Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

No because they are non-binding acceptances.


(Edited: or ED deferral)


Thanks super helpful insight.

Don’t underestimate the school taking into consideration the ability to pay, especially coming from rural areas. Northeastern is expensive and only meets 84% of need.

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If an ED1 applicant is deferred, she may apply ED2 to a different school, correct? I’m assuming the deferral releases the applicant from the obligation to ultimately enroll.

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Thanks Dadof JerseyGirl, we are ex Jersey, now in CA. two high schools. :wink:

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Anyone else have a kiddo who’s torn between two schools for ED1? We’re going back to Boston for a third time to visit both. No formal tours this time. Instead, we arranged to meet with a few current students (friends of friends), sit around campus and people watch. Hoping something will stand out and we’ll leave with a better sense of fit.


See if one of the current students can get your child into a class. My D found that very helpful to see the interactions between students and profs.


so D23 opened a letter last night with a scholarship - free tuition to our midwest state flagship. :blush: She’s wanting to get away from cornfields and cold winters – but this did make her smile. SO - one really good option ready to go.


Which schools (if you care to share)? I think many kids struggle with picking the ED school - so much rides on that decision! We don’t have that but S23 is definitely torn between two schools for ED2 if ED doesn’t pan out or not doing ED2 at all and taking chances in RD.

I think D23 is feeling additional pressure because she’s in top 25% (test scores/rigor/GPA) for both schools (neither of which is a T20, but more like T20-30), and we think she has a decent shot of admission in ED1 round, based on school Naviance, guidance counselor option, etc. She’s mostly trying to get a better sense of social fit.

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I agree it is almost more pressure if you are fairly certain of getting in, as you are really choosing where you will go! My older d got into BC though did not end up going. My S 23 will be applying to Tufts and is considering it for ED2. They are both great schools.

Yes, but different in several ways. Hopefully this third trip will be the charm and something will strike a chord with her!


Two thoughts: it sounds like both schools are likely terrific fits for her - maybe gently shift her mindset towards seeing that she’s so lucky: there is really no right or wrong choice here - she is in a “win win” situation where she’ll have a great college experience if she goes with either school. Celebrate that. (If she couldn’t decide which was her favorite flavor of ice cream: mint chip or strawberry
she’d be happy if someone suprised her with a scoop of either one, right? That’s where she’s at now: two happy choices, what a great place to be!)

Another method of seeing how one may really feel about a choice: flip a coin, and then notice your immediate gut-level reaction. Were you excited? Were you a bit disappointed?

Sometimes the simple essence of a coin flip at the end of endless inner pro/con lists can reveal a lot.


I LOVE both of these ideas (ice cream and coin flip). Thanks so much for sharing them.

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We are in the similar predicament and will actually be traveling to Boston for a second time to visit one of her top two options again. Unfortunately, my D is in the mid 50% range for ACT for the one she thinks is slightly ahead of her second choice (TO not doing her any favors). So I’m afraid she’s already going into this thinking she won’t get in and may make a decision on that fear of not getting in. She doesn’t chose to understand that even perfect scores run that same risk. Counting down the days to when this is all done!

Does her second favorite school have the ED2 option? That would be ideal.

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It does and and her third favorite is not a distant one and I think she could get in. Much easier than my first DD who only had two favorites and thankfully got in!

No ED here but restrictive EA. Tippy top of stats and unique EC she wants to continue at the school but I hope she’s not missing out on a more realistic chance by choosing to EA here.

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We are in the same boat, I think it’s more stressful for the parents. It wasn’t the easiest choice and we went round and round for months before both boys convinced me it was the best choice for each of them.

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