Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

I remember a law firm asking me my LSAT score during an interview while I was a law student. I replied, “What difference does it make? I’m number 5 in my class.” That firm was not one I considered when offered came in.


Bean boot come in several styles - the basic, low rise duck boots aren’t typically insulated. They are better for wet & muddy than cold. They sell an insulated version that is good for snow but they aren’t as warm as Sorel or other winter boots.


I’ll just pipe in - plenty of time to buy the winter gear and some kids really need to see what others are wearing once they get to campus.


Plenty of time. Even in Maine it doesn’t typically snow until sometime in mid-November.


This would be my daughter haha! Best to wait and see what works best and most importantly what is fashionable. (That said we saw longer black puffers everywhere on girls - along with leggings and uggs of course.) Even in Rhode Island when it was cold and overcast.

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Trying to decide between 2 schools. Need to ask both for additional aid based on changed circumstances.

First school took care of it within 48 hours.

Second school - I signed up for an appointment with a FA counselor on the very first day they offered appointments for RD admits. Found out what to send, submitted it the next day. Now it’s 2 weeks later and today they told me they likely won’t have time to evaluate our situation before the 5/1 decision deadline. How is this ok? Do they really expect people to commit before they know what they have to pay? And if I was at the front of the line two weeks ago - what about those behind me?

At what point do I send a nasty email? Today? Or wait a week?

And does the inefficiency of a financial aid office portend anything about the inefficiency of the rest of the administration?

I’m sorry this is happening!
I would be unfavorably disposed toward that school at this point.
Yes, you’ll be dealing with the FA office for all four years and if this is the pregame, I’m dubious about the main event.


I learned from experience, as it is funny what gets “left behind” in their home closet after freshman year :slight_smile: Also, with almost everything available for mail order - my #1 advice is take less and you can always add. The dorm room does not have to be perfect the 1st week and better to have less and add vs too much stuff and no where to store it. I was amazed at the size of the give-away piles on dorm move-in day with 99% of the items new and just not right/needed for the room.


November! Wow, after having lived in Alaska for more than a decade, I tend to forget how much shorter the winters are everywhere else.


I think it’s a great choice, and you can all feel wonderful about it! I’m wishing I could give our daughter the same option so she could join yours next year as she so wants to do so, but we can’t get past the $$. At one point I just really had to sit with my D being very, very clear that she does not want to go to Ohio or Oberlin regardless of how great the school is (and the same for Lewis & Clark). They may not be reasons that I agree with, but they are reasonable reasons and they are hers, so if she chooses to go a different direction entirely at a school that is within budget, it is what it is. They will get to wherever they are going and be happy! (Hopefully. ;))


Welp she’s going to an engineering school and has no fashion lol. So I am shopping sales for some basics!


I think there are cultural differences at both a firm level and a country level. It is entirely expected in the UK to put your degree class on your resume, even 30 years into your career, and some firms administer numeracy tests to all hires even at a senior level. My SIL was asked to take one (despite having a math degree from Cambridge) when she was applying for a job as CEO at a fairly large company.

If you don’t list your degree class then people will assume it was poor and some may hold it against you. It’s quite acceptable to remark “no wonder CEO/politician X is useless, he only got a 2:2 in geography from (a not prestigious) university.”


My daughter is going to a “party school” much to her chagrin :smile:


I think you should wait before you shop for basics. They get a lot of swag that will last the 4 years. They rarely wear anything they take from home. If these are boys, you can even expect them to look like hobos.

She’s lived her whole life in San Diego, so she doesn’t own a coat. Long, long before it actually snows she is going to be freezing to death in Boston! :cold_face:


Wow, I can’t believe that follows you your whole life. Yikes.

I always wondered why my English pals would include info about A levels and whatnot.

Unlike the admissions office, you will be dealing with the FA Aid Office for years to come. When UVA made what I thought was an obvious mistake, I started asking around about the FA office and heard many horror stories often involving reduced aid and always involving poor communications. Late decisions from FA even if they go in your favor can mean you have to front the money to pay a semester’s bill, not always possible.

Unless there are some very strong reasons, I would move on from this school.


You should let her come to Boston, and figure out what to buy, and buy it locally or order on Amazon.

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When people say the UK has high stakes exams, they really mean it. Many aspects of your life can be determined by a couple of days of exams.


I live 25 miles north of Boston and for the past few years it hasn’t cooled down until sometime in October. We were still getting temps in the 70s and 80s through September last year. I think Spring is actually worse in the Boston area (fall is really nice) - it stays cool/cold until May. Around here it seems like we go from 40 to 80 overnight . . .