Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Uh, so they hired a pre-school teacher as their head of marketing?

It would be on my Dā€™s list for sure but the weather isnā€™t cold enough - even there. And they donā€™t have her club sport. Iā€™ve heard and read great things!

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Daring! :rofl:

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@Gatormama - If you can get through this crazy process with a school that your son is excited to attend then consider it an absolute victory. I wouldnā€™t discount the idea that deep down maybe there is a preference to stay closer to home too. As far as Pitt is concerned they have a really great undergraduate Philosophy programs too. Best of luck on the Journey, no matter where it takes you!


Oh thanks! I will take a look at those - I hardly ever poke around that part of the site.

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We had a similar issue, it did work out but the teacher waited until the last minute. It was actually after the application deadline, there is wiggle room. I advised my daughter to give the teacher a nudge with a thank you card. It was common practice to give the teachers a list of accomplishments to ā€œinspireā€ the letters too.

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@risk014 Congrats S21 is there and loves it!

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My son is excited about Wartburg this fall


Thanks Nova - I know youā€™re right. I just canā€™t let go of bargains, lol. Itā€™s all on me. Heā€™s doing great.

And peace of mind is priceless:)

As a teacher, tardy recommendation letters annoy me. Donā€™t commit to write them if you canā€™t get them done in a timely manner. I was writing recommendations today during my prep period.


Its almost unethical.

Well that should be interesting to see how Alabama figures out my kiddoā€™s GPA. She had a 4.3 something her first two years at our Public, a 100% for a summer history class, over a 4.0 for one year of Cyber Charter school. And now she has 2 years at a boarding school that does %. And so far has about a 93% (with the highest in her class at a 95-96%). So yeah, 5 years of high school(she repeated Junior year to go to BS), and 3 different grading scales. Her BS does NOT combine any previous grades into a GPA they send separate transcripts :joy::joy:

Three EA apps submitted yesterday for Thing 2:

Trinity University
Southwestern University
Austin College

He set up his portals earlier today and just checked them again and our counselor has already uploaded her recommendation, the school report and his transcript! Now just waiting on the teacher recommendations and SAT & ACT scores to post. Everything is looking fabulous for those Nov 1 deadlines!

He has one last application due by Nov 1, UT Austin and then DONE SON!!! After that, itā€™s just working on some Honors College supplements for Texas Tech and UT Austin.

FAFSA & CSS is coming along painfully slow lolā€¦thatā€™s my husbandā€™s deptā€¦hopefully heā€™ll get them done for all 3 kids this weekend.

Iā€™m so ready for this chapter to be overā€¦I found 2 new gray hairs today :confused:


Well, you could do what I did with my older daughter and am doing with my HS Sr. I said my budget is X. If you go over X then you need to do a work study, use personal money to make up the difference (no loans). Below X, a check will be written upon graduation for the difference. You could do 50% or something like that.
I think the student should have some interest in the cost. Giving them an incentive makes them think what it is worth to them.


Thank you - thatā€™s an interesting proposition. I will talk it over with the hubs.
Did it affect your daughterā€™s decision?

It would be very easy for them to target those students and skip those in affluent areas. They can by emails based on targeted demographics.


Oh, agreed, and agreed completely!

We had planned to do something like that. We have 529s for our kids and had already explained to them that the money is theirs. The 529 is not enough to pay for what we expect to need, but it would be a bonus if they were able to bring college costs low enough (through merit, etc) to end up with money left over. It has encouraged S23 to be more cost conscious in his decision making so far. But we will have to have that conversation with him when the admissions packages are all in and we see the actual costs, and we will also want to take a second look at family finances in the spring. Lots of things can change in a few months.


Makes sense.