Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

I’m glad your kid has found their new place! And I hope they don’t regret not doing the interview at Syracuse. My child, while not highly anxious in general, was highly anxious about interviews. He reluctantly signed up for interviews at 3 schools. Then he got major cold feet and canceled them despite me advising not to. He was worried he would bomb them and that it would be worse than just not doing them at all.

Didn’t seem to hold him back with admissions since he got big scholarships at 2 of those schools including Syracuse, though they’re not highly selective for his programs. In deliberating last night about committing to Syracuse (he did commit), we asked him if he knows what “soft skills” are. He said “I know I don’t have them. Those. I need them”. We said that, if he asks, they’ll teach him professional norms and etiquette and whatnot and he was so relieved :laughing:. I love the neurotic kids landing at schools that show them the love!


Congrats - I figured it would be U of SC or Wofford.

All three are solid and congrats on making a choice.

My daughter ruled out UGA Honors early - based on campus size and U of SC Honors made the final 2 before it was punted.

As long as your son has a great experience, then the choice is FANTASTIC.

That you save a few bucks is an added bonus!!!

Thank you for the gift link. Wow, what an article!

On campus jobs sometimes can be ones where you can get a little homework done. My D works an info desk. I know she doesn’t have customers every minute.


Popping in here really quick. When we visited Hope in January, they said that Catholic is the biggest denomination represented at the college. I was surprised by that since it’s founders were Reformed!


Hi all, my first post here, I’ve been lurking. Ha!
Work study, as I understand it, is a program that subsidizes jobs at non-profits (like universities) and government entities, so that the workplace can benefit from the slightly subsidized labor, and students can have more interesting or more convenient jobs. So a student could go off campus, into the community, and look for a job at a non-profit, which would end up being like a paid internship!

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Thank you! We are excited!

Reminds me of Muhlenberg, which is a Lutheran college but the biggest religious categories of students (pretty much tied, with about a third of the student body each) are Jewish and Catholic.

The downside of colleges relying on work study is that it can shut out campus employment opportunities for those not eligible for work study. And with many colleges in rural or suburban areas, that often is the same thing as either preventing those other students from working or restricting them to the least desirable jobs. My daughter went to an LAC and was ineligible for all jobs on campus except dining or calling to solicit money. She was well qualified for others and initially even offered several jobs (because at the time they didn’t clearly label which were work study), only to have them reverse it when they found out she wasn’t work study. This is true even at some tippy top, well endowed schools that could afford to not restrict their campus hiring. (In general, some of those tippy top schools are cheap when it comes to student employment.)


What would be an interesting stat is acceptance % at the T20 universities of private HS vs public HS


We’re Catholic too and Hope was a finalist for our not very religious at all daughter. We visited twice. Loved the atmosphere and they were by far my favorite college to deal with. There’s another poster whose son goes to Hope and I believe isn’t religious at all and has had a great experience.

I believe that Hope has changed significantly in the last 7 or 8 years since the new President has been around.


That’s a great point. Maybe he can work in the library! Lol. I know they only make minimum wage which is much lower where my daughter goes to school (New Orleans) and where my son will likely go (Cleveland) than where we live in New York State. My daughter chose to babysit ($16-$18 per hour & under the table) and then worked for Cutco (she was a top salesperson during Covid and made really good money!) rather than on-campus. My son likes the flexibility and convenience of an on-campus job but would probably do an off-campus job if it paid a lot more.

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Many of the T20 report the % enrolled from private/public, but that is skewed from the accepted numbers. I think MIT may have it in their data they post.

We are still undecided. Can anyone share a good college comparison spreadsheet if possible.

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We are in the same boat. Stressful! I just learned about this tool.

I also heard about ZeeMee, a social media app where prospective students can get a good handle on the culture of a college.

Hope these help your kid and mine!


Remind your kids to clear out their voicemails and be listening to them the next few weeks. My son got a call offering him a spot off a waitlist at 9:30pm EST last night with a time sensitive reply deadline!


Really appreciate it! It is causing too much stress in our household!

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That’s unbelievable!

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And I just made him empty his voicemail and add a professional sounding greeting a few weeks ago!


Good thinking! Will he change his mind on the school ?

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