Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Is been a crazy year, my son baseball coach let’s him come in for 1 or 2 practice a week due to the amount of work he has for his senior year (he is a pitcher). Needs to pass all AP’s test to be able to get his AA and he is planning 2 transient student summer classes to be admitted as a transfer student for his major. Decision seen so far.

I know many here on CC have applied to several schools and have heard good news about many schools, or will hear good news soon. For the schools not selected, do you send a letter to the AO?

Lots of schools have a “decline” option somewhere in the portal. Or yeah, sending an email also works :slight_smile:

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I heard something interesting at a Uof SC fin. aid. virtual thing last night, which I guess makes sense and isn’t earth-shattering, but I hadn’t really internalized it: They said that if students who’ve been awarded institutional aid decline, the money doesn’t go back into the pot; that in addition to over-admitting, as all schools do, because they’re calculating yield, they also over-award the aid.

So if everyone enrolled, not only would they be screwed in terms of placing all of those kids in classes and dorms, they’d also be bankrupt. :rofl:


It seems that many on here are waiting on decisions and it is seemingly taking forever. Be careful for wishing time to move faster. I was in your shoes 4 years ago waiting for a decision to be made for D19. Fast forward and now D19 is finishing up and will graduate in 2 months, but she will only be home for 2 weeks until she moves to another city for the next part of her journey. I realized at winter break D19 will only be visiting and no longer living at our house. D19 decided to come home this weekend instead of Easter to celebrate D23’s bday. I am eagerly waiting to see her tonight.

I know time is moving slow at the moment, but enjoy it because the next four years will go by in a blink of an eye.


We are just waiting on one more school and at this point D23 has her two favorites and I think she’s emotionally invested in both of them now. Yesterday she was accepted to the school that had been her #1 - the College of Charleston and I could not get her to open up as to whether she really wants it still. Hopefully she will talk about her feelings this weekend. I think there is some anxiety setting in over decision making. I know on my end I’m feeling stressed about all the details of each school and what they offer and what is best.


Let’s manifest accepts for all!


i cried tears . . . .

of joy!

when my oldest left, but with my youngest D23; its different for sure.


I love my daughter but I am ready for high school to be OVER.


Waiting on 9 replies…this will be a long four weeks.


We got three to go. Only one that really matters though.
@Mamabear03 yes, let’s manifest positive outcomes!


I feel this completely. When my older of two boys left, I was a bit sad to be seeing him less but I was mostly excited for him–and he was SO ready to go, that anything else was unthinkable.

My 2023 son is my “baby” and we will now be empty nesters. He also spends more time with us than his much more independent brother ever did. :laughing: This one is so different!


Quick update on my academically challenged nephew (I’ve been managing his application process).

So far he’s got into Loyola New Orleans, Mercyhurst and Seton Hall.

Rejected from Loyola Chicago and Catholic.

Still waiting on Duquesne, St Edwards, Elon as well as a few more.


Really? Even though college gear doesn’t always reflect where you’re going? One of S23’s favorite sweatshirts is from D20’s college, and he wears it regularly. Banning college gear until May seems extreme to me.


S19 needed to move away to separate from family drama. It was bittersweet but also anxiety producing. Hes hit a couple major bumps in the road but hes doing great now and i have no regrets! Even though this week included multiple calls to help him navigate how to deal with an injury and subsequent splint for his first broken bone.

S23. He is my extremes child. Either I’m beyond proud of him or want to kill him. Hes smart yet stubborn. Fiercely independent but would lose his head if it wasnt attached. I know he will do well. I just think he needs a bit of distance to make the heart grow fonder.

D25. My sweet one. That one will hit as the empty nest begins. But right now Im more excited to see where her path leads. Ive been divorced since she was 3 so theres been many years of not seeing her for days at a time. She will be sobbing though.


Yes. It begins on the very first day of senior year. (Mind you, the other grades can wear them!) The college office is very firm about celebrating senior year and not “where you’re going” - the kids are fine with it as this has been the rule for decades.


I see this change happening with my kid, and I think maybe I’ll talk with him, super casually, about how it’s OK to change your #1.


Good for him! Any favorites in his mind?


I have 2 seniors and waiting on 15 colleges combined. All coming in the next 3 weeks.

The anxiety and tension is palpable in our house.

Can’t even look at anymore information from accepted schools because it just adds to the stress of knowing that once we get all the decisions in the next 3 weeks it is going to be a decision and travel logistic nightmare marathon with 2 kids.

Then once all said and done, complete empty nesters come next August/September and having to live in a complete quiet and dead still house.

Just hoping they both don’t have the same move in date completely across the country from each other. :crazy_face:


For some kids it’s the finality of it all, especially when they’ve kept many schools in mind over the last year - to commit to one school and no longer have any options on the table can feel incredibly daunting and almost “wrong.” (Especially if they were working to not be emotionally invested in one or two schools in case it didn’t work out).

It’s a big decision! And it’s still hard, even if you know it’s a great choice. :slight_smile: