Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

did he get the reference and apply to Wake forest instead

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Process is done in our house, DD23 signed her letter yesterday with her teammates at her soccer club. She will have a signing celebration in Feb at her high school. Next adventure - final season of club soccer and securing her senior experience in the spring.
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her short essay is already written, but its been interesting fodder at our house. If you could have lunch with anyone, who would you chose and what would you talk about? My spouse chose Abe Lincoln; iā€™m still thinking. Her choice was unusual and not top-tier famous, but interesting. anyone cool you all would chose?

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I love that essay prompt. I would choose JFK. We would discuss politics, of course, but I would also like to know what plans and aspirations he had for his life before being thrust into politics after the death of his older brother. Naval officer, lawyer, international playboyā€”who knows?


Yes, this is for RD. She did not apply anywhere ED, and already applied her the only two EA schools on her list.

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What?? Lehigh is absolutely stunning! High on my D23s list! (DH is also an alum)

Anyone have a kiddo at Syracuse studying forensics? Wasnā€™t even really on my D23s radar, but she absolutely LOVED it there. She really wants to study forensic science during undergrad with a double major in biology. Not many schools out there that offer it for undergrad (sheā€™s also applied to Penn State and URI that offer it). She should get in (4.7 weighted, 1530 SAT, wonderful ECs). And yes, we know its expensive and we are ok with that. Just looking to see if anyone has a kid at SU. (I got my JD there)

We toured Scripps and CMC. Felt like a nice balance for our D23 ā€“ small school vibe with bigger school community options. Scripps is a gorgeous campus. To be clear however, D23 is applying to small schools (1000 students) and big schools (40K) and seems to either have no clue on the difference, or sees herself working in either situation. So I just donā€™t think itā€™s a major discriminator for her.


He is stupid seriously. We are going back to look a second time!

Upthread you listed your daughterā€™s top choices as Dartmouth and Boston College. Iā€™m curious why she didnā€™t apply ED to either one of them to increase her odds of admission. From your other post, it doesnā€™t sound like cost is an issue.

Oh good one! Dolly Parton or Mr. Rogers for me :slight_smile:


dolly would be super fun to talk to!


I wish we stopped making this thread so politically charged. One could also say dictators are the ones limiting studentā€™s ability to attend classes and participate in activities.

There are many families that will be very happy to send their children to states that allowed them to attend class in person.

Having one in NY and one in FL, and not living in either state, I will take the FL policies for my childrenā€™s well being any day.

Hoping everyone finds the spot that is right for their child!


D23 briefly talked about a few Florida schools and we put our foot down over it. Sheā€™s applying to other Southern schools, so itā€™s not really about general politics for us, or anything with Covid, itā€™s a DeSantis-specific thing. We donā€™t get a good vibe and we donā€™t like anti-education decisions.


DS is a sophomore at Syracuse, but heā€™s an Acting major. He loves Syracuse. His only complaints are the weather and the food.


Itā€™s a great thing about America that we can all have differing views and if we donā€™t like our Govā€™t officials we can leave and go to another state. I think many people in red and blue states are frustrated and Iā€™m just happy we have the freedom of choice to leave and takes steps to modify our individual situation.