Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Yes that’s correct.

For parents who need a laugh today, one of the twins was helping a friend with his applications. The young man is an only child in a happy upper middle class family.

He called my son very confused about questions regarding residency. First question: Am I a ward of the state? Son expained that he was not, second question - how long have I been a dependent of my parents? Son’s response was 17 years and he did not think the young man worked as an infant.


@tamagotchi - certainly getting to the point of some essay burnout. He’s got three more RDs he wants to submit, but he did start asking about other schools he might want to consider. I think it will depend on whats comes back EA whether he needs to cast the net a little wider.

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S23 submitted his ED app and the one EA with Nov 1 deadline. He still has three schools with early/regular deadlines in November and probably a dozen RD with Dec/Jan deadlines but at this point often repurposing essays is easier as several are done… Phew a long road. Agree very painful that since you don’t hear from ED school until mid really need to put in a lot of work into your RD apps before knowing if you need them…


D23 submitted ED1 (Tufts) and a bunch of EAs. Good luck to all 2023 families…may they all bloom where they are planted (and do so in 4 years or less ;))


Where did he apply ED? The ED schools I’m familiar with all send out decisions before Christmas, so if he gets in you can skip the RD applications.

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My son had some interesting questions for me while filling out the applications, too! Like “Mom, what is Hmong and does that apply to me?”

One application asked whether either parent had been born outside of the US and if so, which country… he had a hard time answering that one since the country no longer exists, so it was not in their pulldown list! (USSR)


Although you can wait until you here back from EA/ED to submit, the window of time is only about 2 weeks. If they have any additional essays to write you might not want to wait until the last minute.


But many kids spend a lot of effort polishing up their essays last minute. They can save themselves all that stress and effort if they get in ED.

Yes agree, we learn mid December and can certainly save polishing until after that but reality is he can’t wait to write all the supplemental essays in those last two weeks.


Can anyone tell me if any of the schools on my S23’s list require all materials by deadline. Still waiting for counselor rec, school report, transcript and one more teacher rec to show as submitted in common app/school portals. S23 requested these materials from counselor/teacher months ago and has followed up with them since then.

University of Michigan
University of Vermont
University of Massachusetts- Amherst

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I know Michigan is one that does require all Materials to be in

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That’s a hard question when you have 12 countries to choose from. Maps have changed a lot, it would be nice if they had “other” as an option with space to clarify.


He ended up picking Russian Federation just based on geography. We joked about how it would have been funny if he also had to list the city his dad was born in (Leningrad… it is not called that any more, either…)

I should also mention that although he will hear from ED school (Northwestern) mid December, all of his other early apps -EA at CU Boulder, at UMd College Park, UWash Seattle (RD with very early deadline) and UToronto, all don’t let you know until after December…

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University of Vermont accepts the supporting materials up to November 11.

I was at the football game when the banner was displayed. I thought it was in good fun. My daughter is a current student. These are not the necessarily the views of my daughter, but I can give a bit of insight on the Stanford Hates Fun movement based on what I have read and heard. Essentially there are two intersecting things that have caused some students to feel the formerly quirky, irreverent sense of fun that used to prevail on campus has been suppressed. One is that the majority of students were absent from campus due to COVID restrictions from March 2020 to September 2021 (18 months total). When they finally fully returned to residential campus life in fall 2021, it still wasn’t fully “open”—there were many restrictions to campus social life and many traditional social events were not happening in school year 2021-2022. Many of the traditional social events are “back” since autumn quarter 2022 started, but the current sophomores and juniors missed out on all those things and there is a gap in their connectiveness. Also, some popular past traditions have been eliminated: Eurotrash and Full Moon on the Quad are two I can think of. In the meantime, in addition to the eliminations, there were a lot of changes from the university administration as far as how social events can be scheduled and approved, a very unpopular new alcohol policy, less funding for Cardinal Nights (sober programming alternative), etc. that the students say are too focused on liability reduction and taking away much of the campus culture. You can read more details at All that having been said, Stanford is still a very special place, my daughter loves it, and it is going to take some time to rebuild some of what was lost during the very extended remote learning period where campus social life was non-existent or suppressed.

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Super busy weekend for D23 - submitted 7 apps and 2 supplementals. A few more due by the 15th and then she should be in the home stretch. She already removed a few more off her list deciding they weren’t worth the effort at this point and is taking a last look at some “maybes” that she found more recently!

So far she’s applied to:
U of SC
College of Charleston
U of Miami
Ohio State
Ohio Wesleyan

Now the waiting game begins!!


So exciting! We have game 1 of playoffs this Friday- it’s been an awesome season!


Have your kids had any interviews yet? DS23 has his first alumni interview this Thursday. I know these generally don’t move the needle at all and are more of an alumni relation thing for the colleges but he is still nervous…

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