Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Just for some inside info on BC, my daughter’23 has a high school philosophy professor who taught at BC. I am grateful we have him, he is an amazing teacher who has really inspired my daughter.


Update: D23 finally submitted her application to UNT’s honors program over the weekend. It had been like pulling eye teeth to get any movement on that front, but with the return of proper sunlight last week (the days have been getting longer, but we’d had weeks of cloudiness) her capacity for sustained activity suddenly shot up—I am so looking forward to sending her off to a part of the country with more winter daylight! No idea if she’ll get into the program, but even though it would be nice to have priority registration it’s not a dealbreaker or -maker for her either way.

My guess for the next couple weeks of the process: If she decides on UNT next week, everything’s done. If she decides on UCDenver, then she’ll send in their honors application (she’s been invited to apply to it) shortly after making that decision.

And then this whole tortuous exercise will be behind us, and we’ll move on to figuring out how in the world we’re going to get two kids moved into their dorms simultaneously in August.


My vote is for UNT :blush:


And one more item, having just checked my email: I get copied on some of the promotional emails colleges send my kid (I really should probably unsubscribe from them), and so I got to see that today (March 6th!) marks her first “Hey, keep us in mind if you want to transfer in the future” email.

Dang, they never let up, do they?

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My D17 still gets emails from Hofstra encouraging her to enroll as a grad student!


It’s a business, baby.

People forget that - higher ed is a huge industry.

Wake Forest just emailed me about a counseling degree. Perhaps I need counseling but I’m a business guy that works for a car manufacturer.

Why would I be targeted? Yet their marketing list got me.

Isn’t WFU selective? :slight_smile:

They also hit my son up for a Master’s in Analytics and he’s still an udergrad.


I’d reserve a cancelable hotel in Denton right now.


Oh I don’t doubt there are AMAZING aspects to BC! My daughter just no longer feels like it would be a good fit for her.

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Unless one’s kid’s criteria is the fit with cohorts - then attending DURING admitted day is very informative. My daughter had visited a University within driving distance twice to “audit” different classes - but (as one would expected), there was no interaction with students, as they all had places to be before/after.

But spending informal time with fellow accepted students, gave her the confidence she sought, that the “class of” would be a good fit as far as overall healthy/compatible attitudes.


Thing 1 has his dorm contract signed , roommate preference selection submitted and orientation scheduled for Univ of Texas Arlington. He chose the first June orientation date (6-7). Thankfully it’s a local school so I don’t have to worry about hotel expenses for myself. I can come back home after Day 1 of all the parent sessions lol.

Thing 2 has put down his housing deposit and signed dorm contract for UT Austin. He’s most likely going potluck/random assignment for roommate. Orientation signups start on 3/22, he’s also choosing the first session for his major which is May 30-June 2…just two days after high school graduation!!! I have a hotel booked, so that’s done as well. They both seem to want to get it all out of the way fast so that they can enjoy their summer fully and not have to think about anything college until August lol.

Speaking of August, I have no idea how we’re going to navigate two college move ins at two different schools. I’m hoping with Thing 1 staying local, it will be an easy 1 day affair for him. I have yet to see move in dates for Austin or Arlington so I guess we’ll just figure it out when we get to that point.

It seems so strange/empty to have everything decided and figured out. Like what am I going to do with myself now?!?


That’s fair - but in this case, they’re not able to do everything - so getting on campus, walking around, talking to people is better than no visit at all - is what I was trying to say - because they’re not able to attend the event.


My friend has twins who went to different schools two hours away from each other (and home) and move in days were the same. She took one and her husband took the other and after they moved them in they switched so they could each see the other twin’s room, say goodbye, etc. Made for a crazy day but she said it worked out well.

Wait until they graduate on the same day. That’s much worse! We were very pleased one twin was on semesters and the other on quarters…


Ugh I have a high school and a college senior this year and we may have to split duties college graduation weekend and one of us may not get to attend. Boo! :tired_face:

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One of our children graduates high school on a Friday afternoon this May and another graduates college the following Sunday morning.

This wouldn’t be so absolutely horrible except that the first is in Alaska and the second is in Pennsylvania. Yes, we’ll be at both, but it isn’t going to be entirely fun…


The preference changes from week to week (three very different settings). The parents have a mental block with Loyola: they’re afraid of the party scene in New Orleans and this kid is easily distracted (but oddly not a big party guy).

Doubt he will make the long trip to visit the schools.

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We are in the same boat. Our son took off for a weeklong MUN trip today which will help chew up some of the remaining time.

We have all sorts of contingency planning for fall move in; our eldest really wants to tag along and participate in the experience.

I’m with you @MsAdventure!

I didn’t know what a PSAT was or that the test was important.
I’d never heard of NMSF.
I didn’t know about merit aid.
I tried to get FA but my dad said no or that we were donut hole.
My mom claimed to get a job to pay my tuition.

I applied to 3 schools. I can’t imagine I had any help.

So at college??

I didn’t know my major mattered for a job until we went to a Peace Corps table and they were all over my physics major boyfriend and ignoring me, the humanities major. :thinking:

I didn’t know what networking was.

I didn’t know how to make connections for a job.

I didn’t know what skills to gain or what I wanted to do.

After graduation, I applied for anything.

Only because I followed my interests did I have “leadership” in high school…

I didn’t know to “work on my resume” or that any college would care about ECs.

My mom didn’t finish college. None of my grandparents finished and only two grandparents went for part of the time.

My dad had one shot and attended a service academy for free.

I didn’t get it together until grad school. Talk about a late bloomer!

What I didn’t know could fill the Library of Congress.

But I went to school with wealthy people who had parents who went to fancy schools.

Looking at my prom photos recently? Kids in a group shot went to these schools:

U of Washington

Other pals went to Harvard (legacy), Brown, Wellesley, Barnard, Princeton, Carleton.

I only learned by the reverent way some of these people talked about their schools that they must be good? I’d never heard of most of them…so would never have applied.

Their lives were like a foreign country. College was a foreign country.

I was the ignorant one at a lower SES and had undiagnosed LDs to boot!

Thank you, all! Because I could not have helped my kid as well without a place like this.


I’m feeling stressed because we are waiting for decisions, and I’m worried the hotels will be sold out near whatever school is 23’s new school.

I do not want to wish this time away, and I also want decisions.

I’m happy about the time to focus on a few personal goals this fall and devastated that 23 will make me an empty nester.

The sport takes so much time and I will miss driving for hours and napping in the car between games.

I want to spend lots of time with 23 and also need time alone.

The days slog by and they also speed.


You can book hotel rooms now and cancel if you decide not to visit. Once a decision is made, book a hotel for orientation and move in weekends as far in advance as possible. Also look at (and book) flights for Thanksgiving week (or weekend, depending on the school) and winter break as soon as possible.