Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Has your family thought about any of these schools? The deadlines are what Collegevine indicated as the application deadlines, so I would be sure and double-check these dates with each university and see if there’s a separate scholarship deadline. For the two rolling schools, I looked up the deadlines.

  • Chapman (CA), January 15
  • Illinois Institute of Technology, March 1
  • Manhattan College (NY), Rolling, but Feb. 15 for full scholarship consideration (source)
  • New Jersey Institute of Technology, March 1
  • Rensselaer Polytechnic (NY), January 15
  • St. Edward’s (TX), Rolling, but Feb. 1 for full scholarship consideration (source)
  • U. of Dayton (OH), February 1

To the poster whose son is discouraged, I’m so sorry he’s feeling this way. He’s a wonderful candidate and should have excellent choices once all is said and done.

I definitely feel like this process was easier and more predictable for my D17. She had a great cycle, got into many reaches she shouldn’t have. I don’t know that S23 will have as many options and he’s a stronger candidate.

As for Uber, I’m a highschool teacher and I see kids who definitely aren’t 18 Uber to school, lol. I don’t think there’s much incentive for a diver to ask. My daughter went to college at 17, was 17 for 3 months of freshman year, and used Uber extensively.


I’m sorry your son is feeling like this.

Our D had a rough winter break in a similar way. She knew her ED was a longshot (reach-for-all type of school), so even though she was disappointed at being deferred, she had prepared for it and the deferral felt like a bit of a win vs. a rejection (though it made it harder for her to pull the trigger on ED2). But she also got deferred at an EA school that she was a really strong candidate for and that was one of her favorite target schools. And that set a downward spiral in motion right around the holidays. I will say that identifying a few other schools to add to the list (even if they were ones she had originally culled from the list) and finishing all of her essays and getting those applications submitted (and just having a little time go by to lessen the sting a bit) seems to have helped. And the schools she added are amazing each in their own way, and I think she realizes that more now than she was willing to a few months ago. I think it also just gave her a little more of a feeling of control to be able to add a few more schools…

So maybe some of that could apply to your son as well? This process is hard. It was easier with her older sibling because the Covid application increase insanity hadn’t exploded as much yet and because the schools he was applying to weren’t as selective in their admissions process. Just wanted to send some empathy for both of you.


Instead of googling other schools, you might look into more details about the school he was accepted into and find things that he hadn’t noticed before. Find the positive in the school so he doesn’t view it as settling.


We book hotel rooms for my D23 though the app and do online check in and mobile key. She usually stops down at the front desk later for a hard key. She has never had a problem. She is super confident and independent, though.

The Air bnb also seems like a good idea.


I like your answers—not just here but in other posts, too.

Gosh, the woman in a huff. I’d be so embarrassed to be traveling with her.

I wondered if Cornell was doing something similar. If the school doesn’t track interest as a way to help with equity, I’m all for it. However, I had a feeling (unscientific, I know) that the real purpose of not tracking was that Cornell wanted to keep the numbers of visitors to campus low. I could be wrong!

We were not able to get a real tour scheduled so toured on our own, which then raised a question for me on the lack of security.

23 said they felt like Cornell didn’t have to be as nice as other schools since so many want to attend.

While we have one sort of happy Cornell grad friend, the other friend said, “Oh, wow, I’ve never been back…” Okay, I’m digressing. I’ll end here. :joy:

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Anyone else have a kiddo who is testing out “portal astrology” to pass the time?

For example, a few weeks before decisions were released at her ED1 school, D read on CC that the “withdraw application” button disappeared for some but not all applicants, it turned out that the missing button meant a denial at that school.

Last night she noticed on her Richmond portal that she’s able to access an “admitted students visit” page. It actually says “congratulations on your admissions”

I realize that these sometimes turn out to be nothing, but sometimes, especially when the same “glitch” is referenced in multiple years’ posts on CC, it turns out to be true.

Perhaps wishful thinking :slight_smile:


That’s interesting. My D23 just checked her portal, and does not see access to an admitted students visit page. Richmond will be a reach for my daughter (I expect her to be deferred), so maybe this means something for your daughter!

