Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

They’ve been talking about the food for years! (Finally got into a dining commons to sample on recent tour w 12th grader; it was good. Current UMass student hasn’t complained!)

UMass was recently dethroned on the Niche food rankings, though still ranked third.

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D23’s last final was yesterday. Her classes ended up as follows, in the order that the finals were administered:

  • Physics Lab: The professor has an earned reputation for insanely harsh exams. (I mean, I have this rep myself, as well, but his are next-level.) They’re not worth a huge percentage of the grade, though. D23 needed a 23% to retain her B, got a 38%. Mission accomplished.
  • Aural Skills: Grades have been posted, A.
  • Music Theory: No final grade assigned yet, but she’s quite confident about getting an A in the class. The professor (who teaches the follow-on as well) has given her permission to take the next semester of music theory without the aural skills co-requisite, which makes D23 very happy.
  • Microeconomics: She needed an 83% on the final to retain her A, she got an 88%.

She has now fulfilled all of her high school graduation requirements, and could technically receive her diploma next week, but then she couldn’t take any more courses without losing her status as a first-year student (and thus her access to the really good scholarships) anywhere she’s applied for the fall.

Next semester her schedule will be:

  • Intro to Creative Writing
  • Intro to Logic (one of the basic philosophy classes they offer)
  • Music Theory II
  • Theatre Appreciation (her one 100% just for fun class)

Whoa! Based on the scores those are super tough exams!

Congrats to your daughter!

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I working in nursing and our grads have zero issues getting jobs. The university I work at does have advanced degrees for nursing available and they are promoted to our grads.

Twin 2 Accepted to Trinity University! Dean’s Scholarship of $20,000/yr…not quite as much as we were expecting, but hopefully full financial aid package will come through with institutional grants. For now though, very happy!


Congrats! :tada:Trinity is an amazing school and San Antonio is a great city.


D23 was also accepted to Trinity University today! Same $20,000/yr scholarship, also not as much as we were hoping for :slight_smile: Trinity was her hardest admit though, so we are extra proud of her. Only Elon and Furman are still to go and she’s not super sold on either of them so really just waiting for all the final numbers now.


I checked in on his apps again. He still needs to submit 2 of them. A couple are awaiting music teacher recommendations. One of the high school choir teachers is on maternity leave so my son’s teacher is doing double duty and overwhelmed.

Theres 2 schools he seems more anxious about, Indiana U and Loyola New Orleans. He hasnt said he has a top choice thus far but he hasnt been super excited about the 6 acceptances thus far.

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Rejected from REA. Kind of glad no deferral to drag out the not knowing. Now she needs to kick butt on her remaining 7 apps. She’s home Saturday for break.


D23 deferred EA from Georgetown. Lots of tears and still so much homework to do tonight and two tests tomorrow. I do feel for these kids.


Congrats to those reporting acceptances, hang in there if your kid was deferred and hugs to the kids who did not get the acceptances they were hoping for. Lots of emotions out in “college application land” tonight and feeling a mix of joy and empathy as I read all the posts.

Our latest:
Accepted to UMASS Boston w/ $15K merit (brings it down to $35K so probably not in budget at this point unless they really come through on financial aid or there is extra merit for honors if he is invited)

Accepted to Le Moyne (Syracuse) with very generous merit-$28K-which brings it to $23K
Le Moyne has an accepted student event at the end of January he might be able to attend. My son, husband & I all like the vibe and they are very warm & welcoming (Jesuit school)

Accepted to Fordham (LC campus for psychology) but no mention of merit in the acceptance letter which means he likely didn’t get the full tuition award for National Hispanic Merit Scholar. Not a shock since it was super competitive. I was panicking about no merit at all but many people say it comes later for most families so not counting it out but this won’t be a contender without decent merit or financial aid-I believe tuition is close to $80K!!!

So we are expecting EA decisions for Case Western next week and Northeastern at the end of January…then the hard part comes (making a choice with many good options.)


Congrats! Those are wonderful acceptances!!

But I thought Syracuse COA was almost as much as Fordham? How’d you get it to $23k?
Oh wait, I just realized. It’s in Syracuse … lol.
I’m so dumb sometimes.

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Love your perspective and mix of joy/empathy. So true. Note that we’ll also be waiting on Case and Northeastern!


Thank you! It’s not Syracuse University. It’s Le Moyne which is located in Syracuse. Lol. Small Jesuit LAC. As a side note I went to SU for grad school (special education) while I was teaching at my fist job in Oswego, NY. I figured I’d given them enough $ already. lol. It’s a great school but my son didn’t think it was the vibe he was looking for and was too large. It’s his girlfriend’s first choice, though.


So we will be biting our nails at the same time. Lol. Good luck!

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Well my fault because when I put Syracuse in parentheses it linked to SU and I’m not sure how to unlink (lacking my savvy tech skills) Haha

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Thrilled that S was just accepted to Cornell Engineering! What a wonderful early Christmas gift. :grin:


Congratulations!!! A wonderful Christmas gift indeed!!!


My daughter also! They will be classmates! She’s civil!


That’s amazing!!! Congrats!