Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

deleted - i mis-read. She did have them sent.

But she found out earlier.

Got it.

Congrats on her success.

Yes, apparently lots of students were seeing their AP scores early this year because College Board sent them out early, and many colleges processed them quickly. My son got them early this way, too. He was very happy with his scores, too :wink:

Wild. Our school didnā€™t rank but they DO have a Val and sal.

So they do rank but donā€™t let us know. Oh boy!

I think CU Boulder ā€œfeelsā€ closer than the other two, but yes, I agree. I also do not see him actually attending. It is a very popular school here tough so I am thinking that is why he has added it. He has a bunch of southern schools (Auburn, Bama, UGA, U of SC, NC State, Kentucky). Is adding Penn State. Also UMD. He knows UGA and NC State are super high reaches, Maryland probably as well. No idea why he added UMD other than the fact that a friend is starting there in the fall and has been talking about it.


Yes, an unknown factor- influence of friends or buzz when college reps visit their hs. My kiddos applied to some colleges just bc of friends.


This post gave me butterflies. Six weeks until they move!?!?

This summer, I am enjoying watching 23 drive to meet friends. Thereā€™s been a transformation since school ended. The school was stressful and probably not that good but 23 survived.

Little things that happen make me happy. 23 gave a ride to a friend and her mom, so they would not have to walk down dark streets to their car and also gave a ride to an international student from work.

23 and a friend got free slushies on free slushy day at 7-11. :smile:

They drive to and from work. They meet up with friends. This is all a big deal!

Between the pandemic and a sport six days a week, there wasnā€™t a lot of down time.
Iā€™m really happy they can kick back.

Iā€™m suggesting a tutor for math and they have not said no (for once). They might have ADHD and need extra support so Iā€™m working on getting the paperwork for accommodations.

They canā€™t seem to conquer math tests despite copious amounts of studying and tutoring from their teacher, so I suspect an issue with working memory or maybe adhd.

Many at their school got a bad grade on the AP math test. The high school has 30 fewer instruction days so they didnā€™t cover the curriculum. Sigh. I told 23 not to worry. Wonā€™t matter but itā€™s annoying to pay tuition for not enough days of instruction at a poorly run high school. The school was okay the first few years. By the time it got really bad junior year, we all decided to stick it out.


Have you done a chance me? You know, we love those :slight_smile:

Ha, no not yet but likely will once he finalizes his list


Are you California residents? Thereā€™s been a huge spike in UMDā€™s popularity amongst CA applicants in the past few years.

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No, MA. It is not a popular school around here, typically.

40 days till move in. My son bought a motorcycle. This kid is so bullheaded. He will do amazing things but will give me anxiety in the process!


We have 4 weeks to go before move in. We still have some thing to buy for his room but it is not as fun as it was with my girls - he even had me pick out a comforter without him. My girls spent weeks finding the exact shade of blue they wanted for their towels. :joy:

S23 met his roommate last week and they got along well. The roommate was nice enough to drive an hour north to meet up by us for dinner. DH and I were there when he got there and were able to meet him for just a minute. I was worried dinner would be awkward and quick but they ended up having a good time and even went out to meet up with some of Sā€™s friends afterwards.

S23 is still loving his job working at a commercial real estate company and especially loves making money. He seems to have matured so much these past few months but especially since he started working.

Canā€™t believe he is leaving so soon - we are not ready to be empty nesters!


Yeah, he let me pick out towels and comforter but was quite clear what he didnt want.

I heard darker colors were best but he insisted on a lighter beige and grey comforter. Going with black accents (and burnt orange towels for a pop of color). He didnt want orange and navy to be his personality now.

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Boyā€™s dorm shopping is so sad and boring. My D17ā€™s dorm room was a thing of beauty! She had a whole art schematic laid outā€¦ :joy: S23 is very utilitarian and spartan. There will be no decoration whatsoever. I will sneak in a bulletin board with some family/dog pictures.



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I am laughing at the dorm decor/shopping differences between boys and girls because you are so right!

Weā€™ve finished up buying for D23ā€™s dorm room and it isā€¦a lot. Really beautiful, well thought out but so clearly planned. White with natural wood/fiber accents and pops of pinks and greens.

White comforter, light print sheets, with 2 white euro shams (different fabric to create ā€˜depthā€™ D23 says) as well as two ā€˜pop of colorā€™ pillows - I teased her with asking if her signature colors were ā€œBlush and Bashfulā€ as we debated the correct pink for one of the pillows. She creates a nest in her bed with lots of pillow support to read in bed, so this isnā€™t an unusual amount of pillows for her.

Fairy lights with picture clips for her photos, a rolling Raskog cart from Ikea (white with natural wood topper), even her step stool to climb into bed is color coordinated. The Container Store employees smile when they see her coming.

Sheā€™s held off on any general room decor as she wants to make sure her roommate is ok with any of those choices. Iā€™m just hoping her roommate will be ok with D23ā€™s ā€œmy room is my sanctuary - everything should be light, coordinated, and organized within an inch of its lifeā€. We will see. :rofl:


Youā€™ll appreciate thisā€¦ I made a headboard out of foam core we attached to the wall with Velcro strips. It was spectacular. :joy: we hung curtain rods with sheers, also with Velcro strips, to soften the metal blindsā€¦ it was definitely a sanctuary. My daughter was in a single in a 4 bedroom apartment, so we had free rein.


I feel so seen! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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The wisdom teeth surgery went very well and I canā€™t believe how smooth his recovery has been. Just a little swelling and discomfort on day 1 but was active (doing some work on the computer) and had a good appetite-stuck to soft foods. He was proactive with taking his meds and icing, followed doctor orders pretty well. I had heard day 2 is often worse but he said he feels fine, no major discomfort, just some mild swelling. Heā€™s always been good with pain tolerance and I guess he lucked out as far as recovery. Thank you to everyone who offered advice & shared their experience.


My son had all 4 taken out in May and it was very smooth for him too! Hope your sonā€™s recovery continues to be as easy as mineā€™s was! :crossed_fingers: