:

and editing to add: class of 2023 is the last class of high schoolers who had covid affect their high schooling. I’m guessing colleges will be glad about this as they’ve probably seen all sorts of stories/situations colleges have seen due to covid the last few years (class of 21 & 22 & now 23).

**for us, we had tech glitches with D23s AP test in 2020 and she couldnt submit; she switched schools from remote large to small in-person and lost out on foreign language and ended up with a strange math sequence. (but she likes her new school; all is good now).

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When my 2021 grad was applying, they encouraged students to use that “additional information” box to add context for issues like this - so she would say 4-year tennis player and then in that space indicate that the season was interrupted because of covid.


Some schools will accept weighted average so check if your student’s high school will include weighted GPA

I have to admit I was having a little anxiety seeing all the great news on this thread of acceptances already rolling in and feeling like we went from being ahead to being behind but after the long weekend I’m feeling comfortable with progress.

  • Common App 90% done just a little work on writing some EA descriptions
  • Common App Essay - Is done just doing some final reviews with teachers
  • Non Common Apps (Rutgers and Gtown) - Completed excluding any additional Essays
  • Supplemental Essays for REA and EA schools underway
  • All recommendations have been secured and forms filled out

Shooting for 6 submitted by October 1

Deep Breaths…


That’s great. That’s about where we are - common app and common app essay done subject to college counselor review and comment, teacher recs all requested, and he knows what supplemental essays are required for the early app schools though hasn’t started those… school started today here so back to the grindstone.


Her school doesn’t weight. I am not worried, she goes to a well known boarding school now, one B in 2020 in an online AP class isn’t going to matter.

National Merit Semifinalist and Commended cutoffs for the class of 2023 have been released. S23 made NMSF. Congrats to all the other recipients!


Today was the first day of school for my S23 - here we go!


My S24 was remote all of freshman year and there were no sports/activities that year.


yes. of course! duh. class of 2024 was completely affected too. and sorry for your kid. so harsh.


D23 got an exciting-looking bright orange (and I do mean bright, it was the color of those day-glo orange tennis balls you see sometimes) large envelope from SCAD…but it was just a thank-you for applying, not an acceptance yet.

But it even started “We are pleased to…” before it continued with “…receive your application for admission”! D23 felt like it was kind of a bait and switch, even though I suspect it wasn’t intended as such.