Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

Yeah, after the admitted student visit at MHC, Sarah Lawrence was out. Not totally until MHC fixed their FA - still painful, 10-12k more per year. Both meeting ‘full need’, but defining it very differently.

Especially given Sarah Lawrence doesn’t technically do majors (everyone is just liberal arts, they get a detailed transcript showing what they focused on). Great for grad school in the humanities, but given she wants to do a physics PhD it might not be the best.

Should have looked closer at that before Sarah Lawrence made the initial list….

Ironically, after talking this evening, she may actually be leaning towards MHC. If she had been admitted either EA or RD to CWRU she wouldn’t have even bothered with the MHC admitted student days, and just committed to CWRU.

What a wild ride!


Where we live, a bike in a rack overnight would be stolen. :frowning: Three of ours have been, over the past several years. I would want indoor or locked parking. Daytime errands and short term, that’s different.


As long as she ends up in the right place…the process to get there doesn’t matter.

If MHC ends up the call, the this circuitous path will have been worth it.


At one point, I think it was going into high school, my S23, took a real interest into the DESIGN of bike racks. (I think it stemmed from the high school he was headed to had a limited number and you could literally lift them up and move them. He went around to all the high schools in town, counted how many each had, and noted the quality/security of them. He and my husband talked about getting grants for more, and better, bike racks at the “underserved” schools.) So as he toured colleges, it was something he noted, even though he doesn’t plan at this point to have a bike on campus.

@BeverlyWest that’s fantastic! My son and husband are doing a big bike trip from the southern tip of England to the northern tip of Scotland in May right after he graduates! And about 6 weeks after that they’ll do their annual week-long ride across Iowa (RAGBRAI). Doesn’t give him much time to come home and turn right around and head back to the midwest for Purdue!


What we did was sent a cheap bike with our first 2 kids. My neighbor and my husband refurbed ones we found out for the trash or at a yard sale. The kids took the quick release seat in their dorm with them and locked up the rest of the bike to the bike rack. It worked for us. People didn’t seem to want to steal a bike that looked older and used. :woman_shrugging:t2:


I’m rooting for your DD!


I’ll keep my fingers crossed for her to get off the WL at Case…because it’s probably better for physics.


We know a couple of students who loved their time at Mt Holyoke. It was one of the first colleges my daughter saw and she loved the campus and feel of the school, but ultimately decided it didn’t have what she wanted - but it continued to influence what she did want in a college in many ways. It’s a special place.


Mount Holyoke ranks first among all liberal arts colleges in producing women who went on to
receive U.S. doctorates in the life sciences (356) and in the physical sciences (109) from 1966 to
2004. This puts Mount Holyoke in the top 2% of all colleges and universities—even major
research universities with at least double the enrollment and faculty.
(Source: National Science Foundation Survey of Earned Doctorates)


I think MHC is the clear front runner.


A bit of a misleading statistic as women weren’t allowed at many colleges for a chunk of that period.

If she likes both equally, I’d really drill down into which is better for physics today. I suspect that’s Case given to stem reputation but maybe not.


Also, large schools likely have a few things:

A student run bike shop with cheap repairs - and often selling bikes that were left behind and refurbished.

Or bikes for sale from students who don’t want them.

So there will be options on or near campus too.

We did what @Skitcher did. It’s actually my grad school bike from 25 years ago - and my son loves it. Had the tires replaced (by the school, dirt cheap), an annual tune up - he even takes it mountain biking. Imagine, something I bought at Target forever ago.

Still not stolen.

He parks it at school and downstairs at his apartment complex where he has lived the last three years.


Deposit officially paid. Son seems to be moving from flat to more excited. I think more of his friends are making their final decisions as well. He wore a Cuse tshirt and sweatshirt to school today. D25 asked for a Cuse sweatshirt too.


“Oh, she’s headed to Syracuse? I’m surprised. I thought she’d be going to an Ivy”.

WHY?!? Why do people need to say these things?!?


Nice - I watch both Greens on Tik Tok but didn’t realize Hank went to Eckerd. :slight_smile: Congrats on the top 10!!


That’s great considering his major :smiley:


“Perhaps you aren’t familiar with forensic science? Really, none of the Ivies are strong enough in this field to bother with. We are thrilled that she will be attending one of the TOP schools in her field – Syracuse!”


Curious how much deposits are at different schools. I was shocked Hamilton’s was only $50. Is that unusual? I have not ever seen her portal so maybe we there is more to it.

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Alabama’s was $200 non-refundable. Baylor is $500 (I think they really don’t want people putting a deposit and then switching schools whereas Bama seems to know that is a thing due to their policies.) Possibly Hamilton, being an elite SLAC, knows that anyone putting down the enrollment deposit is probably really sure they are really going to attend. Also Hamilton may not have the kind of early housing deadlines and such that promote putting down deposits and then just losing them- so that means anyone putting down the deposit likely has intentions of coming.

I think Baylor (and other mid-tiers) may fear that if the deposit is too low, people will do the pay it and then change schools thing, and for their yield and scholarship planning, they don’t want that.

Just one idea.

Edit: To be fair to Baylor’s high deposit as well, there are NO preferences given for housing to anything received before May 1. You can’t even start the room-mate search until after May 1. So people can absolutely wait until May 1 to decide. The only thing is the summer orientation if you have a preference for a certain day since those open in early April. I wish they kept that until after May 1 also, but I suspect it is a travel planning issue.


Haha! He is always more of a quiet, reserved person and I think several of his friends choosing trades or workforce and being vocal about how much more money they are going to make had him more clammed up. My son has asked me to delay posting on my own personal social media and has asked me not to mention his scholarships (I’m friends with quite a few of his classmates parents).

My son has heard plenty of negative about being a vocal performance major. He had already wanted to add a minor. Cuse has a music industry minor which discusses business, marketing, along with a bit of legal aspects and law which is of great interest to him. He also wants to look into a finance minor.

He really wanted to get away to college so he can hopefully find himself. Although Cuse is cold and snowy like home, he felt that there were diverse students on campus. Im excited for him to figure things out.