Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

We drove through but not applying. It’s a huge school if you student likes that. It was pretty amazing to see it has its own ski slope, ice rink, and riding stables.

And the swag starts…


Oh, wonderful! Is she at Interlochen, by any chance? My dd spent a summer there & was going to transfer as a creative writing award finalist… and then the pandemic struck…

Also, if your child is coming from a specialized art school, CalArts might be a great fit for her. ArtCenter is also a terrific option. Very highly regarded in industry. Mine is doing IB with an extra helping of computer science. Her school doesn’t offer formal Animation classes & she doesn’t have room in her schedule for many art electives. Her portfolio is very DIY without any guidance. With a year or 2 of formal prep she might have felt differently about CalArts or ArtCenter! :heart:

RISD’s foundation year was a big turnoff for my daughter. Their animation curriculum didn’t seem as robust as some others my daughter explored. I think it’s a wonderful school for industrial design. I like the focus on materials, personally. However, we did not find anyone in the animation/gaming industry, specifically, who recommended RISD.

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Yes, thank you! I appreciate your response. I :heart: NYC. I lived in Manhattan for almost 30 years & worked as a CD, so was very familiar with SVA, Pratt, Parsons (before New School). I definitely think their programs are excellent prep for the working world. Although all our kids were born there, big cities don’t really appeal to this particular dd that much… and unfortunately I don’t get to make the choice…

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She’s at North Broward Prep in FL. They have an affiliation w SCAD, so she’s a bit influenced that way. Not a city girl either so it may be a good fit anyway. Her school has a wonderful program - 4 academic classes and 3 art classes each trimester including digital arts, 3D, IB and AP. Her Digital art teacher worked on visual effects for Stranger Things! My DD was a musical theater major as well but it became too much. She’ll also graduate with 2 Adobe Photoshop certifications. Prior to HS, she was 100% self-taught which is totally ok and likely more the norm. She’s just glad she gets to flesh out her true passion before she commits to an art path. Did you mention pre-college summer programs yours has attended? Seems hard to find ones that aren’t 6 weeks long!


I totally agree, I loved having my babies with me a little longer!


Early Decision accepted to Whitman today!!! :tada:


Sooooo happy for y’all!


huge congrats!!!

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Awesome, great school!

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Early decision acceptance to Tufts! So happy for my D and relieved this is over for us. That is until my D19 applies to law schools next year (it never ends) :slight_smile:


Wow congrats! Great school - on our possible ED2 list if the news Friday isn’t good…

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Great news!

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Massive congratulations!!! Whitman is the best!


Congrats on Whitman & Tufts!! I used to live on Mason St. just down the hill from Tufts. :slight_smile:

@lahurley01 Not sure how close you live but I think you said your D is a boarder. I live very close to North Broward Prep so if she ever needs anything let me know!

S23 heard from two more schools- accepted to Florida Gulf Coast with $4000 a year (plus he has Bright Futures which covers tuition so that is an amazing deal) and Eckerd which he thinks is his top choice with $20,000 a year. The Eckerd letter had a little note mentioning one of his sports which was nice. He said he doesn’t want to say yes to Eckerd yet but each day he says things like - “should I bring my lacrosse stick with me? If I bring my golf clubs where would I store them? I guess it is good it’s not too far so I could drive home and grab them. I’ll definitely bring a few fishing rods.” Umm - you are going to college not a country club! :joy:


Interlochen Arts Camps are great – my dd did their 3-week camps as a middle schooler, but they have shorter HS “Institutes” as well.

DePaul has a terrific 1- or 2-week Gaming & Animation HS program; my dd did that virtually during the pandemic and then it was 2 weeks. I think in-person version is just 1 week. DePaul is not a “bumper sticker” school, but their gaming grads are highly regarded.

She did a 3-week program at Kansas City Art Institute, which was more focused on traditional animation. (Walt Disney took classes there as a child. :slightly_smiling_face:

Finally, Ringling PreCollege, which helped her cement her interest in 3D, specifically.

I also have to mention DigiPen, which is super well-known in gaming. It is tiny, & socially we didn’t think it would be a fit for college. (And my kid is more interested in 3D applications than gaming.) However… they do have summer programs & your dd may find it very helpful as a summer exploration.

We were pleasantly surprised by how helpful National Portfolio Day was – helped my dd weed out schools that she just didn’t click with. I highly recommend doing the in-person version if you can. (I’m sure SCAD probably hosts it.) Your student can tell immediately if her values (who she wants to be at the end of 4 years) align with the school’s.

Finally, ignore all the marketing fluff & focus on fit. Most job recruiters are like, Send me your reel. Done. They never even see where your kid went to school or even if they graduated. :joy:



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