Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

I see, so Goldilocks is your daughter.
jk! jk!


LOL you are so right!

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I love your daughter!!!


D23 has been really focused on what she wants in her college search and I feel like in the last few weeks sheā€™s dropped in couple of wild cardsā€¦they are all schools that I like so-thatā€™s good! But Iā€™m pretty sure if I had suggested them they would have been immediately rejected. Iā€™m so curious to see how this all ends up!


Has anyone gotten mails from colleges wanting to connect on CollegeVine?
Iā€™m inclined to ignore them, but then again, maybe itā€™s a sign of demonstrated interest to accept.

I have no clue what access a college would get to my kid - I mean, would they be able to see other schools on his list or something?

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My daughter did from a college sheā€™s already been accepted toā€¦also inclined to ignore.

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Where did she end up? My daughter said no to Lehigh because she didnā€™t like the school colors! (Brown) :rofl::joy::rofl:


My son refused to get out of the car at Lehigh - he said the buildings had too much brickā€¦.


My son has 6 applications in, about halfway done. But last few days has been talking about totally different approach, wanting to change major, change climate of schools to consider. Iā€™m guessing this is just application fatigue and Iā€™m giving him space. Anyone elseā€™s child doing 180s on what kind of college theyā€™d like??


I loved Lehigh when we visited. I thought the campus was beautiful and compact. Hilly, but my active kids donā€™t mind that. everyone looked happy.


I loved it too! Not loving it was a huge mistake on my sonā€™s part

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Georgetown of course lol! She needed her hair to look good!


I have 3 girls with curly hair and every time we go somewhere humid (unlike home) they are overjoyed!!


They probably refuse to go to Phoenix or Salt Lake City!


How my hair will look in a location is a high priorityā€¦ so that I get :joy:

I did not tell my daughter Cal Poly SLOā€™s color was green until the very last minute, green was a no go for her. I kept saying it was gold!


Yep! Suddenly, an area of the country is their favorite and most preferred place whereas it wasnā€™t beforeā€¦


D18 went into the winter of senior yr adamant that she was going south. After visiting her grandfatherā€™s alma matter, on the coldest, snowiest day in January, she told us this is it.


Funny about greenā€¦ I took mine to visit a college and we went to the bookstore, and my DS said, I like this school and I really love that green. So it leaped into #2.

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re: small/big schools

My kids come from a very small private (graduating class of 10-12). S19 went to USC and absolutely loves it. As stated above, he made the big school feel small by finding his community.

We toured big schools with D23, but she would probably prefer mid-size LAC. She thinks sheā€™s like Scripps, but we never toured the 5C.

Can anyone familiar with the Claremont 5C tell me if the typical 5C student experience feels more like a mid/big school? Or more like a small school experience with other small schools nearby?


My son has 13 applications submitted and 2 to go (Pitt and Rollins.) Rollins has a straighforward question about community service but ā€œpriority scholarshipā€ isnā€™t due until 11/15 so heā€™s been procrastinating a bit. He didnā€™t realize he could have turned in the Pitt application long ago and complete the honors question later but he thought they were due at the same time. The question is ā€œIf you could change anything in the world, what would it be?ā€ or something like that. He is writing about the mental health system and flaws he witnessed when 2 family friends recently tried to navigate the system (for pretty serious issues) and it was not set up for success, letā€™s just put it that way. He will be studying psychology so this is a subject he is passionate about so he is spending a good deal of time with edits and changes. Itā€™s rolling admissions but he knows that Pitt emphasizes early applications for maximum merit so he is trying to get this done ASAP . He has off Friday and his goal is to get these final 2 applications submitted by Friday evening. Some of the schools he applied to have follow-up tasks like more essays for honors programs or applications for scholarship weekends-so wish I could say he will be ā€œdoneā€ Friday but not quite. He is taking 4 AP classes, Spanish 5A and 2 SUPA (Syracuse University) classes and doing excellent in all. Not sure how he has managed with doing varsity gymnastics a few hours after school and Level 10 team gymnastics 6-9pm and on weekends! Plus he tries to spend time with GF as much as possible. Needless to say, I barely see him! I guess he is getting me ready for the ā€œempty nestā€ phase next year. Lol.

He has 4 acceptances so far:
Buffalo State College (merit and financial aid come after Dec. 1)
Nova Southeastern w/ $19K merit (they have a Shark weekend to compete for more scholarships)
North Park Chicago w/ $18K merit
St. John Fisher w/ $18K merit (they have other scholarships he can apply for)

He has a remote interview with Case Western Reserve tomorrow. Hopefully it goes well.