Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

No, apparently there was it works is after you get accepted you then get access to the scholarship portal. There is a general scholarship application and then you can also apply to specific scholarships. It’s a bit of a pain. I’m not sure what they announce scholarships for VT but I’d imagine it’s after the EA kids get a chance to apply. I’ve been told to not expect much though

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D23 was accepted at Sewanee tonight with a bigger than expected merit scholarship:) That’s all 13 schools and all acceptances, very proud of her. Hard parts over. Or maybe just starting?!


Actually, you get access to the scholarship portal after you apply. You don’t need to be accepted. S23 applied in the EA round, and shortly after his application was marked complete, he received an email with a link to the portal. For the weeks following the application submission, he received several email reminders to check out the portal and apply for scholarships before the stated deadline for each. It was a standard email that I’m sure everyone received. He never applied to any scholarships before we pulled the VT app after his ED acceptance mid December.

I agree that the scholarship portal is a complete mess. It’s difficult to sort through everything even with the search feature.


That was the case with D18. We are OOS and VCU was her top choice going into the new year. Her acceptance came sometime in the fall but no $. In March they sent her an offer of a 10k per year scholarship. Unfortunately, her heart was set on another that gave $ earlier by that point.

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It’s interesting - many schools give merit later. I suppose there is a good reason - planning (to see the best way to spend their $ overall) or some kind of psychology.

But I sort of think like this - even with deferrals too (and merit) - by then, many a kid has likely moved on…so this student got in but it didn’t make financial sense (until later) and in the meantime they fell in love with another.


We are instate Virginia, My 21 got $6000 from VCU, 32 ACT, 4.0 unweighted with 12 APs. It was still cheaper to go OOS. My 23 with a 3.84 unweighted GPA and 6 APs got nothing from Mason and $5000 from ODU. My 19 (3.75 unweighted) also received no merit from Mason, but that year our EFC was 9000, and FA brought cost with loans down to $12000. She went elsewhere with substantial merit since we knew our EFC would increase.

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Though if it’s their top choice school…

My D17 had a full-tuition offer in hand from Alabama (the last year the deal was quite that good😢) for months, but had to wait out her RD acceptance to her top college (Muhlenberg) and then the extra time beyond that til they offered her the scholarship that made their cost equally affordable.

So yeah, if it’s a place you’re motivated to attend, then a later announcement makes it big news and very noticeable. But if D17 believed (as I did, but whatevs) she could have been equally happy at Alabama and Muhlenberg? Then she might well have just taken the first offer and had less stress during the spring of 2017.

I’ll bet there are a lot of consultants making a lot of money in crunching the numbers and advising colleges on what sort of timing works best to attract their particular applicant pool.


You and your son should be very proud. So yes brag.

My son (a sophomore) at Purdue was in the same situation and the Trustee Scholarship sealed the deal for him. Georgia Tech was at the top too but decided on Purdue. Funny you say your son would share anything with you. Same here, he wanted to do it all on his own. He was also invited for Beering and Stamps but didn’t get either. It didn’t phase him. I think he was just glad the whole app process was done. They did also offer a Scholarship for Summer classes, room and board and a meal plan paid with some pocket cash. They may offer this to all Trustee and Presidential Scholarship winners, I am not sure and I never asked. It made him feel more wanted after all that covid mess and the weird application process at the end of 2020.

Your son will love Purdue! Plenty of things to get involved in. Peer groups are as good as they come. What do you think his choice of major will be?

Congrats again.


Does USC EA come out today? If so, anyone know what time? I am manifesting acceptance vibes for my niece :heart:

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I do not know but on the website for the award it mentions Act and Sat so I’m thinking they work with college board for sats- I don’t know how they select situations where there are ties- maybe they look at how many times the student took the SAT? Not clear

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Yes, but no word yet! USC is only accepting @ 2400 of the more than the 40k applicants that applied EA. Those not accepted will be deferred to RD.
Good luck to your niece!


I’ve heard 3pm pacific and I’ve heard rolling all day. No portal change yet for my son.

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Is everyone bracing for Early Action decisions, coming in next 10 days? Waiting for 5 here and feeling totally excited/anxious/happy/speculative/nervous/etc. etc. :slight_smile:


Waiting for 5 here, too! One today and more late next week. Eek!

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D23 is driving me crazy. D19 goes to Miami Univ(OH). She lives in a house by campus and has plenty of room. D23 has been accepted to Miami. She choose to apply there. Their Spring Breaks don’t match up. So I thought it would fun for D23 to go visit her sis during her Spring break. D23 could really see what college life is like. Probably talk to someone in the Honors program or an advisor. D23 told us last night she doesn’t want to go on the visit.

I will say D23 is somewhat introverted different from her sis.


I’m sorry about that. Ugh. Maybe 23 isn’t comfortable being under the wing of 19. Older siblings can be annoying. lol I’m married to one who admits to this.

When I was in HS I went to stay with my older sister who had an off-campus apartment. Like your children, there is a 4 year age difference. Aside from the time I spent walking around the area by myself, it probably rates as one of the three worst “vacations” I’ve ever taken in my life.

In retrospect, it was probably unrealistic of my mother to expect my older sister to do anything more than make sure I didn’t die. That’s a tricky age difference, in that I wasn’t interested in doing anything my sister might have done with her classmates, and my sister wasn’t interested in doing anything I might have been interested in doing. I think my mother felt my sister would be an almost-mother toward me (and our younger brother who went with me.) In reality, uhhh, no.

I think the trip was only one week, but I swear it felt like we stayed about three grueling weeks.

Unless your D19 is the nurturing type and/or your D23 is completely self-sufficient and/or the two are especially close, it might be a good thing this didn’t happen.


S23 deferred at USC. I was expecting a deferral as they were only accepting a small percentage out of early action. He’s fine with it. Now we wait until March for everything else!


With 94% of USC EA applicants being deferred, it’s no reflection on either of our kids that they were deferred today! S23 is fine with it, too.


Our sons sound so similar!! He wants to study aerospace. And like yours, I don’t think he’ll be bothered either if he doesn’t get the Beering or Stamps. I haven’t been home since he got the news so I haven’t had a chance to visit with him about it and get a sense of how he’s feeling about it. I’m anxious for him to get the news from GT next week so we’ll be closer to him making a decision! It’s all pretty exciting when they have choices that you know are good ones!!