Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

So … D’s original plan (8 schools) seemed solid …

  1. ED1 school, and if that didn’t work out,
  2. ED 2 school
    3, 4, 5 targets
    6, 7, 8 safeties

Then, ED 1 school (which defers only 8%) deferred her … and the plan went out the window.

She agonized over whether to ED2 to #2 but ultimately decided to hold out hope for #1. Because RD somewhat tanked her chances at #2 (a school that LOVES ED), she lost confidence and ended up submitting an additional 8 or 9 apps…falling right into the application fee trap.

Grateful that she’s our last to go through this process.


This sounds a lot like my D20’s journey. It all worked out, but I remember how anxious I was when she decided not to apply ED2. I’m rooting for your D!


I was going to say the same. As a musician, my kid has seen several new questions pop up when loading up audition materials. In one case an entire extra application to the music school. Leave time, everyone!


Yep. Agree.


One school wants 23 to travel for a whole weekend as a scholarship finalist. This will be expensive and require driving 4-10 hours. I run a business so I will not be able to earn money during that time.

Other schools awarded scholarships withOUT requiring expensive visits.

I’d be surprised if most schools track how close an applicant is to a school and judge someone who lives an hour away differently than someone who lives eight hours away. If they do track distance in order to compute demonstrated interest, they sure have some impressive software!

M D21 at Miami of Ohio they give A+ but only counts as a 4.0. An A- is 3.7. It kind of sucks that they give you the A+ but it never helps off set an A-. B+ and C+ they get 3.3 and 2.3. So not consistent

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I think that this is one of the most common grading scales. Both of my daughters schools use that. It’s also difficult to get As. Curving and percentages (eg 20% get an A or A-) are typical. Despite a common belief that all schools are viewed the same, I don’t buy it. Grad, Med, Law schools have to take university difficulty into account.

Now that most of us are at the end of the ordeal, can we talk about food? Favorites? All you can eat Univs, any? Great food options, any? :slight_smile:

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You might be right I just know at D18’s school Clemson there was no A+

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@MAmomto4 At both my son’s school (quarter system) and daughter’s school (semesters), the basic pre-req (math, physics, engineering, etc) sequence is Calc I, Calc II, Multivariable Calc, Linear Algebra. Both my kids came in with AP Calc BC credit (5s) but my son also had taken multivariable in HS; both were/are math majors. Both started in Multivariable so skipped Calc I & II as recommended by their college. My son could have skipped multivariable but felt that was too big of a jump.


We need to do a deeper dive on the food to the schools where S23 was accepted!

I think I remember from our SMU tour that they have unlimited visits a day to the dining halls.


We are ending up on a similar path. ED deferral at a school that didn’t defer a lot, ended up not doing ED2, and added a few more applications as a result…bracing for March.

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Can he travel to the auditions alone? I was a musical theatre major and I traveled to many of my auditions alone (planes, driving, etc.). I actually felt very mature and enjoyed the adventure.


Ohhhhh…good luck to your child. It was such a tough decision (whether to ED2). Mine is now bracing for the real possibility of rejections at #1 and #2 in March. Fingers crossed for you and keep us posted!! In some ways March can’t come soon enough, but certainly don’t want to wish away these last 8 months with D under our roof.


I’m sitting here googling schools to find some he hasn’t missed a deadline for and that still would consider him for scholarships as a late RD candidate … hearing of all this ED fallout makes me think those kids will certainly take the spot of my RD son since they showed strong interest by applying ED. We aren’t financial secure to apply ED anywhere; sent a few EA applications in but September-December is unfortunately his heavy extra-curricular season with Varsity Swim and Model UN conference prep. Just didn’t get all the applications in that we should have. S23 is slowly spirally into a depression knowing that all of his hard work may be lost on having to settle for a safety that he is not interested in at all. This was much more fun when my D18 went through this process. Just wanted to whine a little… carry on. {sigh}

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I have an '18 and '19 and it was a bit easier to predict what might happen back then. Still, our kids will land at great places and waiting will at least give them the time/satisfaction of evaluating their acceptances and financial offers. There’s so much out of their control in this process, but getting RD acceptances/offers and being able to revisit with additional maturity and perspective is a good thing too. Good luck!


Sorry to hear your S is feeling down about the process right now! I know it’s hard for many students who are in this mid season limbo waiting for the later EA and RD decisions.

I think you mentioned earlier that he was admitted to Loyola NOLA with scholarship, is that the safety you are mentioning? Is he no longer interested in that program?

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I can’t seem to get the heart emoji to work, so hugs to you.
I don’t know about your son’s interests, test scores, and field, but Seton Hall has a merit scholarship deadline of Jan 15 and RD application of Feb 1 (they do look at demonstrated interest) and Xavier has rolling admission with a merit deadline of Feb 1. We get mailings from them still because S23 would actually be a good fit for either school, and so I am anxious that maybe he should still apply, but he has decided to stick with what he has. I think he can’t face any more essays.
Good luck!


American and Muhlenberg are still open for RD admissions. Muhlenberg is very generous with merit. American is less generous but has a lower sticker price.


oh no, Loyola Nola is his current ‘bright light’ - he is very interested in their CS program and the school. However as a smaller private college the cost is just a bit outside our budget. Fingers crossed that he gets into the Honors Program as it’s an additional $5K/year. He has already topped out on their two other merit scholarships for which we are very grateful. Just still haven’t seen an actual official financial package from them. (It’s hard being lower middle class with really bright accomplished kids; no matter how hard they work it all comes down to money.)

I think also we just visited with family and his cousin (also a 23 grad) has applied to several big name schools. They are full pay, so if he gets in he can go… we are needs aid, so even if he gets in we have to have a ‘show me the money’ option before he can commit. Also know many full pay kids get chosen over needs aid… I just think that all of the college talk over the weekend kind of stressed him out and brought him down a bit. The boys have always been compared even though they are nothing alike. But listening to them talk about how cousin has been working with a college professor on research and is already published. We don’t have opportunities like that where we live at our huge public school, but cousin lives in and goes to a small upper class school offering lots of such.