Parents of the HS Class of 2024

My kid played a time consuming fall sport and didn’t have any drafts completed prior to school starting so it was tight getting things done on time. Had to prioritize EA over RD because most of the merit potential was with EA schools on the list plus our state flagship is very clear about advantages of applying by Nov 1 (huge difference in acceptance rate).

In contrast your son seems like he is working ahead of schedule. One way to look at it is that he should be a pro by the time he gets to the ED and EA essays if he is writing the RD first. This assumes he is far enough ahead of the game that he won’t be rushed for the essays he writes later that actually have the earlier deadlines.


I’m going to post one of the odder inquiries on this forum. Do college admissions see a student’s student-body photo? If so, do they care if it’s silly?

My D24 is a high-achieving student (likely valedictorian) with a slightly subversive sense of humor. She wants to take her student-body photo dressed as and face painted as Ronald McDonald (a past Halloween costume) as a joke. This is just the photo that goes on one’s student body ID; it isn’t the glamour shot that will go in the yearbook. But there is a rumor that the photos will be seen by college admissions, whereas I have always assumed that photos are a relic of college admissions past.

Personally, I think it’s a hilarious idea, and I’m proud of her gusto. But I also don’t want her to hurt her college chances. She’ll be applying mostly to top LACs this fall, if that matters.

I have never heard of student ID photo (or even yearbook) coming into play - it is a “tradition” at my kid’s independent school to do a silly id photo and these kids get accepted in all types of colleges. Sounds like kid gossip to me. I would think the only reason it could matter is if the photo causes disciplinary action and that ends up on the transcript - but seems like a stretch.


When my son sends something with his school email, his school photo is connected. Double check whether hers does that. Otherwise, probably not an issue.


Colleges asking for photos is rare, though I think there may be a few. In any case, they’d ask the student to upload a photo. They would not have access to photos from the high school in any scenario I can think of.

This topic was touched upon in a recent “Your College Bound Kid” podcast. If the photo is of your kid dressed up as Ronald McDonald, I don’t think it would be wise to submit that with one’s college apps.

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Student ID photos are on transcripts sent by our school, just a small thumbnail size. She can ask the counselor. Our school wouldn’t allow costume makeup on the school ID photo anyways.

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Our school transcript has a picture of the Photo that is on the student body id. So if your school has the same way it might not e a good way. We have been told that some colleges go over your social media pics also and if there is anything that can cause question to clean it up.

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First day of School for S24. Can’t believe he’s a senior. Time really does fly.


Thanks, all. I’ll check with the school. I’m partly of a mind to tell her to do whatever she wants. If a stuffy college rejects her application because of a silly student-body photo, it probably isn’t a good fit anyway.


First day of school for D24 today. She has grown up so much after her month away working at camp. Extremely independent, less unprompted sharing, a new relationship/romantic interest who lives in a city 10 miles away, and now she’s added a college in Ireland to her list of 10 schools to apply to. I couldn’t have imagined this a year ago, but now it doesn’t seem like as much of a stretch. Makes me a little sad, to be honest, but I suppose this will be a year of letting go. Sigh.


D24 submitted her application to Univ of Arizona today! Yahoo! :partying_face:


We are away for the last week and will come home two days before school starts. Having a wonderful time and S definitely grew up a lot this summer at camp but he still hasn’t done any of his application stuff or finished his summer homework, ha! Gonna be a busy pane ride home!


Our oldest did all 4 years at the U of Edinburgh in Scotland, and it was the best thing for his independent soul. Unless they’re across town, they might as well be anywhere. It’s a plane ride away no matter what. Kudos to her for her sense of adventure!


Edinburgh and some other international programs are on S24’s list. I’m glad to read your comment here that it was a great experience for your son. We’re nervous about the potential of him being overseas (he has a lot of domestic programs on his list as well), but we are supportive!


Oh, I love hearing this, thanks for sharing your son’s experience. We went on a mom/daughter trip to France this summer and I think it opened her eyes to studying overseas for 4 years rather than just one semester or year - we met several young people who were doing just that (Irish or British living and studying in France). Her original college search was limited to colleges west of the Mississippi (we live in the PNW). Her working list seems to keep expanding further and further east :joy:


My S24 is applying to St Andrews. Kids from our HS fairly regularly go to UK/Irish universities (not a ton, but most years there is at least one). The feedback has been mostly positive, but obviously it is a pretty self-selected group.


I guess you will know the process is over when you get back around to Hawaii.

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last year my D24 had a similar situation…and 80 minute block of physics followed by 80 minutes of AP chem. Same teacher, same classroom. She was really worried about spending half her school day in the same seat. In the end, she loved both classes, loved the teacher, so all was good.


Still sitting here with the reachy list, 6 reaches, 1 target, 1 safety. Sigh. I was just reading through some of last year’s threads for these reach schools and the uncertainty is daunting. So many high stats kids rejected. We are in for a bumpy ride. I mean, if he is going to end up at the safety anyway, he could skip all this drama and coast.

Once that first app is submitted, adding more schools will feel less burdensome, so we’ll talk more about it then. Trying hard not to in the meantime (this is very very hard for me lol).

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