Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

We’re getting excited for the final few weeks of this process, then on to the next phase! So far, my kid has acceptances and is looking seriously at Loyola New Orleans and University of Colorado Denver, both for Jazz Studies/Performance, BUT he has a few more admissions decisions waiting at schools that have always been high on his list. Each one is a reach in some way, either admissions or $$. It’s so great to help him on this journey, and I’ve learned a lot more about what a wonderful person he is. :heart:


@sleimon - we will not have our DS23 go into that kind of debt. We agree that would be a disaster. The question is whether we pay the $321K or not. We have paid for our 3 older children to get their undergraduate degrees for less than that total.

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Son is visiting 7 schools and might add 1 more. We shall see.


I don’t care for DR either. I came to terms with him after thinking that he appears to help people who are clueless about personal finance. If he is truly helping—and I’ll assume he is—then that benefits society.

I’m also not a fan of Suze Orman.

It’s good to hear from others the documentary doesn’t have creepy undertones.



Congrats and also sorry!

Are you saying she was deferred by 3 of her safeties? :thinking:

I don’t think there are many people who would thrive just anywhere. I do think our kids might thrive in a variety of places that may not be their initial top picks, but I think that’s different than steering her somewhere that’s actively not good for her. You know her needs and that’s great.


I guess I didn’t write that very clearly.

She was deferred by MIT, UChicago, and Case Western. MIT and UChicago (along with CalTech) were her top choices.

Case Western was a little worrying, we thought that while not a safety she had a good shot. Hoping for a RD acceptance next Saturday. Her other EA was a true safety, Sarah Lawrence - but now that she has gone to the admitted student days, if she doesn’t get into MIT (a VERY long shot after being deferred EA) it may end up being where she goes.

She just got rejected for RD from CalTech and UChicago.

From every stat I’ve seen, being accepted to Grinnell is usually harder than Case Western, so definitely hoping for an acceptance in 6 days!


We don’t have a clear front runner and the best way I can summarize the decision is that 23 is choosing between big and small.

They’re all affordable thus far so can’t cut them out due to price.

Do I need to buy a crystal ball? A Magic 8 ball? :rofl:

Help! :joy::crazy_face:

Any advice on how to proceed?


Feels like home and the one 23 is most excited about?


What sport? The one plug for club is it allows a mot more flexibility to do other things. Even D3 can be a big time commitment.

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Ah, I see now.

Grinnell is a hard admit, so kudos on that! My good friend and also my BIL attended and LOVED the school.

I visited to give a talk there and it’s definitely in the middle of nowhere but I’d not let that stop anyone. The community is deep, and they stick together a long time.

Did you all visit Case? They love demonstrated interest.

We’re waiting to hear back on some RD. The next two weeks will feel long!

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Can you do Accepted Student events at any? That ruled out a big elite school for me - need to look around at kids there and feel like you fit/respect them.


Grinnell is just such a fantastic education, I think the quality is hard to match, and they do so much for their students. I’d pick nowhere Iowa over Cleveland personally lol. But it is true it isn’t easy to get to!

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Not sure if you have read the discussions on yield protection with respect to CWRU.

Those stats may have the exact opposite effect.

Highly recommend attending MIT CPW 3.14 days of all MIT greatness!


Just musing on some things this morning as my kids are still making their decisions.

I have two kids - one is a NMF and the other is not. Both pursuing CompSci, neither with amazing grades but decent, and good kids who are athletes, Eagle Scouts, etc. Both kids applied to a variety of Private and OOS Public. Got all acceptances save for one of the OOS Publics.

I thought for sure the private schools we targeted would offer the most money - Marquette, Regis U, MSOE. Instead, it’s been some of the out of state publics that have given my kids the best deals. Michigan Tech (OOS for us) for instance, is coming in far under our state U and MUCH lower than any of the privates. It’s so weird.

My NMF is waffling between an OOS Public and an OOS Private, both full rides+. If he had his dream, it would be Regis offering one of the full rides, but both choices he has are incredible, and Regis is offering very little at this point. My other kid is looking carefully at that Michigan Tech offer - I think he wishes it was MSOE offering all of that, but they have shown no love to him. I keep reminding him that Michigan Tech must really want him.

Anyone else feeling like their kids’ process has taken a different route than expected?


It sounds like you and your child are being so incredibly thoughtful through this process. When you have so many good options, the decision is really hard.

I have a very soft spot for the SLACs. D20 started her college search sure she wanted a big school experience and then quickly changed her mind after touring.

Everything you pointed out as positives for the smaller schools has been D20’s experience. She started making connections with professors before ever getting on campus, and has been blown away by the breadth and depth of the experiences and opportunities she’s been able to have.

I think it comes down to personality in many ways. Some students are faster runners when surrounded by fast runners. Some students find a smaller pond is where they truly excel.

D23 has also chosen a small school - and again the experience is already one of contact with professors in the department she’s most interested in and plans being made. The amount of and ease of making personal connections was very important to her and her sister’s experience really informed her of what was possible with a smaller school.


Statistically and historically Grinnell is harder but I don’t think you can connect the two schools to admission chances CWRU is a tough in today.and we see kids rejected at an NEU but in at Ivy.

There’s no way to know today.

Ps I’m not a believer in the yield protection theory. Cwru yield….really low. Take out ED……really really low.

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The dates on the calendar are already blocked, in case she is accepted!

Only downside (for ME) is that parents aren’t included….

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Yeah, we had read that Case might be protecting yield. It could also be why they are announcing decisions after MIT, CalTech, etc - for the kids that get in to one of those that will go there instead (my daughter will absolutely withdraw her applications everywhere else if she is accepted to MIT, might as well leave more room for others).