Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

This is along the same lines but in a somewhat simpler way. My HS D used to work at a comic book store in town a couple of times a week. About half the time she was alone at the store. She did it for over a year until her schedule got to be too much. The only reason she was hired was because the owner knew that she knew all about comics and manga. I am sure there were smarter kids in town, but they didn’t know the product.

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After I wrote my earlier post about waiting to decline schools until the end because they might offer more money, my son received an email from Xavier University saying that they are offering an additional scholarship of $3k per year. So they came down from $36k to $33k. Unfortunately, this is still over budget (and more than Case Western, which is $32k) so it’s still not a realistic option at this point. But you should all tell your kids to look out for emails like this or tell them to check portals periodically. They might get some extra unexpected money in these final weeks that could shake things up.


My D20 is a junior in mechanical engineering at Oregon State. She was in honors for her first two years but dropped it last year. She really liked the honors program but decided that she didn’t want to do the honors project, since she will be doing an engineering capstone project her senior year.

The honors program at OSU is great, because (as you’ve seen) honors sections are offered throughout the curriculum. My daughter took 9 or 10 honors classes during her first two years, in math, physics, engineering, and the humanities. Students are never required to take the honors sections, and there were a few cases where she purposely didn’t if the professor of the regular section was known to be better (or if the honors section was at 8am :roll_eyes:)

The honors students also get to register first each quarter, which is a nice perk. She misses that now that she’s not in honors.

She has been happy at OSU. Her biggest complaint is that “everyone in ME is so into cars.” Sounds like that wouldn’t be a problem for your son!

If your son does decide on OSU, I’d encourage him to sign up for an early orientation session, because students can register after that session. My daughter waited until later in the summer to do the orientation, because she wanted to wait for her AP and IB scores to come back. By the time she registered, some of the honors sections had already filled.


D23 got this exact email too, although I didn’t. Very odd approach.


Stockton has everything she is interested in, but she didn’t like it when we visited. :slightly_frowning_face:

What I especially love about it is that it is a school that has a high acceptance rate and a high graduation rate. That’s a rare thing!


She did the SUNY ESF app in January, maybe. I have called a couple of times recently and each time I’m told it’s in queue and that she will get an email when the decision is made. They got a lot of applications this year. She hits right in the middle of accepted students according to what I could see online, so there’s a chance she will be accepted. It’s also one of the SUNY schools that will charge NJ kids Rutger’s tuition rates.

When I have done NPC’s of CSS schools, the results are usually worse than FAFSA only schools because most CSS schools consider home equity.


I wonder if this is, in part, the Jesuit philosophy at work? My son is at a different Jesuit university but this is exactly the kind of environment he/we have experienced at his university. Cura personalis!

It’s a shame that Jesuit universities are not mentioned more often here on CC. I think they are often overlooked by non-Catholics. But IME, they are generous with merit and financial aid (with a few exceptions for the most prestigious like Georgetown), typically mid-sized so not too big/small, accepting of LGBTQ and those who are not Catholic, urban locations so not too difficult to travel to from out of town, etc.


Hmmmm. They are mentioned all the time.


Really? Which ones? Because I rarely see mention of, and these are just a few of them. They are especially great options for kids who are not tippy top students but still offer great merit for B students.

St. Joseph’s Univ
Loyola Baltimore
Loyola Chicago
Univ of San Francisco
Loyola Marymount
John Carroll
Holy Cross

YMMV. But as someone finishing up my fourth child’s college application process, I can assure you that there is very little mention of most Jesuit schools on CC outside of Fordham, Georgetown and BC.


Agreed the sum total of mentions of these excellent schools is far less than the frequent mentions of some individual schools such as Alabama.


Not too often John Carroll or LeMoyne.

But I’m just saying there is a lot of Jesuit love on here. That’s all And Catholic. And the new religion I’ve learned of - Marianist.

Nothing wrong with folks mentioning Jesuits and they are mentioned - Scranton for nursing as an example.

And nothing wrong that anyone mentions any school.

