Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

D23 doesn’t have strong feelings on a specific school, but she does have a lot of strong opinions on everything else college related. She is undecided on a major but is social, [very] athletic and outgoing as well, wants fairly small campus (she liked the vibes of the LAC when we looked for her older sister) but doesn’t want to go to a school where everybody has their nose to the grindstone. She is a strong student (uw 4.0, w 4.5) who does very poorly on standardize tests so we have encouraged her to feel free going test optional.

An abbreviated list of her requirements thus far:

  1. School colors must look good on her. Any shade of Red, Purple, Orange or Yellow are preferred, certain shades of Blue are acceptable, Green is NOT to be considered.

  2. School must have more than decent shopping district, preferably within walking distance. Good transportation options a must if shopping is further afield. Good shopping includes multiple hair/nail options. Her hair is really important to her, I know we will be looking at salons in any area shortlisted.

  3. Athletic facilities at the school must be top notch, and easily accessible even if not on an athletic team. She competed at a high level in her club sport for years before retiring, and has since moved on to competitive dance which she is not sure she wants to continue in college (depends on which colleges make shortlist). But she is the kind of person who routinely does 2-3 hr personal work outs, four-five days a week (when not in season for dance). She loves going to the gym.

  4. She likes “an aesthetically pleasing” campus, which seems to mean a defined main quad, good amount of green space, and at least some “traditional” campus buildings.

  5. She would prefer warmer weather, she is tired of Chicagoland winters.

  6. Does not want communal bathrooms, she is a very neat/organized person (she Kondo’d before Kondo and had figured out that folding system by herself!) and wants more control over her personal space.

  7. On the other hand, she liked the long form survey her older sister had to fill out to be matched with a roommate, she likes the idea of school matching (based on long survey) rather than a free-for-all on social media sites after acceptances roll out.

Did anyone else notice nothing about classes, majors, study abroad options, etc :rofl:? She thinks (based on her sister’s search) that she won’t have any problem finding good classes and options at most places so fit is first and foremost on her mind.


I LOVE her thinking! Sounds like she has her priorities in order. :grin:

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My D19 strongly approves of this rule!:grin:

(It’s part of why Mississippi State, where she’s now attending, stayed on her list but, say, Clemson didn’t—she wears maroon seriously well, but orange not so much.)


Not sure if my son has strong opinions about school colors but I have found myself thinking “would I wear this college gear?”.

My son would prefer a strong fitness center for non-atheletes as well.

He is a bit into fashion and his own hair but is put off by “overdone” or kids who try too hard or do too much.

Thing 1 got accepted to SMU’s Lyle School of Engineering Summer Engineering Design Residential Camp. He’ll spend a week on campus

  • Room and all meals provided with breakfast in SMU Dining Hall
  • Project and skill-building workshops to experience engineering, mathematical, and scientific practices and core conceptual frameworks
  • A real-world challenge to prototype
  • Develop effective analytical and presentation skills embedded in collaborative Engineering Design Processes
  • Campus and Lyle School of Engineering tours
  • A meeting with the Director of Recruiting and Retention for the Lyle School (if interested)
  • The students will present their project on the final day to their families and friends, and staff and faculty of the Lyle School

Since we’re local and live in the Dallas area it will be an easy drop off and pick up!

Thing 2 is signed up for our City’s Teen Court…he’s also applying for the Youth Action Council (YAC works along side the Mayor and City Council to learn about Municipal Gov’t and consult of youth initiatives).

They turn 16 in 18 days!!! Eeepppp!! Drivers licenses and Covid Vac are top on the agenda for the next month lol!

We’re debating taking the ACT this summer…anyone else’s kids have plans to take it in July?


My DD took the pre-ACT then the ACT in the fall. She said the pre-ACT was harder than the ACT

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Sorry for being chatty cathy (finishing up finals week at work here).

I’ve been looking at our high schools instagram page. We are very average midwest suburban hs. They set up an account each year for seniors and announce post graduation plans. I like that they include those going into the military, entering apprenticeships and such as well. Most of our seniors are going to state schools or staying in the Midwest. We have 1 each going to cal poly, ucla, uc berkeley, occidental, and wash u. A few going to schools in or around Florida. We do have some high stats kids but Im guessing it comes down to finances. I do know of a couple of kids who were accepted at some out of state schools but had to say no due to cost.

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I’ve been creating a list of schools to consider for D23 to look at when she’s ready. This school year has been really awful and don’t want to add college stress. We did have a talk a couple months ago and agreed a LAC that is strong in sciences, esp ecology/enviro sci would be best. Needs a warm, supportive, not competitive environment. Doesn’t want to be super far from home (VA), might consider Midwest or Northeast.

I suggested some drive-through college visits for Spring break but she was not interested.

D23 will do test prep this summer. I need to have her take a practice sat and act to see which she prefers. Because of COVID we don’t even have a PSAT score. I’d guess SAT will be better and there’s a test at the end of Aug. Def wouldn’t be ready for a July ACT so it would have to be the one after that.

