Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Essay coach is a friend who is a former marketing professional and teacher. He does college essay coaching as a retirement gig. He edited Mountainkids’ essays for structure and language. Both kids already had a basic narrative, but he helped them make it more detailed and tailored to the specific college/prompt.

Having a neutral third-party was so helpful. D19 was better about taking my suggestions, but S23 quibbled over every little change. With S23, I handed the essay writing process over to my friend secure In the knowledge that the final product would be top-notch.


D23 got the personalized book from Chicago and SMU sent her a personalized map of Dallas that she actually wanted to keep because we’re from DFW and she thought it would be cute to remind her of home when she went away next year. Probably not what SMU wanted but… thanks?


@bgbg4us - S23 meets weekly for about 30 minutes with his coach. I think the biggest help has been keeping him on a schedule for all the supplements. No formatting or real editing, but helpful with bouncing ideas off.

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Hi, It looks like your daughter and mine have applied to some of the same schools. Mine has been accepted to Butler also and really liked it. I am a Baylor grad but my daughter was worried it was too big. I loved my time there : )
I was wondering if you have heard from Creighton yet. They said 4-6 weeks and we are at the end of that period.

So my daughter randomly checked her Creighton portal yesterday and she had been accepted! Still hasn’t received an email about though. Good merit as well. Our kids really do have similar lists!



Funny SMU is on his list

Much appreciated!

Thanks so much for your reply. The student portal keeps being down when my daughter checks it. Kind of strange, no email either though. Good luck with all!

Thank you, fellow Minnesotan! We received word that one kid is in…no word on the other (though they don’t want to attend together, but nice for both to have choices!)!



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We had the same issue. Keep refreshing and you’ll get in. Best of luck!

It is all crazy. I am so proud of my girl for compiling a list of schools that, if accepted, she would happily attend. She still very much loves BC, but is also really excited about possibly attending Syracuse. Already thinking GW for grad school. It’s an exciting time!


Awesome! It is an exciting time!

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Florida absolutely off the list here for sure!


Whatever works for you and your family!


Wouldn’t Florida International work? I would think that school is like the UN in New York/Switzerland? Right? :joy:


Alert to anyone applying to CWRU. I randomly checked the portal today, submitted the CSS a week ago and have gotten no confirmation of anything, no communication other than the mind-numbing daily marketing postcards.
AND they wanted our W-2s.
Again, no communication or indication that our application was incomplete. And there had been no request as part of the Profile that they be included.

So, check y’all’s portals if you’ve got CSS schools.


So I wake up this morning to an email with the subject line “{D23’s name} took the first step and applied to Ursinus…:clap::clap::clap:” that began as follows:

Kudos to {D23’s name} for planning ahead and applying to Ursinus! Now, they can take advantage of their proactivity and apply for up to two specialty scholarships, valued at up to $40,000 per year! Designed to reward students for excelling in areas of passion, our scholarships are as diverse as the students who make up our campus!

Now I realize that you may find this completely normal and unremarkable, and I would too, except that D23 has not applied to Ursinus, and in fact hasn’t even started an application to the place.

So, um, yeah.

Maybe she will be awarded a $40K scholarship that she did not apply for either :rofl: