Parents of the HS Class of 2024

Our school it is 6 or 7 classes per year (not including lunch). Typically kids take the 4 core classes and 2 electives. We do not have an option to take more than 7 and even 7 is not possible for all kids. So many kids end up taking the 7th course outside the school and this is what we did in the 10th and 11th grade.

Block here too. 4 classes each semester. You can opt for a 7am to have 5 classes for one semester but it’s very very rare.

“Weeding out” happens for a couple of classes at our school but they don’t make it unnecessarily hard. They do expect you to have done your summer work and covered the couple off chapters assigned. You need to get a B in that early test to stay in the class.

It is actually in the students benefit because they get to switch to a different, more appropriate, without missing much of it.

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D24’s HS requires 7 classes per school year, but 5 in senior year.

Here it’s 7 classes but Seniors can take 6. Both my girls chose that option. Looks like next year they may be going down to 6 classes for everyone due to budget constraints.

My D24 was offered a spot at an elite boarding school and we were told they can’t get anyone in a school. They can help curate a strong app and they can help with fit, but the school is going to accept the ones they want. How do they get so many students into top privates? They get a pre read and an interview before deciding to apply ED. “We don’t waste ED on a maybe”


Makes sense.

I never heard of that! Talk about advantage.


Colleges were supposed to have ended the practice of pre reads long ago. ED actually emerged out of the ending of it as a formal practice. It there’s a lot of off books information relationships at work here between some elite BS’s and some AO’s.

We can’t interrupt the prep school to boardroom pipeline, now can we.

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@helpingthekid73: AP PhysC is a calculus-based university course in mechanics. That means calculus is a pre-requisite for the course. Why does the school allow them to take concurrently?


This is pretty standard at most high schools (or at least that was my understanding). Taking calculus at the same time as physics c is a typical progression. Our school doesn’t offer ap physics 1 and 2


That was standard at my D’s HS too. The AP calc teacher actually structured the course so that the concepts needed for physics C were taught first. It worked fine.


He is going to talk to the calculus teacher today and ask. I think the issue is the new physics teacher not the curriculum


We have 7 classes at our school. No off periods unless you are taking an online class, but even then you go to the media center or computer lab. You can also take a band class before school starts for an 8th class.

There was a senior class meeting yesterday. I had hoped they would be told what to do for the counselor section since they still have no counselor, but they did not. I had D24 send an email and ask. So many changes this year and not enough information is being passed on.

Our goal is to have all the apps submitted in early October. The basics of the Common App are done. I think she has a good set of activities written out and ready to go in. And she has a couple essay drafts going. We have her list down to 8 schools. Very manageable!

I’ve been trying to figure out which we should work to visit this fall and which can wait until spring for admitted student days. She doesn’t like to miss school, so that makes it tough.

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At our school you can take it concurrently but it’s definitely harder. Regardless, what you need is Calc A, so the stuff you learn in the earlier part of the year.

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Our HS allows Physics C and either Calc AB or BC (taken by someone who skipped straight to BC from precalc) concurrently. The Physics teacher spends a week or so giving students some of the core calc they need for the class. My son said it was no problem at all. Got A"s and 5’s in the class so seemed to be.


Great end to the first week of school for D24 - started the morning with a Senior tailgate before school, then found out she is in Cum Laude Society
( they were told to call us after they found out - was a fun phone call to receive)! So proud of her, and can’t wait to see where she ends up next year!


This is what had always happened in the past with the previous teacher. I am hopeful it will work out. He is in BC so things should move quickly (our schools also does BC from honors precalc)

They allow AP Calc and AP Physics C at the same time in our school also. I have seen the same in many schools in our area so I think this is pretty common. They do have a note that you have to have to finish AP calc or should be taking it the same year.

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