I was trying to figure out a prep class but nothing works with her schedule so I think we’ll need an individual tutor who can work around her schedule – two weeks working at a sleep-away camp, 1 week at a pre-college program, a family vacation, and then marching band in August.

I hear Khan Academy test prep is great and it’s free and flexible.

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Lots of tears in La Casa this evening…Thing 2 had a slight mishap while driving his brothers car (Dad was in the passenger seat)…he miscalculated while pulling into the garage (too close to the garage frame, we have a divided 2 bay garage) and not only side swiped but half the bumper got yanked off and cracked down the middle. Oye ve!

S21 took it in stride, he said accidents happen. Thing 2 spent an hour in the bathroom sobbing and crying his eyes out. Husband is NOT pleased (and we REALLY can’t afford the added expense now with S21’s graduation and impending move to college coming up)…it is what it is. Nobody was hurt, we’ll figure out the repair, life will go on.

I’m so sorry! Same thing happened to us, barely two weeks after he got his permit. He was driving, Dad in passenger seat, and it was a suburban street with cars parked on both sides and he was trying so hard not to hit the car to his left that he sideswiped the one on the right - at that point, really clueless about judging distances.

Anyway, within the learners permit, it’s a claim but I don’t think it counts? Or something? I dunno. I’m not thinking about it. It is what it is.


We don’t want to claim it on the insurance since our premium is already going to go through the roof with three teenage drivers :weary::weary::weary:

We’re going to take it to a body shop guy we know and work out some sort of cash pay deal with him I guess. He’s someone from our community that my husband has known for 25+ years.

My fat fingers hit that panda emoji :rofl::rofl::rofl:

If you click it again (at least on a desktop browser) it’ll go away, but honestly, it’s more fun to have it there amidst all the stress.:grin:


Ugh - those expenses still hurt. My S19 totaled his car backing up over a curb and pulled back over it. It did so much damage that it totaled his car. We have a policy that we will give you one car and that’s it. Several months later, my D17 bought her first car (new!!) and gave her old car to S19. It’s all I can do but :pray: that it serves him long enough until he can buy his own car (it’s a 2009 with almost 200k miles on it lol). Loved that it started with me (bought new with the idea it will go to D17) for 6 years, D17 almost 6 years, and now S19 (holding my breath - he is so hard on things!).

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Any advice on good online test prep classes you have discovered? My D23 was able to take the PSAT freshman year but nothing since then. Seems like summer is a good time for her to start.

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A couple or three months ago, there was an exchange on this list about college tours and whether they’d be happening this summer. Since my family was (and is!) planning a summer trip including college tours for my D23 and D25, I figured it might be worth an update on where we’ve been able to schedule them and where not.

(Two-thirds of these colleges were chosen primarily for D23’s benefit because they have for the most part decently-rated music tech programs and they’re located between places we’ll be for family reunions and such. The remainder were chosen to include types of colleges—e.g., a LAC—that would otherwise not be included, so that D25 could see a wide range.)

Holding tours this summer, we have them already scheduled:

  • American University
  • Belmont University
  • Loyola University New Orleans
  • Middle Tennessee State University
  • Seton Hall University
  • Temple University
  • Trinity University [Texas]
  • University of Memphis
  • Ursinus College

Ursinus wasn’t originally on our list, Muhlenberg was (to provide D25 a view of a traditional LAC, and picking that one because it’s where D17 goes). However, while Muhlenberg is offering in-person tours, they’re only doing so for rising seniors—so Ursinus became the replacement.

Not offering in-person tours, no plans to do so even hinted at:

  • Drexel University
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • University of Maryland College Park

(If Drexel doesn’t open up for tours we’ll probably tour Rowan University, because they’re nearby, are offering tours, and have a music tech program, so why not?)

Looking briefly at all the other colleges on my D23’s longlist as well (including schools she’s since crossed off), offering tours this summer seems to be more and more the norm, with (as before) a solid chunk of colleges in the mid-Atlantic, Northeast, and West Coast not showing any hint of doing so yet. Colorado had been a weird non-coastal outlier of not having tours, but that’s starting to break down, with tours being widely offered there this summer. There seems to be a prestigiosity factor at play in the areas with fewer tours, with higher-prestigiosity colleges being less likely to offer tours.

In any event, when offered, tours are generally in an abbreviated format, 60 to 90 minutes completely outdoors with the info session offloaded to a prerecorded video to watch on your own time. However, Belmont University is an intriguing outlier: Their tour is a >4-hour extravaganza during which my kids will have a tour, and an info session, and a meeting—even for the rising freshman—with a representative of the honors program, and a housing tour, and an “academic info session” (no idea how that’s different from the other info session), and lunch. I mean, that’s a lot even in normal times. (Seton Hall is the only other one we’ve scheduled with an in-person info session alongside the tour, but they aren’t doing all that other stuff.)

Anyway, hoped this might be of interest to folks.


Can’t wait to hear about the tours! My son wants to get through this school year before even talking about college anymore so I’m not even looking at tours yet. We shall see if his attitude about it all changes this summer.

S23 has to do 2 tours this summer as a school assignment. We’ll probably hit Temple and UPenn if they are holding tours.