Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

You can download the AP Score report as a pdf from your collegeboard account and upload it on the college portal. (It lists the AP scores and any AP awards earned)


Two CS major hopefuls here and we also didn’t look at any of the big-name CS schools. We found that focusing on schools that are ABET accredited for CompSci was a good place to start
many schools that are less famous for CS are still very good for CS!


D23 got her first 2 acceptances today! UGA and UofSC. Lots more to go but so nice to have 2 great options already! Definitely takes some pressure off.


Congratulations! What a wonderful feeling to have 2 great options so early.

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I think it’s very good to learn more about the college. No matter what is on the website, you may learn some new things- we learnt during my dd’s admitted students day that she will not be able to do a study abroad her first year as she will not be 18 yet. This was not stated on the study abroad link. It was nice to know and not plan on that.

Congrats. Both of those are on S24’s list and UofSC is one of his favorites. We are OOS so nervous about his chances.


Common App question- Are you uploading teacher recs, essay, etc. to one central portal and colleges where you have applied access that as needed? I keep hearing from people that they are having to input the same information over and over for each school and they feel like what’s the point of common app if they can’t all just access one main portal to get everything they need from the student. Not sure if I am making sense or asking this right. I have a 2024 kid and all his schools are on common app. Thanks.

The Common App has worked pretty well for my daughter in that respect: student and high school load the basic information, and it goes to most schools. (Most, not all- UCs don’t use it, nor do Canadian schools like McGill.) There are also some schools that require items like a self-reported academic record (SRAR). My daughter only had to do that on top of the Common App for Pitt, but I assume there are other universities that might request the same. She also had to enter those same grades for McGill (not on Common App), so she was pretty tired of doing that.

But in general the Common App has made things pretty easy. You have to be the one to ensure that colleges are sent some of the material from that portal though; they won’t necessarily go looking for all of it. For example, additional recommendations beyond those provided by the high school- your student will have to shepherd that through the system to make sure it gets to all schools that accept such material.


We are in the same boat. Both are on our daughter’s list and SC is her #1. Not sure if she should have submitted test scores and very worried here.

For the common app

You fill out the application and you add schools you are applying to. There is a main section, but the list of colleges you add will have supplemental options. That is where app specific questions and supplemental essays are entered. It’s also where recommendations are added, teacher and school counselor. You invite a recommender and can select that recommender for whichever schools you want. The school counselor is the same for all. The recommender does their letter in the common app only once and it gets distributed to the colleges you selected them for. So do not have a recommender call out a specific school in their letter because other schools will see that.

Also, do not add these folks this year. The common app is cleared out in late July every year. Your responses on the app itself hold but recommendations do not. But you do want your kid to ask for recommendations in spring of Junior year to give plenty of notice to those teachers, and time to find new ones if the original ones decline for any reason.


We found out about UGA yesterday too - but not U of SC. Are they rolling? My son is really happy re UGA!


Congratulations! Great to have a solid acceptance so early in the cycle.


Some of my friends have essay coaching businesses. They help students ideate and suggest edits. They don’t write the essay.

Edits are okay as any professor in an academic setting is also having their work edited by someone along the way.

Editing is an integral part of the writing process.


Can anyone here say how long it takes Bama to send merit info? Admitted on Wednesday. Ist acceptance, still waiting for Pitt and her REA. Has one Dec. 1 deadline to finish. Then will probably finish the rest over Christmas break (she’s at boarding school so has a rather long break)

2-3 weeks? ** not days, not months in our case


Looking for target schools with Neuroscience/pre-med path, with clinical/medicine/research opportunities, preferably east coast. Great STATS, test scores, and ECs. Suggestions? We have a good list of reaches and safeties but kind of looking for some good targets.

In 2020, we learned/experienced

  1. You fill out the Common App. Invite/tag your recommenders.
  2. You fill out the Common App form for each school, along the way clicking to use one, some or all of your recommenders, depending on each school’s application requirements.
  3. You click the button to “apply” to that school.
  4. Whether or not the recommender has completed their recommendation at the moment you click “apply” for a particular school, when that recommender submits his/her recommendation, the recommendation will appear in that school’s box (where that school’s application person) can see it 
 as long as you clicked to include that recommender’s letter when you initially clicked “apply”.

What I discovered was that some/many schools would not be able to access a recommendation that we did not initially include when we clicked “apply”. This was also true for items like “mid-year report” and such. If we did not have that box checked when we clicked “apply” the first time, some schools could not see it once it was uploaded by the school/recommender/gc. At that point, either the GC or the recommender would have to manually go through the motions to send it a school.

This was an issue for us for a few schools that wanted mid-year or third-quarter grades. We’d applied to a few schools initially not knowing they would later request those.

It was especially an issue for Knox, which was exacerbated by the fact their IT person had set up their Common App incorrectly and they couldn’t even choose to receive, via the Common App, the third-quarter grades in the third quarter. It worked out in the end, but took a lot of emailing back and forth to discover what had gone wrong.


For UofSC, not sure why we heard early as they didn’t announce anything about it so guess most will hear on the posted date in Dec. I’ve personally only heard of in-state acceptances at this point.

Will keep fingers crossed for good news for everyone still waiting!!

Kid just got the best acceptance package I’ve ever seen - from LoyNo.
A big box, with all the accoutrements for a second line parade in New Orleans - confetti and beads and a poster and stickers and an umbrella and a flag/kerchief, a keyring and on and on.

This stuff matters, even though we’re all very aware that it’s just marketing.
In comparison, he has yet to get a single personal bit of acceptance mail in the actual postal mail from Pitt, which is just sad.


LoyNo is very high on my sons list. I love when they send fun stuff.

My son only has 2 acceptances thus far. NAU was just a “check your portal” email. Jacksonsville University had a check your portal email but then digital dolphin confetti at least.