Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

I had no idea about who produced it. It did have a few Dave Ramsey snippets but had a lot of good information that students need to consider before deciding on what to study, where to study, and how much to pay for it. I like @gpo613 found the doc useful.
Here is another excellent podcast episode that should be a must listen for all students:


Thank you both, I’ll give it a whirl then.

Banner day here! S23 accepted to UC Davis and Cal Poly SLO. He’s super excited! I’m so relieved he has great in state choices.


Same for my kid today. Congrats!


Congratulations! Did he want to go to SLO with his sibling?

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He really likes slo! His sister in pushing hard for her alma mater!


Same for my D23!


today was a good day overall for D23, though a still a little disappointing.

She applied EA to MIT, UChicago, Case Western, and Sarah Lawrence (safety) - but only got into Sarah Lawrence, deferred by the other 3, so kind of worried. Especially not getting into CWRU EA, being deferred there kind of surprised her (with her 3.99 UW, 1530 SAT, AP’s, EC’s, etc.)

Top 3 (in order):

Today she was rejected by UChicago - but accepted to Stevens (another safety), and also to Grinnell (with generous merit $$). From the chancing on Collegevine, Grinnell was the hardest to get into other than her top 3 - so it bodes well for her other applications.

Still hoping for CalTech (tomorrow) or MIT (Tuesday), but those are long shots for everyone. Wesleyan, Bryn Mawr, and Case Western are the other 3 she is really hopeful for.

She loved the admitted student day at Sarah Lawrence we got to go to in Feb (and they offered her their top merit award), so outside of her top 3 she’ll really be considering all the rest of them. She was hoping for more generous merit $$ at Stevens - they offered some, but not as much as she’d hoped for.

I suspect we may have a few trips in April!

She wants to do physics, and get into research as an undergrad (she’s planning to go for her PhD) - but would love to also do theater. Hence the somewhat eclectic range of schools…

Bryn Mawr and Wesleyan both have the 3/2 program with CalTech (that’s how they initially got on her list) - that could actually be ideal, she could get the LAC experience and still also get the super-STEM curriculum from CalTech.

If she doesn’t get into CalTech or MIT this is going to be a LONG month of waiting…

First time post, but I’ve been reading along for awhile, I love hearing from all the other parents.


I know a couple of physics folks in the field who went to Grinnel. And, honestly, nearly any of those program will have research opportunities undergrad. Sure, Caltech may have more, but…also more competition. Good luck.


Yeah, she definitely picked every college on her list with an eye on physics and access to undergrad research opportunities.


My son is a physics major too!


Hugs to you! Mine is a Stem D too(engineering), plus arts…lots more decisions to come so crossing fingers for the next 3 weeks!


Yeah, it’ll be an interesting few weeks!

I wish Wesleyan and Bryn Mawr would post the actual dates that decisions will be out….


S23 signed up for his first accepted students day. :tada:

We heard back from his current preferred school on our request for a special circumstances consideration; they gave him an extra $2,000/year. That moves the price from “definitely unwise” to only “likely unwise.” :unamused:

Still waiting on 2 schools with results end of March or even early April. They are reaches, and possibly unaffordable, but we will see what happens.


Kid has four realistic choices: Pitt, UofSC, Bama and LoyNo.

FSU is the cheapest but is off the table for politics. (And yes, we are aware that three of the other four are also in politically unpalatable - to him - states … Florida just seems like a special case these days.)

He’s visiting Pitt next weekend, LoyNo at the end of the month, and doing a road trip with dad for the last two in mid-April.
Has lots of merit at all but Pitt, but loves Pitt the most. Sigh.


You could do Bama with LoyNo - it’d be a bit aggressive But it’s only a bit over four hours so it can definitely be done and back to New Orleans…or a one way car rental and fly home from Bham…if it would save you time. Plus, it’s always good to get a back to back feel - when you can.

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I feel you. My son’s #1 choice is Pitt for CS. He loves the campus and the program. My husband and I also feel that Pitt is the best fit for him too. But that OOS pricetag…sigh…Meanwhile we have cheaper options but unfortunately the cheaper options do not check off the boxes on his list. Which major will your son be at Pitt? We really enjoyed Pitt’s Admitted Students Day for CS.


May not be accurate for this year,
but DS2022 was accepted to Wesleyan on 3/26/2022 3pm EST.

so hopefully sometime around 3/26 for this year.




I was really hoping that our daughter’’s favorite would just miraculously happen to NOT be the most expensive option (UMass Amherst). But no - it’s the most expensive. But not by so much that it’s out of the running.

Going for second visits to 3-4 schools in the coming weeks:

UMass Amherst
Salve Regina (unlikely choice)
University of Puget Sound

Pretty sure it will be UMass but you never know!