Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

I didn’t know I needed to have good milkshakes on my list of criteria for schools, but now I know I do… :slight_smile:


Depends on the NPC—even leaving aside situations that NPCs are just generally notoriously bad at dealing with (business ownership, certain issues arising from divorced parents), some of them are better than others.

Particularly dishonorable mention to those that ask for household income in broad bands with a top bin of “$99,999 and up”, and/or give a result that says “Students with a household income like yours got, on average, $X in combined need- and merit-based aid”. Like, could you be less helpful? I mean, I’m sure you could but I’m having trouble figuring out precisely how.


Hey, it was definitely an incentive for my younger kids to go visit her with me… and well, I didn’t mind them either. :wink:

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And I will add, I am a literal milkman’s daughter, so milk, ice cream, milk shakes… they matter. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:



Are you going down to I2E this weekend? That’s our long-shot.

No, D23 went to Distinguished Scholars in December. Honestly, I think Baylor is likely out for us. D23 still says she loves it but the price, combined with my husband not loving it on that trip, has kind of turned us off. D23 is leaning towards Trinity in SA I think, this week at least :slight_smile:

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Good luck! I don’t think we’ll be affording Baylor, short of a miracle, but S23 really wants to go to the weekend, and so I am making it work. It’s quite possible he just won’t like it, and then I won’t be the ogre talking about price.
Of course, now I am getting updates from the Airline about travel disruptions in the midwest…
(Trinity is a great school. Knew people from my high school in Dallas who loved it.

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Don’t forget the tiny print at the bottom that says “with typical assets for that income” with no information on what those assets would be or who decides typical. Fun times with the NPCs.


that’s nuts - a 1000 word research paper. My kiddo would kick=back on that too!


i2E ?? good luck and fingers crossed. looks like a great option!!

Baylor is one of those colleges with bad NPCs; which we nixed as it’s unaffordable without that big 12E scholarship. We did call to the FA office about the NPC and they admitted it’s old; and i think of it as a marketing piece.


My daughter has two majors she is interested in. She’ll probably major in one and minor in the other depending on where she ends up. One school required an extra essay for major A but not major B. We decided to just choose major B for that school just because one more essay would have broken the camel’s back for both of us. Might be 4 years of repercussions for this decision but just couldn’t bear one more.

Yes! WPI is one of those. The NPC (which I knew not to trust for just this reason) told us to expect to pay ~$30K, which is affordable for us. Just got S23’s financial aid package yesterday. COA is ~$54K, which is not really affordable.


If the parents are W2 employees, yes. Not necessarily accurate if self-employed.

TE is the other consideration and NPCs aren’t applicable. :blush:


Good to hear! It’s on our radar as they have an exchange program with Hartpury Uni in the UK, which is where she first heard of the school. It’s pretty small though. She’s having a hard time with that. But having recommendations will help bolster her interest!

If possible, I suggest a visit … it’s in an absolutely gorgeous town, no lie.
And there’s an on-campus SEPTA station, I believe, that gets you into Philly pretty quick.


If you ask they will tell you. W&L was 2x income. Cornell, four years ago, told me if you have $1 mil in assets, you will receive no aid from them regardless of income.

Of course different schools have different ways of calculating assets - ie home equity and other variables.

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I2E is “Invitation to Excellence”. It is a an invite scholarship weekend for Baylor.

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I think Trinity U is amazing! My son interviewed with them in So Cal and was quite impressed. We haven’t been to the campus but I love everything I’ve learned about the school.

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6 of my daughter’s friends from our HS got nominated for the national/global recognized Presidential Scholar award that was just announced. Believe 11,000 high school seniors around the country were nominated; semifinalists are announced in April; finalists are announced in May.


This group is a wealth of information, I saw this first thing in the morning and even before the school could convey this to my son, I found the list and YES, he is nominated for Presidential Scholars Program.