Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

I never felt lucky that none of my children had/have any overlap in colleges choices until reading your post @gpo613 because none of them would want to spend their spring break visiting their siblings at their college…but I, too, might have thought that was an efficient way to check out a college more closely (with the least effort).

So sorry! You’re doing a great job though! We are waiting until march until everything else too! Not sure what to do with myself. Trying to enjoy senior year which isn’t easy actually.


She was deferred. Not a surprise but so hard for these kids. If they had ED she would have as it was her tippy top choice.

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EA applications seem to be through the rough this year! A little calming of the nerves yesterday. S23 got accepted into Villanova, but deferred at Richmond. And as a bonus, he opened up the portal in the next room and let out a big YES!!!


So, guess he’s going to Nova? :grin:


I wish we had five, but my kid is waiting on one out of two EAs. He got a yes from the first. Five would take the pressure off this one remaining, but at least we’ll have two answers.

Yeah, we are visiting now and then if it’s true love, maybe we’ll send him back in April. But no way we can wait until April to get a general impression!

S23 got into LoyNo HC with another $5k merit. I think I’m going to insist he visit, even though he thinks it’s too small and still has Pitt #1.

Mainly because I want a dang 3-day weekend in New Orleans.


Laissez les bons temps rouler!


My son also was very skeptical of looking at another small school (LoyNo) after already touring 2 other small schools and decided that was not his preference.
But the visit won him over! With the sharing with Tulane and just the location, my son did not feel like he would be missing out on anything with a small school.

Son is still waiting for 10 school decisions.


Have a great time! My 3 day weekend at Loyno just turned into my spouse and kid going for only two days. :frowning:

Well we’ll see what tomorrow brings, but he’s going somewhere!


Congrats on Nova! Great school! That is a reason to scream YES!!!


I agree, you totally need to consider this. My D17 was completely sure she wanted to be a biomedical engineering major. One of the schools she was accepted to had a very similar situation. Bioengineering was in a sister college where the tuition was half the other engineering majors. She hated bioE and changed her major to EE by the end of freshman year. If she had gone to that school, she would have had to transfer somewhere else or take on major debt to stay. It definitely happens!


23 will hear from four or so colleges this week. Anyone else feeling a little excited and nervous?


UMD, Northeastern, Gettyburg, RPI, UNC, UMASS, UMINN, MICH and Rutgers I think are announcing this week, any others I missed??


We just walked in the door from the Baylor scholarship competition weekend. (Actually, competition is now from another…wait for it… ESSAY they have to write about their experience at the weekend, plus some vague things about overall fit, etc.) S23 liked it a lot, but the likelihood of getting the price low enough is not good. :frowning: I wouldn’t mind except that I think it would be a really good school for his mental health, which is important to us. It didn’t help when two people assumed he has TE option. He does not. It is just that half his high school class does. I could tell he felt bad.
The best thing about it was that he got more excited about the whole process, which has been a rough road for him so far. So even if Baylor doesn’t work out, he has several other options and more scholarship weekends to go.
Good luck to everyone hearing from colleges, scholarships, specialty programs, etc!


I believe UIUC and GA Tech as well.


Georgia Tech, NCSU—maybe? D is not applying to any of the ones who are supposed to announce this week but I am invested for friends/colleagues and of course parents on here!


Glad the Baylor weekend went well! We just home from it too. It was quite the impressive event. Very, very well done.

And now the essay! We will be excited to hear about merit. Good luck and positive vibes to your son!

The caring environment of the school really came through for us. It is a special place.