Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

I would be annoyed too! That’s hurtful, and I’m sorry you were put in the position of explaining. My kid sometimes gets confused looks when he mentions North Texas, and he explains about the music school, but it’s always been mild confusion and not dismissive. Same with him mentioning Miami. People are like…why?

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Our DC is in at UMD Honors, UNC and NCState. All announced today! 8 to go

The waiting is hard!


My 23 had a hard day. We all did. Now, 23 doesn’t want to check their application results.

It is so hard to know the decisions are here and not to be able to see them. :sob:

On the other hand, I have to respect their decision that getting bad news right now on top of other distressing news would be too hard, and I’m proud they are taking care of their mental health.

And also :sob:


Congrats!!! Would you be willing to share stats?

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Econ twin got into UNC and UMD honors. CS twin got into UMD honors and deferred from GA Tech (probably won’t pursue).

Lots of decisions to come, but wonderful to have these options.


4.0uw/4.4w HS gpa
4.0 gpa in college classes not on HS transcript
did not submit SAT/ACT
8 APs (CSP, Bio, Chem, CSA, Calc, Stat, Lang, Lit)

ECs: Research Intern, multiple club leadership and participation, community involvement at local level and some national exposure

So sorry to hear about the bad day. Seems kids are more aware of mental health and making decisions accordingly. I wish them better tomorrows.


Happy for my sons friends who got into UWi-Madison today!

We reached out to LoyNo today (he applied back in early November) and we might have a real answer soon. I will cry if they don’t offer a decent financial aid package if he gets in.

Western Michigan U emailed saying we will get final financial aid offer next week. U of Dayton said final decision next week as well. Out of 16 schools, we have 1 final financial package (and its one of the schools he said dropped off the list).

Schools we have not heard from at all: Stetson, U of North Florida, Indiana (well, they said they start reviewing virtual auditions Feb 15th), DePaul, U of Minn-TC, Syracuse. So annoying that they wont give an academic admit decision yet want you to travel to them to do an inperson music audition.


S23 accepted at his first choice EA today, so he’s done!! And he’s my youngest, so no more cajoling my kids into SAT prep, tracking teacher recs and deadlines, etc etc. I’m done too!!!

Thanks to all who have provided such great guidance over the years on CC.

And to those who haven’t heard back yet, or whose kids aren’t getting the acceptances they were hoping for, hang in there and help them see the long view. My high-stats D21 ended up a school where she really didn’t want to be (see my old threads if you want to read the full saga). We literally had to drag here there for first-year orientation with her in tears and me afraid that she wouldn’t get out of the car.

Fast forward a year and half, and now she LOVES it. She is just as happy and has all the same opportunities (study abroad, research, grad school prospects) as her friends who went off to (supposedly) ‘better’ schools.

Kids bloom where they’re planted. They’re all gonna be fine, and if they’re not, it’s not because of where they went (or didn’t go) to college.


Great news!


S23 in at UMD, don’t think he realized they were announcing until late last night. Not a whoo this time but got a :+1: :turtle:
Was the one larger school that we had that I thought might be a fit, didn;t get a chance to visit yet, but will shoot down for a tour on a day off


Late in chiming in, but my sister just couldn’t understand why my son did not even try applying to MIT. She has no clue about college admissions (her stepkids are younger). My son is brilliant (to me anyways), but he even knows he does not have the stats to even get considered at MIT. My sister on the other hand, thinks he should’ve at least tried. Sigh. I’m not going to bring up college with any family member until my son decides on his own where he’ll go!

In the mean time, my son has been accepted 7/10 schools so far for CS. He doesn’t want to be too far away from home, and he’s applied to certain schools based on other options he wants in a college. He hasn’t made any indication as far as which school so far he’s leaning towards (which is killing me!). He said he’d rather wait to see all his options first before making a decision. Decisions go out February for two out of 3 schools - his top 2. I’m so nervous for him! He has good choices so far, but I know these 2 schools will make him the happiest!

Anyways, thanks for letting me vent/share. Been enjoying reading all your posts, just too busy to participate in the discussion.


Sounds like your son has a great head. Knows what he wants. Reached a bit. Wants to evaluate all rather than making a snap decision. Congrats to him.


Thanks! Yes he said he doesn’t want to waste brain space deciding now when he doesn’t know all options yet.


My daughter was admitted to UMD for the Spring semester, does anyone have experience with this? She feels like everyone will have made friends in the fall and it would be weird coming in January. Is the freshman connection worth it? Thanks!


I think that’s a fair concern. Assuming she’s strong enough to get in UMD hopefully she has other Fall choices.

Some do well with this. Our friends daughter went to BU this way and is now looking to transfer if mom/dad allow. Felt behind the curve.

It’s likely student dependent - how outgoing, etc. some likely excel.

Why UMD ? In state ? Cost ? It’s similar to many other schools so hopefully you can remove the doubt and just go for a Fall spot (if sue has concerns). As a parent I would.

Congratulations to all the students and parents who have gotten to their top schools. I am heartbroken with how competitive everything is.


I honestly have no idea why UMD, we are from MA and UMass is a fantastic school and much cheaper! I think between the lack of merit aid and the spring start she will probably end up at a different school. I think the Spring start is just a strange thing.

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I think schools do it to fill holes - December grads, drop outs etc.

UMD is fine but so is UMASS. If budget is an issue and the student wants to be OOS there are great flagships with auto merit that deoending on stats would likely come in affordable relative to UMD. And with time still to apply.

Best of luck to your student.


@greta2000 - She may be eligible to start in the fall under the Freshman Connection. You move in to the same dorms, the only difference is you’re limited to classes after 4:00 pm for the first semester. The benefit is that those classes are typically smaller in size. After first semester you register just like any other freshman. Outside of that, it’s the same.


I just looked up Freshman connection and it said they are not eligible for any merit aid so I think we can cross that off the list!

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