Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

@smbanderson My daughter attended precollege (PCAL) at KCAI two summers ago, in the animation concentration. :blush:


Interesting. I went back to the Class of 2021 thread to see if, for some reason, that year was an anomaly. Based on what was posted here and here and here and here, it doesnā€™t look like it was.


:crossed_fingers:t3: :four_leaf_clover: :crossed_fingers:t3: :four_leaf_clover:

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That is an interesting way of thinking of it. I think my D is at $540k with two decisions pending and three acceptances with uncertain merit (one is in state public which will be at near 0 probably and one is I think automatic WUE which is like $15 k a yr and other one is private which I anticipate big merit at).

Also congrats! I know it sounds crazy but all in at $100k with merit and not any financial aid is pretty fantastic.


We paid for a group camping site nearby for an overnight graduation party without parents. Priceless.


Oooo, what used to be in the box?

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Pretty quick turn over for RD given apps arenā€™t even due until February.

Curious how other families handle decision days? In some movies (CODA) and student youtube videos, you see the whole family sitting around the computer for the big reveal. So far for my S23 heā€™s been out and opened them up on his phone. And then waited until he came home before letting us know regardless of the outcome (1 deferral, 1 rejection, 1 acceptance).

Trackable is the wrong term. Itā€™s Informed Delivery which will give you some details about items arriving to your home at no cost to sender or receiver. Nowadays they show a picture of letters but as I remember in 2017 it mainly just told you the From address. I found my registration from 1/20/2017 and remember at some point seeing an item arriving from SoCal. I made sure to be home that afternoon when the mail arrived and my D17 came straight home from school. Iā€™m not sure how USC could opt out of Informed Delivery as I couldnā€™t find any information to do so. Informed Delivery was relatively new in 2017 and may not have been available for everyone.

Does USC still do the same thing and send packages out before Electronic Notification?


My kid would never want to record and post - heā€™s pretty private. So far heā€™s checked his phone and told (or texted) us when heā€™s received news. If he shared anything on social media itā€™s to a small more private group of friends, not on his main page.


Interesting question that Iā€™ve thought about too. With both of my Dā€™s, we asked what they wanted to do and both wanted us there. For D19, her ED was a rejection so I was glad my DH and I were there to reassure her. She did not think to nor did we video her opening up the decision. A few hours of tears later she readjusted her plan/outlook and it all worked out for her better than she had ever dreamed. When she opened up her EA decision from Tulane she asked us to be there then too - thankfully, that worked out better.

I was surprised my d23 wanted us to be there because she is a very private individual. But regardless, she clicked on the ED decision link in front of us and did record it herself. Thankfully, it was an acceptance.

My son just opened them on his own and let us know the results ā€“ usually the same day (lol).

He did let us know right away for his ED acceptance.

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@KaliHoosier - I not in favor of doing any social media public reveals, and honestly Iā€™m fine with him wanting to open up the portal in private. I would however like to not wait around for 5 hours before he lets us know!!!


My D23 is anxious but does not want to talk about it! I am anxious but I DO want to talk about it! Nevertheless, of the 13 schools (thatā€™s a lot, isnā€™t it?) schools applied to, she has been accepted to the two in-town universities, though one is my employer and ā€œdoesnā€™t countā€ on the list, and five others, one that we cannot swing with the current merit offer. Still waiting for six more decisions.

A couple of those 6 are not providing decisions until March!

For me, itā€™s about her being happy where we can afford to send her. I worry from time to time, but am largely chill now that she has some schools where she can imagine attending. Thenā€¦we complete visits for the majority we have not yet seen!


I get that!


same, I miss the days of it coming in the snail mail.


I plan on asking my kid (soon) about what he wants. His applications include music prescreens, and thus far heā€™s opened them all himself and told me later. I think I would want that time to sit alone with my emotions, good or bad, but many people would love having everyone together and feel supported.


I donā€™t think itā€™s too far below 40k for out of state, but CU Denver is definitely not way north. Just a thought, as Iā€™ve been doing lots of math lately.


My D23 has opened them all on her own, and let us know after the fact. A couple of them came in while she was at practice, and those she opened from her phone after practice, surrounded by teammates. I would never do that! I would be too nervous about a denial! But Iā€™m sure her teammates would rally around her and comfort her if she received bad news.

She does not record anything and isnā€™t a big social media poster.

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Mine both applied and were accepted ED and have both opened theirs privately. My older S actually made up a rejection letter with the schoolā€™s logo saying ā€œwe regret to inform youā€¦ā€ before grinning and saying he got in. Kids these days lol!