It’s an open forum.

I was just noting they are spoken about regularly. Not all the names. But I don’t hear about Idaho State or Winthrop or Western Florida either when discussing publics.

Just noting that as a contingent, just like publics or high pedigree privates, there are many mentions of Jesuit schools.

We don’t really need to blow this up.


I’m not blowing it up. Just stating my opinion that lesser known Jesuits, which IME give a lot of merit to students who aren’t tippy top, are often overlooked not not often mentioned on CC. Obviously there are a whole lot of schools never mentioned on CC. I was only speaking about my personal experience with Jesuits.

I’m not sure what your issue is? Never said this wasn’t an open forum?

I was merely acknowledging the comment about the president of Loyola New Orleans’s actions and that I wish Jesuit schools got more mention on CC.


Funny you mention this. My daughter who is applying to medical school this summer tasked me today to give an opinion of a list of medical schools and mission statements that might align to her profile, and all the ones I think she should apply to are Jesuit. I had no idea Creighton was Catholic.


You all are forgetting Santa Clara University which I mention at times…because I’m the proud parent of an alum.

I do believe the Jesuits really know how to do higher education, and their mission of giving back to the community is woven into every class. We also loved the size of these schools.

The schools are very ecumenical and welcome folks of ALL faiths.


No issue. You made a comment I wish Jesuit schools were mentioned more.

I simply said they are mentioned all the time.

I didn’t blow anything up.

Let’s move on. It’s unnecessary.

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I do think that many of the Jesuit institutions are frequently mentioned here on CC, in part because they do hit many of the requests for mid-sized schools, particularly in urban locations. For instance, I’ve suggested many of the less common Jesuit schools for people to look into when they’re searching for matches, and I am not Catholic. But there are some that even I didn’t realize were Jesuits.

I do live near one of the Jesuit colleges, and that particular campus is very attuned to its social justice mission and is very accepting and supportive of marginalized communities, including LGBTQ ones. That is the picture in my mind of Jesuit schools, but in doing some research for some posters recently who were interested in more conservative colleges, I was surprised to see some Jesuit schools like Creighton and U. of Scranton make the list at Niche for among the most conservative colleges in the U.S. Obviously there’s more variation amongst the Jesuits than I think is typically depicted here on CC.

So, here’s my unofficial, informal sense of how frequently the various Jesuit schools are mentioned here on CC:

Most frequently mentioned

  • Boston College (MA)
  • Fordham (NY)
  • Georgetown (D.C.)
  • Loyola Chicago (IL)
  • Santa Clara (CA)
  • Seattle (WA)

Mentioned with some frequency

  • College of the Holy Cross (MA)
  • Fairfield (CT)
  • Gonzaga (WA)
  • Loyola Marymount (CA)
  • Loyola Maryland
  • Loyola New Orleans (LA)
  • Marquette (WI)
  • Xavier (OH)

Less frequently mentioned

  • Creighton (NE)
  • St. Joseph’s (PA )
  • St. Louis (MO)
  • U. of Scranton (PA )
  • U. of San Francisco (CA)

Least frequently mentioned

  • Canisius (NY)
  • John Carroll (OH)
  • Le Moyne (NY)
  • Regis (CO)
  • Rockhurst (MO)
  • St. Peter’s (NJ)
  • Spring Hill (AL)
  • U. of Detroit Mercy

ETA: I was looking up all the Jesuit schools to make sure I captured them all and missed the comments about blowing up the thread about Jesuits. Sorry!


Ha, I meant to include SCU when I mentioned Georgetown, Fordham and BC. D23 actually applied to SCU and my FIL is a grad. I got sidetracked as I was responding and forgot to add when I went back to finish my response.


Colgate is absolutely beautiful. Plus, unlimited custom smoothies!


@tsbna44 Marianist is not a religion, it’s a religious order of priests within the Catholic religion.


Ok. I know someone mentioned Dayton on a discussion and that came up. Admittedly I am confused by Jesuit vs catholic vs other permutations of Catholicism. I need to read up.