Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Daughter has only 1 more RD app to go, and 1 EDII honors essay. Which is great given the pace of academics and ECs ramping up. She’s finally admitted appreciation for my suggestions over the summer to get things done. :smile: The relatively short list of 12 schools (2 without essays), is all her doing, and a big help of course.


I’m having a freakout and need some advice. My daughter self-reported her ACT scores on the Common App and also had her official super score sent to her ED school. What we didn’t know is that the official scores would have ALL her scores on there and now they ALL appear on her application. Her portal lists the scores from 3 test dates, which include some numbers that she’s not proud of. Should she email the AO and ask that only her self-reported scores be considered and not the official ones?

My daughter did that and her AO officer took off the other ones. Can’t hurt to ask.

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Congrats on the 2 acceptances! CollegeVine (CV) does a pretty good job of taking scores and other data and giving a percentage change of getting into schools. It takes a while to enter your student’s info yet the info provides a nice overall guideline. You can take the percentages at 100% face value, so it’s more like they provide a general idea of the likeliness of getting into a school.

Although we have Naviance at 23’s school, the school is pretty small so the data is not very useful.

I have no affiliation with CV. Just have found it useful as a parent.

Same boat with Naviance (actually, SCOIR for this kid) not being much help because of a small class size.
I found College Vine somewhat useful, but literally worse than cow dung as far as aid estimating. It never ever said we would likely get scholarships, even for, like, UNM, where he’s already got in-state tuition based solely on scores/GPA.
Anyone else?

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Hi All,
D23 is working on the final bits of the Common App. Question: Only 2 of her schools request an official transcript from her high school to apply. So I figured she must need to self report her prior year’s courses and grades. She’s telling me she doesn’t see it on Common App?

I will dig around some other places on CC and google but wondered if anyone here had some quick input - does that sound right??

Adding that her school based tracking system (called School Links?) says that her GC has submitted her transcript and school profile to all her schools already.

There is a section on Common App to self-report prior year’s courses and grades. S painstakingly went through it. I’m not exactly sure which section it’s in though, so hopefully someone else will chime in with more info.

OK I think we figured it out. The buttons aren’t showing up for me to delete or edit. Thanks all!

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Lol. I could imagine “Sorry I was a little late applying to your fine University! I am a Dungeon Master and was helping navigate a cave full of golems which caused me to be pre-occupied. Thank you for your kind consideration,”
Dungeon Master at Large


That would so much be him! I wish it hit me more as a joke!

Thanks @Gatormom! Apps are out - very proud & relieved that she got it all sorted. Visiting College of Charleston next week…a quick getaway, flights were reasonable hotels were not! I think most of her schools say she should have decisions by 12/1 so…here we go!


Very jealous of the early responses! Our ED is supposed to be mid December but nothing else (not even the EAs) until Jan/Feb and of course many are in March…


Trying not to be too much of a pain but only a week until Nov 1. My D has missed some classes due to being sick and we are getting back from a dance comp plus college visit (she was not so high on Laverne but still applying).
Will be nice when she finally gets these apps in!


I agree with you about aid and forgot they even estimate that, because I ignore that part now. :rofl:

Yes, it was way off.

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This study only used data from the Chicago Public School district. The GPA variability of one public school district in one market isn’t a very representative sample to challenge the thesis as to whether the factors that go into a GPA vary by school, even if Chicago is a large district. It’s still just public schools for one.

I have a Boarding School senior and booked a VRBO house last May for graduation. There was virtually nothing left. Also, got a very vague letter about the senior parent child party the weekend of graduation, with kind of an ask for donations- and an email to send inquiries to…but I read it 3 times and am not sure what to do. I have NO idea what an appropriate donation is at a fancy boarding school, my kid was new last year and most of the families there are way out of our league. I’d be embarrassed to even ask!

She’s in her crunch to get her REA app in- I think met with her English teacher today about her essay- or maybe tomorrow. I don’t want to text and ask and stress her. She then has a school spring break application essay due Nov. 6. Then I think nothing else due until Dec. 1. We’ll definitely be down to the wire on all deadlines, it’s how she rolls!

Just waiting for her two rolling acceptances to come in.

S23 is putting classes in the SRAR for Temple. He is in a CTE program for Digital Video and the primary class counts as 2 credits for both 10th and 11th grade. There doesn’t seem to be a way to designate a 2 credit class. Has anyone else run into this issue and how was it resolved?

“I will ask my Kid to explore 2-year free Community college option and find out about TAG programs which gives guaranteed transfer to UCs.”

This is EXACTLY what I’ve done with our kids. Our S17, D19, and D21 all got into a UC out of HS, but for different reasons decided to go to our local CCC and apply/get accepted to the Honors program. It was tough, as each was shooting to transfer to Cal and/or UCLA (thus requiring AT LEAST a 3.7 CCC gpa along with ECs). But it was nice knowing they could TAG a UC (Cal, UCLA, and UCSD do not allow TAG).

Can you list it twice Digital Editing 1 and 2 or Digital Editing and Digital Editing Lab? I know they want it exactly as listed on the transcript,but can’t see another way.