Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Like others, I thought the joke was awesome. I laughed!

I’m confident he’ll find his people. I hope there is good news from the other schools as well.


Depends on how firm he is about CS. Penn State CS is in the College of Engineering, and the first-year curriculum is common, so he can move into another engineering field if (so inclined) in the second year.

The CS departments of Pitt and IU are in standalone CIS schools (although IU calls it Luddy Schools of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering). If his preference were to change to another engineering discipline, there may not be options at these schools. Pitt has good engineering programs, but they are housed in the Swanson School, and I don’t know how easy it is to transfer between schools after the first year.

Also, given that all of these are well-reputed schools, COA may be another factor to consider.


Well, I think that’s funny :laughing:


Izzy74 your daughter will be just fine! Just let her know she generally doesn’t have to live with the nerds if in the honors program. My daughter got in honors at Pitt and the advantage is that she gets to enroll in her classes early, so she is able to get the classes she needs. It’s a big bonus for her.

And hey what’s so bad about nerds? lol. I hear the nerds are the cool kids these days.


They absolutely are! No idea what her problem is.

Would you mind sharing your daughter’s stats? My son applied to Honors at Pitt but I’m not sure of his chances. He did get into UB Honors (they say top 10% of applicants are selected) but I think Pitt is even more competitive. Also, he’s only considering bigger schools if the Honors program makes a big school feel smaller. Is that how you would describe the Pitt honors experience there?

P.S. My son embraces his inner nerd and can’t wait to find his people at college so he’s applying to every honors program he can! Bonus points if they have their own dorm to “nerd out” 24/7. Lol.


Literally just this morning, a convo between me and D23 in the car, on two colleges X and Y she was accepted to:

D23: “I follow X and Y on Instagram. College X has lots of pictures of cool looking people, college Y’s pics are full of nerds”

Me: “Um, you should not weight colleges based on Instagram, and definitely not by how many nerds there are…”

D23: “Uh huh”

Me: “…as a matter of fact, more nerds is probably better.”

D23: “Uh huh” (back to phone)


Our daughters should probably hang out :slight_smile: Or maybe not!


It really makes me wonder what visual characteristics identify a “cool looking person” vs. a “nerd” these days?


Wait until you go to the class Instagram page with people looking for roommates, many, many bikini pix. My girls rejected schools because of the class pages.


That’s hysterical. Love it.


AmyIzzy she’s a junior in Pitt’s engineering program so she geeks out with engineers more than the Honor’s kids, BUT sometimes she goes to the Cathedral of Learning to the honor’s floors for some quiet studying with a nice view. :slight_smile: We get some beautiful photos here and there!

Don’t remember her GPA but it was solid. Test scores were 35 ACT/1450 SAT


She sounds amazing! Looks like she found her circle and is thriving! He has a 4.0 unweighted and 1450 so here’s hoping :crossed_fingers:

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My D23 got into Moody Advertising/PR last night! Hopefully we can visit the school soon.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: I would have laughed for sure this is hilarious


I laughed out loud. I cannot believe nobody laughed at this - not even adults, who would presumably have more education???

Maybe you’re right and his people are not there.
This should be his test for everyone b/c it’s freaking awesome.


S23, DH, and I would have all laughed at this! It’s hilarious!


I am continually amazed by the competitiveness of it all nowadays- kids with 1400+ SATs getting deferred from large state schools with 60%+ acceptance rates. It’s shocking to me.


Are these students getting deferred from Classics? English? Sociology? Anthropology? Education? Undecided?

Or are they getting deferred having applied for Engineering, CS, Nursing, Business etc?

Overall acceptance rates often seem to trip up good/very good students who don’t seem to realize that certain majors can be much more competitive than the overall acceptance rates a school posts.

Also, it does seem like some schools just aren’t equipped to handle the huge (and relatively recent) influx of applications in the early action rounds meaning more students might get pushed to the RD round. A friend of mine’s daughter was deferred from two schools last year during EA, both of which accepted her during RD.


Also are they instate or out of state applicants?