Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

It’s like this at Temple too. So many students are technically commuter but live either in commercial apartments or private rental row houses in the 3 blocks around campus. I’m sure this is true for a lot of urban schools with limited university-operated housing.

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If he gets an interview let me know. My older Ds both interviewed so I can give you some insight.


So - small potatoes compared to so many here - but D23 was invited this afternoon to interview for a special engineering co-hort at a state school. Her second interview competition; this one is a little more lucrative; intense. She seemed excited - so that made me happy. :hibiscus: :cherry_blossom: You never know what is going to come on a Friday afternoon email!


That is not small potatoes at all! Congratulations!
We, too, are waiting to hear about some small cohort programs at a “less-competitive” school in the next few days, and it matters a lot to us as well even though it might seem small on CC.
Good luck to her!


Might depend on the specific insurance carrier - or whether the car is only moved during college semesters, but all other times is “home” for a good portion of the year.

Despite her car being in my name, on my insurance, and still registered at home, etc., the rates when up VERY significantly once we informed the insurer that my full-year grad student’s car was now being “garaged” in a different state (despite parking garage in gated community in “nice” part of city).

I could have not disclosed the fact that the car has effectively been relocated, but the point of insurance coverage is that I do want her to be fully covered in a catastrophic event thousands of miles away, and not having voided/limited coverage for not having given proper notices that might be required in the policy I signed…


Thank you very much. I will keep you posted and might be reaching out with some questions! Appreciate that!

S23 accepted EA to Purdue with their presidential scholarship! That puts him 3 for 3 in his out of state safeties. So thrilled. If California does him dirty, he has good options, lol. Nice to see our safeties were actually safeties. Makes me feel better about the rest of his apps.


Just want to note for others reading this thread that for popular majors, Purdue should not be considered a safety for even the strongest student. There were some very high stats students deferred or denied today.


You are 100% correct! My son is accepted to applied physics. Had he been applying under engineering or computer science, results could have been very different.


Speaking of Purdue, I’m always surprised the Beering Scholarship doesn’t get more attention on CC. It covers a full ride for undergraduate AND a Master’s/professional (including Vet or Medical) or graduate school. I think it still exists, but there is little information about it. D17 was one of the 13 finalists for 4/5? spots. She interviewed in the Atlanta airport on patchy airport wifi and wasn’t really a hard science person, so we weren’t surprised at the no.
Purdue is a great school, and the Beering is unbelievable as scholarships go. If someone has heard that Covid killed the program, please let me know. I don’t have any eligible children, but I have recommended it to other students before.
Of course, to be clear, it would be like winning the lottery. A reach, reach.


Yes, Beering still exists! Very, very competitive and just a small number of spots (I don’t know the exact number).


How long did it take for Pitt merit? My DD applied for TE there as well. Acceptance mid-November but no merit yet (unless it Is in the portal now, I don’t think she has checked this week).

Finally got all her apps in and now we wait (she may have one optional essay that’s due 1/15- I need to check).


For S23 it took two months after he was admitted. He applied 10/9, admitted 11/8, merit letter dated 1/10. Good luck!


When D18 graduated this past May from college we had the same fear. Graduation is a two day event with the special Commencement speaker actually speaking the day before the walking ceremony. Our youngest had the AP World History exam that day so we didn’t get see that - drove up late Thursday. Really blessed the test wasn’t Friday. But then we didn’t really see daughter as she wanted to visit with friends (completely understandable - her roommate and BFF of 4ys was leaving and they needed that time).

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The Pitt merit offer came fast for my son (1 week maybe?), but in the Pitt thread, it seems like there’s a lot of variability for how long it’s taking, and it’s uncorrelated with the amount offered. I think major has something to do with it. I do know that it showed up in the document center a few days before an email, so you could keep checking there.

Tuition exchange for Pitt is a ridiculous longshot, so we will be shocked if he gets it. We all just loved the virtual engineering visit at Pitt so much – it was by far the best of the many our son did. The app was a cinch, so he decided to send it off. At the time, there was also a possibility of parent employment there (but parent didn’t end up applying due to another position coming through first).

Congrats on the apps being done and fingers crossed for good merit at Pitt (even if TE is a bust)!


My opinion about TE for Pitt is that if you are in-state you probably won’t get it but may just get a full tuition merit. I think it’s cost effective for the FinAid Dept to give TE to out of state students because that money may come from a different budget (HR) rather than their FinAid merit budget.


Oh that would be great to be in-state for Pitt, and what you’re saying makes complete sense. I think you’re correct. Our kid would probably attend Pitt if it were in-state. I definitely cannot complain since we are in-state for Purdue and my kid just got admitted to engineering there, which is an amazing and cheap option.


What is TE? How does it work?

TE stands for Tuition Exchange.

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