Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

It is important to be mindful of college loan debt. However, there are many ways to minimize college loan debt that do not include attending college in a state that has laws which a student/family finds abhorrent.


Aw - I went to SLU and I loved it! Great school if she wants to be in a really tight knit school community with a ton of resources.


Why so many colleges? I believe this is why so many kids are being dragged along with waitlists. College have to have a really long waitlist bc kids are applying to 20+ schools. Your kid is not unusual in this. I just donā€™t get it.


I think we are stuck in a cycle where the uncertainty of the last class makes the next class feel like they need to take multiple shots. Some chasing merit but others just looking to maximize their chances.


And you canā€™t count on a safety so you have to apply to a ton. Got into 11% acceptance rate school- rejected from 60%ā€¦. How the heck do you even make a list when this is what happens?


Soā€¦Manyā€¦Waitlistsā€¦7 to be exact. Luckily DD has a few good options and waiting on 2 more schools. But honestly, at this point, I think Iā€™d prefer a rejection to another waitlistā€¦


And an acceptance to Colgate just now. Take that Syracuse LOL.


First Boeheim leaves, now this!


It all depends on the major. Newhouse or Maxwell or Architecture at SU? Not a safety. Not even close.


I have no idea- math whatever that falls under

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Congrats on Colgate! S23 got into W&M tonight very excited, looks like a road trip to Williamsburg. 4 to go!


With admissions to Colgate and Hamilton @AnonMomof2, was there any likelihood of your daughter attending Syracuse?

Seems like something to just let go - doesnā€™t matter why they waitlisted her - she has acceptances to schools sheā€™d much rather attend.


Yes actually there was. She applied for a TE scholarship and we thought had a good chance for that and additional merit. Cost is a huge determining factor. She is now between Pitt 16k COA and Colgate 28K COA. Hamilton had a 41k COA so itā€™s out.


Son just rejected from USC, but offered Trojan transfer plan to start as a sophomore. Iā€™ve never heard of that being offered for a non- legacy student. Wouldnā€™t work for him as he had too much dual credit to really make that path make sense.

Accepted- UC Davis, Cal Poly SLO, UC Santa Cruz, Purdue, Alabama, Arizona, etcā€¦

Waitlisted- UC San Diego, UC Irvine

Rejected- UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, USC

Waiting- UC Berkeley

Weā€™ll be visiting Davis and SLO to try to decide between the two, but kid is leaning toward Davis.


So Syracuse was only an option if the price was right. If it is seriously still on your daughterā€™s list - have her send that LOCI and keep your fingers crossed for both TE and additional merit.

Bama not at all at play even with the huge financial aid package?


Too late!

Though, says this college faculty member, the confrontation seems to be centered simply in collegesā€™ existence, so Iā€™m not sure thereā€™s much we can do about that.


Several of the colleges inside Syracuse donā€™t have 60% admission rates.

Which college inside Syracuse did she apply to?

No college wants to be the safety, and we canā€™t expect acceptances from all schools.


Change of schools during Covid, drop in GPA, unsure of how application would be received in the current climate, needs learning support, etc. We needed to make sure he had choices! We followed the reach/target/safety advice of his college counselor and created a balanced list of 12-15 schools.


Thank you! Iā€™m so happy he has choices he likes! We were very unsure how it would play out!

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