She also noticed that under expected date of decision release it says 1/25. We both thought it was supposed to be 1/20.


Truly no idea if it means anything, and she had to go through all of those steps (Events, then Campus Visits) before she saw it. She also saw the Jan 25th date and that’s a bummer.

Oh, yes. She can see that now under Campus visits. She can’t see any actual dates that they are available, but it does say Congratulations on your admission. I do think this is a glitch/unrelated to her actual application, unfortunately.


I hope your daughter will get her wish and become a Spider!!


i am not sure what to say; the pressure that he feels though is based on your regional culture. I get how that affects kids so much, and hearing about what others are experiencing doesnt always help you feel better. But, in case you even would want to broach that subject, i’ll share something. Here, in our midwest hamlet, kids would be THRILLED to have those stats, and they’d apply to warm weather schools that offer auto merit, and use any extra funds to study abroad, have great spring breaks, and etc. While he might feel safety schools are a step down, have him google how many NMF are at the University of Alabama. You’d be so surprised; how many hundreds of students are taking those offers and prospering! Look at FSU; its ranked highly, yet is the dream school of many; he’d get great merit there still. Keep sharing with him how important it is to realize IT IS WHAT YOU DO IN COLLEGE - that moves your further in life; not the name of the school. and hugs to him.


I think that being able to access an admitted student page has some, but not always, significance. Especially if the page is behind login credentials. The application websites may simply hide the link until the appointed date/time. So if you have the direct URL, you might be able access it. Kind of primitive web design, but I’ve seen it in prior years.

What I don’t think has much significance is the ability/inability to withdraw, update contact info, diff colors, etc.

How does your daughter like the International Relations program at DU and the university overall? Thank you!

@jmjmm and @CA2MA My S23 just checked his Richmond portal. After clicking on Events then Campus Visits, he received the same “Congratulations on your admission to the University of Richmond!”

It will be interesting to see if it means anything. S23 is home sick with covid. This perked him up! He was finally back to playing basketball last week after being out for almost a month with a concussion, and then he got covid. Ugh!


My son applied to Manhattan College in early October along with the other EA colleges. He heard back the week leading up to Christmas. It didn’t seem like a rolling deadline to me.

On the other hand, he applied to Duquesne University which wasn’t listed as rolling and heard back about two weeks later. :woman_shrugging:

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Well, I think that Collegevine may have either said no deadline on 7/31 or some such, which I interpret as rolling deadline. But according to Manhattan’s own site, theirs is rolling.

Of course, I know of a big flagship with “rolling” admissions and there have been several posters bemoaning the glacial pace of the admissions decisions. I guess rolling doesn’t mean it’s a fast roll. For others it’s a super slow roll…


If you are needing aid, and I don’t know your entire list but why is he not applying to auto merit schools - if he wants small like a UAH or Truman State. If he wants big, like a Bama (more NMFs than any school so smart kids abound), MISS state, WVU, Arizona, Mizzou and more.

A 3.95 4.43 (if based on +.5 honors and +1 AP is strong but not out of this world unfortunately.

But the 33 ACT will get him guaranteed $$.

While it may not be at his top choice of schools, if going to college is going to cause your family strain make sure he applies to a college that guarantees your family affordability - guarantee by you know the exact merit b4 u apply.

For a degree in CS, where you go likely will matter little - unless a few select schools.

There’s no reason to have to panic in regards to affordability. Your son has earned that at least - financial breathing room for the family.


23 didn’t see anything in the Richmond portal. It’ll be interesting to see if it’s true that the “congrats” message means something. I’m curious!

We have booked our first admitted student reception!! UVM hosts events around the country so we’re signed up to attend.


Now I’m feeling super guilty for posting that…I doubt it means anything and it’s prob on everyone’s portal. It’s a series of steps that my D took…first clicking on Events in red banner, then on “campus visit” and that’s where she saw it. Seems the same for many others here too, so it’s likely meaningless. Sigh…the waiting is hard.