Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

Correct. That is not what was intended by the comment. If fact, given the context of prevailing views and attitudes about small private colleges in the west, it would be the opposite of that about which you’re expressing concern. Many people would say, “why in the heck are you going there when you could go to Oregon State?”

Also, implied the scenario I describe is a student who has a choice to make between the two schools.


Which school did you all visit Friday? I know you all were looking at Brandeis and I know they had an event Friday but we attended their admitted student event Monday and found it very blah/underwhelming (the general tour my husband and D23 attended was better).

This all makes sense. We have a big family event this weekend and she figured out many months ago that the event falls just before the 5/1 deadline and that everyone there will be asking where she is going to college. Maybe she’s taking a few days to sit with it before then? Maybe I’ll tell her about your daughter who committed without any immediate announcement - this might be perfect.

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I hear you about getting cheated out of high school and how it affects things even now. My daughter was remote for part of her freshman year and her whole sophomore year. When she came back in person junior year and I started bugging her about college tours, she was absolutely refusing to even start the process. She felt like she had barely started high school - how could she think about college? These kids have been through a lot.


sometimes people “just” go to a large state school because it offers value and a great education at a significant savings. And… big time sports can be fun to cheer for. ◡̈

Certainly, coming out of “just” a state school and making 6 figures your first year out of college is a great thing to strive for.


Oh for Pete’s sake. It would not have taken much effort to read my response to the poster who initially focused on my stray use of the word ‘just’, and to consider the context in which it was made, which is the OPPOSITE of what you’re concerned about here.

And it’s unnecessarily defensive. :roll_eyes:


One interesting reaction to high school during the pandemic: Both my 23 and 25 hope to have no (or at least very, very few) asynchronous online classes during college. (I strongly suspect some students had the opposite reaction.)


Don’t worry . . . Most of us got what you meant, even in the initial post! :smiley:


I will ask this group here because you guys are very in tune with what is going one.

Would an in-state kid in AL be notified a couple of days of ago about receiving a full ride to Univ of Alabama? For clarification I asked if that included room & board and the answer was yes. Even the President Elite on their website only has R&B for one year.

Likewise. We have always been more than happy to have their friends along for dinner when we visit.


I would read the terms of the offer.

You could always call as well and ask as well and don’t let them hang up until all your questions are answered. .

Natl merit, for example, includes 4 years housing plus $3500 a year

You should be able to see the exact terms of what they offered you.

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Is this regarding something offered to your student or to some other person’s student? If the latter, take it with a grain of salt and don’t wast time trying to figure it out—it could easily be need-based $ vs confusion on the offer vs exaggeration.


oohhh. i like to think about these things sometimes and research; and as it is almost all over for us, probably wont ever think about this again. But I’m curious on this too. Here is one thing i know; in addition to the presidential award, my d23 was offered a “provost” academic scholarship; and S20 was offered an academic “tutweiler” scholarship in addition to a presidential. I’ve not seen those mentioned on their websites; so i’m guessing they do have some extra scholarships in their pockets. ??


There is the top Presidential Elite which is tuition, one year of free housing and $8500 that year and then $18500 for the other three years, which would more than cover room and board all four years. In addition $500 at the bookstore per year and $5000 one summer. You have to be UFE accepted to be eligible.

I would describe that as a full ride all four years including room and board if someone asked me rather than going through the cash amounts.

Now as to when it was awarded, I don’t know. Also, the first choice person might have turned it down recently, and a runner-up moved up, so he/she just found out.

When I was talking to someone on campus, she pointed out this is the scholarship that replaced the one I had, so that is why I know about it. S23 was never in the running for this!

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This wasn’t something my kid got. It was something I heard someone say that their kid just got.

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Another Tuesday, another email from Baylor!

In this one, it is just made clear (as it previously was not by the name) that the additional $5000 scholarship that came through last week was actually an Honors College Scholarship (the top amount). Those were always scheduled to come out in the middle of April, so we have solved the mystery of why we heard so close to the deadline. They give one round in March for those who indicated the Honors Program before March 1 and another round in April. It was clearly scheduled for that timeline on the website.

In any case, I stand by the idea that it was better to keep waiting like we did rather than rule out the school for cost since in April two additional scholarships have come through which make a significant difference in cost!


Well unless u ask them you’ll never know then.

Baba is super aggressive if you’re a top kid or URM.


Had you accepted prior there may be no honors scholarship.


I’ve said my kid got a “full ride” to Alabama when what he actually was awarded was 4 years out of state tuition, first year room and board, plus yearly stipend. It’s simpler than giving all the specifics.


We paid 500 at Loyola New Orleans, which included the deposit for housing and tuition.