Parents of the HS Class of 2024

Ah, I just see that bonnieyd is actually going to visit Rice next month.

Anyway, while you are in Texas, and if you have time, check out A&M, UT Austin, Trinity, SMU and TCU.

Also Dallas and surrounding areas have tons of good eats. Make this into a college /foodie road trip! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Hi there! Youā€™re rightā€¦A thread just started for the Class of '28 music majors.


S24 did an overnight camp at Olin when he was in elementary school. I can confirm the dorms each have their own bathrooms. I donā€™t recall if there were refrigerators and microwaves. They were really nice.

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Thank you so much and I will share the info with my son. It is good for him to see how he will deal with the heat and humidity.

Thank you so much for the info. I wonder if all the yummy food will make the weather bearable:)

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I agree with this. A pre-read with admissions was an either/or thing. Of course, within the cohort of kids getting a pre-read all is not equal. The coach will be more and less interested in different athletes, but the fact that the pre-read was offered was an indication of interest. I have never heard of any variations of how pre-read is discharged by admissions.

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For my son, five more days and then junior year will be over!


Last day of classes, finals next week, and then sheā€™s a rising senior! Where has the time gone? Hope all of our 24s have a great summer!


S24 finished his junior year today.


Three more weeks! Canā€™t wait!


Hope all the kids are hanging in there the last few days/weeks of Junior year.
Happy Summer to all the kids who are done.

4 more days to go for our S24. He is done with most of the final exams but has a couple next week. It has been stressful year for sure for us and cant wait for it be over and the GPAs to be final. He has few courses with 89 or 90 and the final grades will depend on how well he does in final and this is stressful. But we are ready to be over this and move to finalizing college list and doing some college visits.


I think everyone is ready for this year to be done. Im vicariously burned out from high school and Im not even taking any classes.


S24 taking the SAT again today (first was August). He has done basically nothing to prep this time so just seeing if a year of math, AP Lang and APUSH could give him a few more points. Best to all others doing the same!


It should help because heā€™s learned more and also because heā€™s now familiar with the test. Good luck!


That is the hope! We were happy with his first score and figured why not try again with the year of schoolwork. Worse case just submit his first one. He isnā€™t applying to any schools that require all results.

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My bet is that at the very minimum, one of the sections will go up. Even if the other goes down he ends up with a higher superscore.


I agree with everyone that Junior has been absolutely brutal. D24 has 3 more weeks to go and she is absolutely burned out. Just hoping she can power through and finish strong. She is taking SAT again this morning. Did not study at all since March test so seems sort of silly but she figured why not. Sheā€™s happy with her current score but sheā€™s my kid who always strives for the best score she can. We drove an hour and actually had a nice chat- sheā€™s not my warm and fuzzy kid so I really enjoyed that.

Good luck to all your kids taking the darn test today and also to all those who still have a few weeks of school left!


C24 has two more finals to take; Iā€™m hoping they can eke out a B in AP Calc. If not, thisā€™ll be the first class where C24 has sincerely tried their best and fallen short of their goal. I donā€™t love the GPA hit theyā€™ll be taking, but I am so proud of how hard theyā€™ve worked.


D24 will finish up junior year on Tuesday, she is done with her final exams and has 2 more papers and a project to submit/present on Monday. Proud mom moment today as I dropped her at the airport - for her 17th birthday (which was in May), we bought her plane and concert tickets to visit her older sister who is a college sophomore (2 hour flight away). Their favorite band is playing on campus and they are going to the concert together tomorrow, with D24 staying with D21 in her dorm for 2 nights.

She was up at 6:30 am today finishing her English and History final papers, bright eyed and bushy-tailed as they say. Later this morning navigated the airport on her own, advocating for her TSA precheck number to be added to her boarding pass and handling the whole interaction with the ticketing agent (well, I was there but made her do all the things and then we said our goodbyes at the security line). Sheā€™s determined to spend at least a few hours this afternoon at the university library studying with D21, whoā€™s also working on her own finals prep. Sheā€™ll fly home very early Monday morning to make it back in time for her final classes/presentation.

I realize this is all a lot for her to take on but she is so thrilled to have the independence and trust weā€™ve put in her, that we not only want her to take ownership of her academics (which she really has done and will end the year with great grades), but also be able to have the concert experience with her sister. Sheā€™s really risen to the responsibilities and I see so much growth in her in the past year.

I also realize itā€™s a huge letting go process for me, too, and Iā€™m amazed at my own calm and lack of anxiety around the whole thing. The next year will bring even more letting go, as sheā€™s my youngest and we are very close. But I see glimpses now of how ready to fly sheā€™s going to be.


In happy, end of Junior year news, we took both D24 and S24 out for our 8th annual ā€œStraight Asā€ celebration dinner last night, and that was fun and special.

In stressful news, S24 took the SAT today and is convinced he tanked. Had to pee so badly during the first section he couldnā€™t concentrate, didnā€™t finish another section because he got too worked up over the first section and now heā€™s really upset. Hopefully some lessons have been learned. I guess we will try again in August or try test optional. All this pressure seems so unhealthy. Doesnā€™t help that his twin already got the score she wanted. So many ups and downs.

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