Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

As an aside, their stuff is pretty nice looking - probably my favorite of all the college junk mail… :joy:


Oh High Point’s is the fanciest junk mail by far. U of Chicago is nice but High Point wins :joy:


:face_with_diagonal_mouth: we didn’t get that one… :sweat_smile:

As far as favorite junk mail goes, S23 particularly liked a visual art booklet that he received from Tufts… another school he has expressed zero interest in, of course. He doesn’t know why he is getting junk mail aimed at visual arts, either! He has received quite a few elaborate mailed items showcasing visual art programs at various schools. Does everyone else get these as well?

For sheer number of mailings, the winner is CWRU. We routinely open the mailbox to see multiple Case postcards. One day it seemed the whole mailbox was full of Case mail. But that is a school where S23 has demonstrated interest, so we aren’t surprised to see stuff from them.

My daughter is also getting a lot of mailers from U Chicago, as well as Vanderbilt

100%! It’s become a running joke in our household how many postcards and other materials we get from CWRU! Honestly 3 per week easy. Sometimes multiple in a day!

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And then multiply that by 3 kids in house all getting it :grimacing:. CW is overboard! They could at least send some stickers. Lol.

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My kid gets lot of CW, Uni Chicago, Swarthmore, Beloit, Uni of AL, Uni of SC mailers. He doesnt have time and most go to recycling.

He got a T shirt from Oregon Tech where he was admitted. It was a size less and proud dad will wear it :grinning:


Macalester, at least in the 2017 cycle, was easily the coolest, in the quirky sort of way they were trying to brand themselves.

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And yes, stickers are, apparently, gold!:person_shrugging:

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D23 was actually on the athletic recruiting path for the first part of high school and so back when she was a Freshman she had to put what her intended major was. Of course she had no idea, so at some point we just decided to put “religion” because what coach wouldn’t want a religious team member? :crossed_fingers: :upside_down_face:

And this is why I suspect lists were sold: D23 has gotten emails and letters from hundreds of religious colleges that never would have been on her list and /or are not in our part of the country AND they’ve been on MY email because back when we were on the athletic recruiting path, we didn’t want her accidentally contacted unofficially or anything by coaches on her email. So we used my email and I now unsubscribe from a religious college or two daily.

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Macalester’s marketing worked very well for S23. If it had an engineering school and SAE car clubs, it would be on his list.

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Question on CSS. Do we need to fill it after admission for merid aid or its required before? Kid has only one CSS college(Stanford).

I did my FAFSA, yet to explore CSS.

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I looked at a scholarship chart for a school and wondered how they choose students if their high schools don’t rank or have the possibility of a 4.5+ GPA.

One southern flagship said the GPA to get a certain scholarship is 4.5. 23’s school only goes up to 4.4.

Since 23 has a 4.2, they would be scraping the bottom of the barrel and only eligible for a small scholarship according to the website.

I wonder if they stick to their chart or take the high school profile into consideration.

23 never was interested in this school yet I thought I might nudge a bit but maybe I won’t bother.

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Stanford should have the deadline on their website.

The CSS doesn’t link to the IRS and will take you loads longer. We filled it out for the one college that D23 is applying to that required it - due the same time as her (EA) application, so check their website and prepare to suffer… :joy:


I didnt see that CSS profile need to be sent with the app for REA(Nov 1 deadline).

Does Merit aid gets known by Mid Dec or it will come later?

@smbayguy, Stanford does not have merit, just need based.

Applicants needing financial aid will need to apply prior to admissions decisions as the aid offer usually comes with the admissions offer or very shortly afterwards. Requirements and Dates : Stanford University

If you are full pay based on EFC and NPC, then you do not need to apply for aid.

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It depends on whether they recalculate GPA.

Some places with generous merit, like Alabama (last I checked), simply take the highest GPA listed on the student’s HS transcript (which is an issue for kids coming from school districts like mine, which are pretty stingy with weighting). Other such places, like Florida International, explicitly state that they recalculate GPAs according to their own methods (which can be an issue for kids coming from school districts with generous weighting who may be disappointed with the offers they get).

Most don’t tell you which type they are up front, though they might if you asked, I suppose.


Yes, I don’t know why they can’t provide that IRS link for the CSS but they do tell you which lines to get the info requested so that’s helpful. It took me a few days to finish the CSS profile. I had a question about reporting my pension info and literally nobody could answer it, including the CSS professional resources. Turns out I only needed to report my contributions to the pension (which is added to my salary apparently) and not the “worth” of my pension (which I am unable to calculate without knowing exactly when I will retire, when I will die, etc.) I was so excited when we finally submitted it only to go to the dashboard and find a laundry list of required documents (like our 1040 tax document, W2’s, etc.) we had to scan and send to Northeastern (Fordham and Case Western did not request extra documents.) Suffer is an understatement! Good luck @smbayguy