Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

You should ask but I believe he is correct based on their wording as it says undergrad, grad or legal.

My son’s gf is doing a masters in engineering free but she does research and I think that qualifies for the extra year (5th).

As we talk about Ca schools or Illinois or Mass schools being pricey - this is in part why Bama is 60% OOS. With high auto merit for a 3.5 and strong test, kids from all over are flocking there.


There’s absolutely others with great deals - for example Tulsa as a smaller school and many more. Check each on their websites. Tulsa is full ride but this says tuition. But it will give u an idea of other schools.


Yeah, I am from Tulsa originally (well, in my teen years anyway). Left the state at 18 and have never looked back. It’s hard for me to think about my son going back to school there! But when the time comes, if it looks like it could be a good deal, he will probably consider it.

Or Maine or Tulsa or UCF or USF or any of the other schools that have full rides :slight_smile:


It’s smaller, private and a better package than Alabama’s.


Harvard knows a thing or two.

Yes, because those OOS schools know what they need to offer to pull you away from CA schools. :smile:


Bama has become IL south for sure. Tons of kids can go to Bama cheaper than to UIUC. Actually lots of IL kids go out of state if they have the stats. My D19 did.

Just know that Greek system at Bama is not for the faint of heart. It may or may not be your cup of tea but just search for Bamarush on Tiktok to get an idea. It is like night and day compared to my daughter’s school in OH.


Although both have recognizable names, a student’s experience at Berkeley is very different than at Stanford. Berkeley is a very large, anonymous public school. Berkeley tends to have a competitive (as opposed to collaborative) culture. Registering for classes and finding housing are both difficult. Students who attend Berkeley should be very independent and confident. They should feel comfortable taking the initiative to find friends groups, opportunities, internships, etc. If a student is on the reserved side, they will likely struggle socially.


Being a URM adds a more complex layer to this discussion. The argument of “kids can thrive and be successful anywhere” doesn’t apply when you’re discussing URM at PWIs. As @beebee3 noted, sometimes the financial discount just isn’t enough to outweigh another option. We have other considerations that come into play when thinking about fit.

When D20 and S23 applied to colleges, we were acutely aware that our search as AfAm was very different than non-URM peers and many on CC. I can’t tell you how many people were shocked and dismayed that S23 didn’t even consider applying to some of the T15 engineering schools given his stats. But with both my kids we peeled back the layers and dug into the university stats on retention and persistence, talked to current AfAm students, looked at representation in leadership positions on campus, explored programming, etc.

I am not suggesting @socalmom007 or others stretch beyond their financial comfort zone to pay for college. I only mention this to say that the “no brainer” tag looks different for URM at PWIs.


Also, SoCal based, also looking how to balance value for our D23. (unlike you, don’t have any decisions in hand yet so it’s all theoretical and still stressful.)

But the UC campus game vs OOS/private is the same equation for us. Easy choice for UCLA or Cal. If it’s UCSB vs U.Wisconsin, probably Santa Barbara all day. But if it’s UC Davis vs…say, Barnard (they don’t offer merit, we don’t qualify for FA)? It’s an expensive and less obvious decision than, say, Cal vs. Barnard (well, obvious to me…)

good luck – to all of us!


@dfbdfb takes a look at some of the outrageous claims about accomplishments made on the chance me threads…:eyes:


Well yeah, of course. I was just throwing out a pair of high-prestigiosity California colleges, one public and one private.

Feel free to insert whatever others you’d prefer.

@gpo613 I’m familiar with MiamiOH - visited it way back in my youth. In addition to that, my younger son goes to Xavier and has been to MiamiOH a couple of times to visit a friend who goes there.

D23 has been to campuses similar to MiamiOH but that’s not the kind of location she is interested in (nothing against MiamiOH - def great campus/school). But she really does want urban/big city. I get it b/c I wanted urban also. I went to Fordham and knew the minute I walked on campus it was where I wanted to be, South Bronx and all. :slightly_smiling_face: D23 loved Fordham too and applied/was accepted but she is waiting for a couple more decisions and a few financial packages before she decides.


Hello from a fellow Ram :slight_smile: I actually fell in love with Fordham when I received one of those glossy brochures after taking either PSAT or SAT or something. I don’t know why, but just looking at the brochure, I knew that’s where I was meant to be. I never even visited before accepting. Fortunately, my instincts were right: there is no place I would have rather gone.


I was married in the Fordham Church (officially not Chapel as I wrote), which is on my screen-saver backdrop!
Husband went to Prep and University. He loved it, just wasn’t a good fit for either child.


My son received an email from RPI (after he submitted the application) that the deadline has been extended. Don’t understand the logic of why a school would extend its application deadline this late in the game.

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There have been so many of them this year. It does feel kinda disrespectful for students that get things in on time.


Agreed. They juggle between so many things and compromise on sleep, social time to get the applications done on time. This looks like a joke played on them.